"Xiang Ling, you are chatting with friends. No wonder you haven't come home yet!"

Xiang Ling heard the familiar and kind voice and looked up to find that her father had actually come to this branch of Wanmin Hall. She looked at the sky outside the window and it was obviously getting late.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask someone to tell you!"

Master Mao didn't take it too seriously. After all, Xiangling had her own ideas since she was young. She would only come to him and talk to him when she was going on a long journey.

"Master Mao, Wanmintang's business is getting more and more popular, and branches have opened here!"

Master Mao also laughed when he heard this. He has known General Lei Dian for more than ten years. He has developed a small store into the most people-friendly brand in Liyue, and has even developed several branches. This is what he is most proud of.

"That requires you, the great adventurer, to help promote it. It would be even better if you could help Xiangling when you are free."

"Of course, everyone knows that the food at Wanmin Hall is filling, delicious, and most importantly, cheap."

Kikyo also stood up on the other side and looked out the window of Wanmin Hall. She could see the ships moored at Liyue Harbor, the cold moonlight reflected off the sea, and the lights of thousands of houses. She could hear the endless conversations and footsteps from the outside world.

"Mei, it's getting late now. If we don't find a place to rest, there might be trouble."

General Lei Dian seemed to have realized this belatedly, and said apologetically:"It was so pleasant to chat with you all that I forgot to find a place to stay. If we have time, let's chat tomorrow!"

General Lei Dian said, and then said goodbye to everyone. He paid for this meal with Master Mao's 20% discount.

After leaving Wanmin Hall, General Lei Dian did not go directly to find an inn. Instead, he held the sleeping child in his arms and used his spiritual power to nourish its body. The sleeping child only felt a surge of energy in his body, and a hearty and comfortable feeling made it fall asleep unconsciously.

Kikyo followed the steps of General Lei Dian, stopped at the stalls with a variety of goods, picked up objects one by one to look at them, and bought the Mora that the Fatui had cried and shouted for her"executive" if she felt that the items were good.

Perhaps because of the female nature, Kikyo bought the exquisite objects one by one and put them into her storage ring under the smiling face of General Lei Dian.

"There are already several people around us who have been following us all the way. I can feel the smell of the Fatui from them."

Kikyo said softly beside General Lei Dian as she bought a craft called a hollow stone ball. She knew very well that the Fatui would pay attention to her when she and her friend came to Liyue on a boat with the Fatui logo, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

"It doesn't matter. The people from the Seven Stars and Eight Gates and the Liyue Adventurer's Association will help me deal with the harassment from the Fatui. I, Beichen Meiyi, have been traveling in the continent of Teyvat for so long, so I am not without any power."

After hearing General Lei Dian's answer, Kikyo nodded, knowing that the other party had already prepared countless plans, but when she thought of the extremely powerful Zhongli, she was thoughtful.

Kikyo accidentally saw a half-human, half-dragon clay doll, and suddenly remembered the discussion at the dinner table about the return of the soul of Emperor Yan Wang to heaven, and guessed Zhongli's identity clearly. Inazuma

's"Thunder God" entered Liyue in the"Godless" era. How could that existence not come to investigate the other party's purpose.

General Lei Dian naturally saw Kikyo's eyes lingering on the clay sculpture, and knew that the other party had guessed Zhongli's true identity, but he didn't say anything, looking at the exquisitely laid out pavilion not far away.

When Kikyo came to her senses, she found that General Lei Dian was looking at the ancient buildings in the distance with a scrutinizing look, which were lined up in a row and magnificent, including several inns, but what attracted her attention was the plaque of"Northern Bank" hanging on the top of a house farther away. The

Northern Bank seems to be an industry of the Fatui, right?


The night passed in a flash.

General Raiden and Kikyo walked out of the same room and heard a series of quarrels coming from downstairs. Looking down, they saw a group of Fatui arguing with the innkeeper.

"They come with bad intentions. How dare the Fatui cause trouble in a place that obviously has a backer?"

"Liyue is a trading city, a place where Mora and contracts are supreme"

"Ladies, please wait here for a moment. Those fools from the Northland Bank are causing trouble for our guests again. I need to go upstairs to deal with them. Please wait a moment before going downstairs!"

"As for your breakfast, you can buy it from our inn. The taste will definitely satisfy you."

""Meow, there are three of you!"

The clerk suddenly heard Qinzi speak, and awe flashed in his eyes. His attitude became more respectful, and his eyes were full of desire for Qinzi.

General Lei Dian seemed to see that the waiter regarded Qinzi as a legendary immortal or a descendant of an immortal, but he took the menu without refutation. After choosing breakfast with everyone, he sat at the dining table upstairs and watched the farce downstairs.

The situation lasted for more than an hour. The Fatui people naturally could not use very violent means to force the shopkeeper to hand over the people, because this inn was the property of Ningguang of Tianquan Star, and they could only coerce and bribe the shopkeeper.

"You are a bunch of trash, you have really brought shame to the Kingdom of Zhidong!"

"Lord Tartaglia, we are too incompetent!"

The members of the Fatui quickly retreated and apologized to Tartaglia. They were just bank staff who were responsible for clerical work, so they naturally did not dare to offend the executive"Young Master" and Tianquan Xing Ningguang.

"These subordinates are really getting more and more useless!"

Tartaglia murmured softly in his heart. He just wanted his subordinates to coax Beichen Meiyi down and let him deal with it. He didn't expect these people to do things so badly.

Looking up, Tartaglia naturally locked his target on General Raiden and Kikyo who could bring him a sense of crisis. As for the black cat next to him, it was ruthlessly ignored.

The shopkeeper was about to step forward to argue, but suddenly saw a girl with glasses in cheongsam outside who gave him a look, and immediately knew how to speak.

"Are you, the Fatui, trying to cause trouble in Lady Ningguang's shop? Isn't it enough that you have been investigated by the General Affairs Department?"

Dartalia understood that the shopkeeper was clearly trying to provoke him to take action. When the Qianyan Army came, he would be in jail for a few more days.

"I'm here to find some friends. I can't say that I represent the Fatui alone!"

The shopkeeper retreated as if he had nothing to say. When Tartaglia saw the shopkeeper's retreat, he felt as if he had won a battle and hurried to the second floor.

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