As Tartaglia moved, most of the inn's eyes were attracted by her.

General Raiden smiled at Tartaglia, who was sold out without realizing it. This morning's farce looked like a dispute between the innkeeper and the Fatui, but in fact it was deliberately done by Ningguang of Tianquan Star.

"Isn't this Miss Mei Beichen, the most famous adventurer of Inazuma? I heard that you came to Liyue Harbor yesterday evening on a boat with the mark of our Fatui. What's going on?"

Tartaglia's eyes were cold, as if he wanted to find some flaws in General Raiden, because he got a message yesterday that the transport ship responsible for Zhidong Kingdom and Inazuma disappeared near Qinglai Island.

And just last night, he got the news that Mei Beichen came to Liyue while fighting powerful monsters in the wild. Naturally, he wanted to find trouble with her and have a fight with her. As for whether there was really any relationship, it didn't matter at all.

Seeing the warm look in Tartaglia's eyes, Kikyo felt uncomfortable in her heart and warned:"This kind of behavior seems to be called indecent harassment in the laws of Liyue." Tartaglia heard the warning from the red and white priestess next to her, and suddenly realized that her behavior just now was a bit too"intimate". She quickly took a step back and asked cheerfully:"Sorry, I am just like this. I don't know who you are."

When Qinzi heard Tartaglia's question, he also remembered that the guests around him were afraid of him speaking, so he spoke first:"This is Kikyo, the priestess who worships this immortal."

Tartaglia heard the news that Qinzi revealed from the cat's mouth, and he became more alert. After all, he had seen the immortals of Liyue, and he was still very wary of this kind of animal that speaks human language and is extremely intelligent.

Seeing Dartaglia's defensive action, Kikyo gave Qinzi face and said:"This is Qinzi, the great god Asase, who has been in charge of the affairs of Qinglai Island. Come to Liyue to experience the exotic scenery."

Tartaglia also felt Kikyo's growing sense of crisis towards him. Looking at Qinzi, who seemed to pose no threat at all on the table, he felt a chill on his back, but the fighting spirit in his eyes became more obvious.

How could General Raiden not know Tartaglia's thoughts? This is Liyue. Even if Qinzi is really powerful, he is also the"Prince", the executive officer of the Fatui of the Kingdom of Winter. The Seven Stars of Liyue will not let the"immortal" kill him.

"The young master is really enthusiastic. This reminds me of when I was adventuring in the Kingdom of Winter, I met a little sister named Dongnia and two little brothers named Anton and Tok."

"They are so cute that I can't help but ask people to visit them every month!"

Tadalia's face turned cold, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to his enthusiastic look, and the fighting spirit in his eyes disappeared without a trace, because General Raiden was obviously threatening him with his family just now, and he didn't dare to joke with the safety of his family's lives.

"Oh, that's such a coincidence, they are my brothers and sisters, it seems that our relationship should be closer"

"Then we boarded the ship marked with the Winter Kingdom~"

"Oh, as a friend, of course I asked my men to prepare it for you. I just want to show my hospitality in Liyue!"

Tartaglia said insincerely. He could only speak against his conscience now. Without knowing the truth, it would be better to just admit it.

The crowd downstairs seemed to be making more lively noises. A girl with glasses and dressed in cheongsam came up to the second floor with several Qianyan soldiers.

After waiting for a long time, General Lei Dian saw a lady with glasses wearing a red cheongsam and a mandarin jacket coming to his side. He smiled slightly, and the Qianyan soldiers next to him also looked at Tartaglia intentionally or unintentionally.

"My name is Bai Wen, and I am the secretary of Tian Quan Xing Ning Guang in Qun Yu Pavilion. I was supposed to host a banquet for Miss Bei Chen Mei Yi and her group yesterday, but unfortunately, it is an important time to rebuild Qun Yu Pavilion, so I couldn't spare the time to come."

"But now, Lady Keqing of Yuheng Star has something she wants to discuss with Miss Beichen Meiyi, and has set up a banquet at Xinyue Pavilion tonight, waiting for your presence."

After Baiwen finished speaking, he took out an invitation and handed it to General Lei Dian, without paying any attention to Dartalia's appearance.

General Lei Dian also stood up, took the invitation, handed it to Kikyo, and said,"I will definitely attend the banquet of Tianheng Star Keqing tonight. I would like to ask Secretary Baiwen to respond on my behalf."

Baiwen nodded with a slight smile, and looked at Kikyo who was holding the invitation. It was obvious that the other party was General Lei Dian's confidant, so he said,"Then I will go back and report to Lady Keqing first. If there is anything that needs to be resolved, the Qianyan Army will help you solve your troubles."

Dartalia's face did not look good. Looking at Baiwen's leaving back, she also understood that this was a warning to herself that the Qianyan Army would side with General Lei Dian and would not help the Fatui.

"Mr. Tartaglia, do you want to accompany us to the Adventurer's Guild? We are going to pay the bill and leave."

Tartaglia also heard that General Lei Dian wanted to send him away, and suddenly saw Manager Andre waiting downstairs, and said,"I originally wanted to treat Miss Beichen tonight, but let me show my appreciation!"

"Andre, Miss Mei Beichen's bill today will be paid by our North Country Bank!"

Andre, who was waiting for orders downstairs, looked bitter when he heard Tartaglia's order, but still said loudly under the power of the executive officer:"Yes, Lord Tartaglia!"

General Raiden then withdrew his gaze from Tartaglia and walked downstairs with Kikyo. When he passed by the Fatui, they were also like eggplants hit by frost, listless

"Manager Andre of the Northland Bank, please remember that you are the ones who will pay for my bill today!"

When Andre heard General Lei Dian's words that seemed like a spell, he remembered Mr. Zhongli who sent the bills to the Northland Bank from time to time, the roar of the executive"Rich Man" in the letter about his huge Mora expenses, and the executive"Young Master" who never learned his lesson. It

's really too hard for me!

Kikyo saw Andre nodding and bowing like a dog with a broken spine, and suddenly remembered that in the original world, those nobles on the land cleansed by General Lei Dian's clone wanted to kowtow and pledge allegiance.

General Lei Dian's view was completely different. The Northland Bank was able to expand recklessly in the six countries because it was backed by the powerful force of the Kingdom of Winter. Now it was bowing down because of the exchange of interests between Zhongli and the Queen of the Kingdom of Winter, which prevented the executive from going to Liyue recklessly.

"Let's go! The Adventurer's Association probably has a lot of income to be received!"

After hearing this, Kikyo followed General Lei Dian out.

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