"I have heard of the great achievements of this traveler. I plan to move to the Asase Shrine on Qinglai Island in the next two days to avoid the limelight and not get involved in matters concerning the general."

General Raiden looked at the most majestic and towering castle tower in Inazuma Castle, and said something ambiguous. When Kamisato

Ayato heard what General Raiden said, he was a little confused, but when he remembered that the major events of the traveler Ying that he had investigated were all related to the gods, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, because he remembered that General Raiden had suddenly become cold and ruthless in the past two years, like a machine.

Because he suddenly thought of the arrival of the traveler, if he wanted to lift the isolation order and the eye hunting order, he would have to let General Raiden give up the idea of eternity that he was pursuing with all his strength, which would inevitably cause huge changes in the power structure of Inazuma.

"Sorry, Miss Mei! I suddenly remembered that there are still some details of the celebration that have not been handled in the magistrate's office, and I need to go back to deal with them."

Kamisato Ayato said in an earnest tone. General Raiden did not mean to embarrass him. After all, the current General Raiden is not the one who is in charge of Inazuma, but the General of Dolls and the Thunder Movie. The previous coping routine will have to change.

Seeing that General Raiden did not keep him, Kamisato Ayato hurriedly left and ran towards Kamisato's house at the foot of the Shadow Mountain. He wanted to discuss with his parents again the plan to relax the isolation order and the eye hunting order with the help of travelers. It is said that cutting off someone's money is like killing their parents, not to mention that there is a more tempting power involved.

"Meow meow meow~ Miss Mei Beichen, this is your package, please sign for it!" A slightly floating monster in a cat box state was falling from the stone steps to the side of General Raiden, and then light smoke floated up, and a courier girl with cool clothes, sweet looks, and two tails on her back appeared in the same place. When

General Raiden saw the top deliveryman of Komagaraya, he asked,"Is this the package sent by Oda Kaiko?"

Kirara nodded, handed the package to General Raiden, and took out a piece of paper and a pen and handed them in front of him.

"If the goods are inspected and accepted without error, please sign here."

General Raiden took the package with a smile, signed the name"Mei Beichen" on the receipt, and then rubbed Qi Liangliang's head.

Qi Liangliang endured General Raiden's head pat, put the paper and pen away, puffed her lips, put her hands on her hips, the short skirt on her long legs, and her cute ears trembled slightly because of anger.

General Raiden naturally knew how to make this little guy feel better, and took out a few bags of candy from his pocket and handed them to her.

Qi Liangliang immediately forgot her previous displeasure, and was shocked by the joy of receiving the gift. She took the candy back into the space of the Eye of God and said cheerfully:"Goodbye, Sister Mei, Komagariya still has a large number of packages to be sent to the front line of Nagasaki Island, so I won't bother you." After

Qi Liangliang finished speaking, his body changed, and a floating cardboard cat appeared in the original place, running towards the location of Komagariya at an anxious speed.

"She is really a monster who can't sit still. I wonder when I will see her next time?"

General Lei Dian opened the package, and an ordinary void terminal lay there quietly, as if it was just an ornament worn on the ear. In fact, the signal was cut off due to the distance problem and the connection with the void. General

Lei Dian took out the void terminal, and countless data flashed in his eyes. The void terminal also suddenly changed from emitting green light to purple and gold, and then turned into light spots bit by bit.

At this moment, General Lei Dian transformed into the highest computer group of Inazuma. Countless information was transmitted from the earth veins and the Thunder Sakura tree. All the places covered by the Inazuma earth veins became her eyes and ears.

But General Lei Dian suddenly discovered that the fate track above the sky had changed slightly again, and the source was exactly the fate seat of Lei Yingying.

In the mind of General Lei Dian, the environment inside the castle tower was emerging exactly. In front of her, the puppet general, or Lei Dianying, was opening a pack of dessert printed with a certain brand and tasting it, his eyes staring blankly at the void in front of him.

It was obvious that his attention was attracted by an invisible object, but the packaging bag in her hand that obviously did not belong to this era told General Lei Dian that it was obvious that something special had affected Lei Dianying.

At this moment, from Lei Dianying's perspective, there was a high-tech chat screen in front of him, and people were chatting constantly.

Group leader Su Siyu: Lei Dianying, you have finished reading the first three chapters of the main line of the Demon God in the Inazuma chapter of"Genshin Impact", right? This is the content about Inazuma in our game.

Monster Spider-Girl: I always feel that this game seems very fun, but your specially edited plot is too short, it's not enough to watch!

Group leader Su Siyu: Spider, you are living a precarious life, yet you still have the mind to complain about the content I input from my memory. This stuff requires points. The

Wise Water Goddess: This chat group is simple. This goddess could easily come up with a dozen of these people in the beginning. Now everyone can choose to join the Axis Cult, and you can receive the blessing of this goddess.

System notification: The Wise Water Goddess was punished by being silenced for ten minutes by the group owner.

Group owner Su Siyu: Ha, everyone, don’t join this cult founded by Aqua. You only need to know that this water goddess in another world, although her ability values are extremely high, her luck and intelligence are lower than that of normal people, so everyone must not be affected by her.

Lei Yingying looked at the"dimensional chat group" with only four people in the group. The three people's jokes reminded her of the dinner she had with her sister and friends five hundred years ago, but she would never be affected by the so-called plot of"Genshin Impact". A person with a firm mind like Lei Dianying would not be"bewitched" by this prophetic picture unless he hits a wall. After all, her sister said before she died that this was the choice of fate. When

Lei Dianying thought of this, she opened the chat input box in her mind and typed her thoughts on it.

Naruto Baalzebub: This prophecy in"Genshin Impact" looks very interesting, but this kind of prophecy caused my sister to go to Kanria without telling me to join the war of annihilation led by Tianli, and finally died on that land.

Monster Spider: Uh, do you have a prophet on the continent of Teyvat who can predict future events?

Mingshen Baalzebub: Of course. Those astrologers and witches like these weird things. My sister is good at magic and can naturally predict some things that will happen in the future. It was only after my sister died that I learned from her relics that the future she predicted was that either she would die or I would die.

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