The Dimension Chat Group was silent for more than ten seconds before a message was sent out again.

Group leader Su Siyu: According to the analysis of some archaeologists in"Genshin Impact", your sister seems to have known some unknown secrets, and one of you and her must sacrifice her life, but the screenwriter of Mihoyo is unwilling to release the script, so it is hard to figure out what the secret is.

Monster Spider: Riddler, get out of the chat room!


Lei Yingying looked at the message sent by the mysterious group leader with some doubts, but he couldn't think of what secrets his sister would hide from him. After all, the two have lived together for a thousand years, and they can feel what is hidden from each other.

Mingshen Baelzebub: Whether my sister has hidden some unknown secrets from me, I will investigate next, but I also want to tell the group leader one thing. Under the leadership of General Lei Dian, Inazuma is obviously a peaceful country with officials and samurai abiding by the law. It is absolutely impossible to be as corrupt as predicted.

Group leader Su Siyu: This should be a means for those officials to deceive their superiors and hide the truth from their subordinates. Just now, you also saw that what Spider-son experienced some time ago is almost the same as the image I sent, but there are some differences in the details. Even the reason why the goddess Aqua was forced to enter the other world for adventure is also recognized.

Lei Yingying fell silent again. There are many things revealed in the plot of"Genshin Impact". Although a lot of them have been deleted due to time, the secrets in it also made her suspicious.

Naruto Baalzebub: In that case, I will call the three magistrates to ask questions, and let everyone help check it out. Monster

Spider: I always feel that this is like a teacher asking students to gather to ask questions, which is completely different from the idea of a leader of a country.

Group leader Su Siyu: Although I know that Ying's political mind is weak, how could those two magistrates who are like old foxes leave evidence that you can easily find flaws? They must be extremely hidden so that you can't take advantage of the topic.

Lei Dianying thought about it, and although he was not good at governing state affairs, the Thunder General he designed was a puppet who handled state affairs for five hundred years. He did not cause any turmoil in the country, so how could he be easily deceived.

Thinking of this, Lei Dianying felt the nonsense of the plot of"Genshin Impact". Not to mention anything else, the heads of the Society Magistrates and the Heavenly Magistrates actually cooperated with the Fatui because they were"invincible in the world", which was completely inconsistent with her cognition.

Otherwise, let these group members help look at the official documents!

When Lei Yingying thought of this, his heart was moved, and he opened his mouth and shouted:"Where are the Ojie people!"

The wooden door of the castle tower was immediately opened, and two warriors wearing Ojie people's armor immediately came to the door respectfully and responded:"The Ojie people are waiting for your orders, please give your orders, General!"

"Go to the document library and get the relevant documents of the Three Magistrates in the past two years regarding the National Seclusion Order and the Eye Hunting Order. I want to check and fill in the gaps."

""Yes, General!"

One of the leaders of the Aojie tribe immediately walked out of the room with extremely light footsteps, while the other stood there quietly, waiting for new instructions.

Ten minutes later, the leader of the Aojie tribe led a dozen of his men to the door and personally handed the documents to the chopping board not far from Lei Yingying.

"General, these documents are all the official documents in the document library regarding the National Closure Order and the Eye Hunting Order. Please review them."

"Well, you can leave now. If there is anything, you will be summoned in."

As soon as Lei Dianying finished speaking, Aojiezhong left the room and closed the door.

A document titled"Ten Years of Exchange and Trade Analysis of Inazuma Materials" came into Lei Dianying's eyes. She picked it up and saw the document"Investigation on the Contribution of Civilian God's Eye Powerful People to Inazuma". She knew all these words, but seeing the dense data analysis in it made her scalp numb.

Lei Dianying roughly scanned each document and entered the content into the chat file using the chat group function, so that the group members in it could feel their own pain.

After more than ten minutes, the chat group finally responded. Lei Dianying no longer had to feel the mental exhaustion brought to her by the large plate of documents. She read the group leader's analysis very seriously until the final conclusion.

Group leader Su Siyu: It's unscientific! The documents here are obviously well thought out and have a lot of investigations from the perspectives of economy, force, planning, construction and absorption of God's Eye holders. The national lockdown order and the eye hunting order are from... It is obviously a good thing that benefits the country and the people.

The wise goddess of water: I have experience in this matter. It is obvious that an excellent god like me has made foolproof preparations, but I always encounter strange high school students' ghosts. They trick me into being a high priest in another world, not a god.

Group leader Su Siyu: It is really unbelievable that this mentally retarded goddess said such reasonable words, but there is no lack of such possibility. Even government officials here will be pushed by their subordinates to do something and make trouble.

The wise goddess of water: You are really a mortal who has no reverence for gods. How can you see through the wisdom of this god? If I hadn't fallen into the trick of Guichu and Zhen, this god would not have ended up so embarrassed!

Group leader Su Siyu: Yes, Aqua is really a wise goddess! But what the hell is the joint sweep of the army and the shrine maidens on Nagasaki Island mentioned in the document? Is there such a place for Inazuma?

"Nagasaki Island? Wasn't it sealed into the seabed with the demon god hundreds of years ago?"

Lei Dianying remembered the origin of Nagasaki Island. It was the place where a demon god died during the Demon God War, polluting the entire large island. It was sealed into the seabed by many living demon gods, waiting to be solved after one of the Seven Rulers of the Earthly World was elected.

Lei Dianying also asked the Puppet General about Nagasaki Island. The Puppet General also told him the modified memory in his mind, which made Lei Dianying embarrassed, because the Puppet General had reported this matter to her but she had forgotten it.

Lei Dianying had to think about it in her heart and put it in her mind. The news I knew was summarized in a Spring and Autumn style, which made me more convinced. I didn't look like the otaku girl that the group leader teased.

A beautiful college girl in another world looked at the message sent by Lei Film in the chat group and thought about it. If Inazuma only had those few islands, they should have sunk during the Demon God War. They would not exist peacefully like in the game.

Su Siyu also made up her mind and regarded this as a hidden map that Mihuyou did not open to players. So she had a sudden inspiration and made up a message and sent it in.

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