One's own power affects the surrounding environment.

This statement is a simple and easy thing for Kikyo to understand. The method used by General Thunder is obviously more concealed and difficult to detect than the barbaric and violent method. It can be said that he did nothing.

Kikyo just thought about it for a moment, and then he remembered the description of the so-called celestial realm, which means that the body is integrated into the rules of heaven and earth and enters a mysterious state of transcendence. Isn't this situation related to this!

Heavenly way!

General Thunder also saw that Kikyo had already made up a lot of things in his mind, so he spoke again:"Collapse is a periodic natural disaster in this world, and it is also the rhythm of the periodic adjustment of the universe. The outbreak time of collapse is irregular, and the manifestation is unpredictable. Wars, infectious diseases, climate disasters, comet impacts, and even the strange arrival of giant soldiers."

"The development of civilization is to define and change disordered things into orderly things. This is undoubtedly to turn the chaotic state into order. This is in line with the rules set by a certain will. When the accumulation of civilization reaches a warning line, a test of civilization will be brought down, that is, the Great Collapse will break out."

"This world has already failed the trial, and can only quickly move towards destruction and fall into the sea of quantum. The concentrated development of civilization will undoubtedly trigger another great collapse, and the world will be completely destroyed when the collapse breaks out again."

Kikyo listened with great interest. This undoubtedly involves the secrets of the realm above the celestial being. General Raiden also conceptually explained to Kikyo the high-dimensional concepts of the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of quantum, so that Kikyo understood that this area of the world was affected by the wills of two powerful men.

Why did General Raiden want to use his small half of his finger to turn into a giant tree to swallow the power of the abyss and the earth veins at this transit station where the power of the abyss gathered into a black mud state? This is essentially to let the breath that has been branded on him flow throughout the world, unknowingly replacing the"will of the abyss", affecting the world tree of Teyvat, and making it impossible for"heavenly reason" to use the power of"heavenly way" to bless itself.

Why does the Ice God of the Winter Kingdom need seven kinds of God's Hearts? It is because the God's Heart is not only a communicator and identity representative to contact Sky Island, but also has the power to let people enter The effect of"Heaven's Blessing" is introduced to offset the blessing of Heaven's Law from the continent of Teyvat.

Just like the Great Compassion Tree King five hundred years ago was able to use the power of God's Heart to quickly suppress the invasion of the beast tide in Xumi, but on the front battlefield of Kanreya, he could not rely on the power of God's Heart and could only fight with hard power. Later, he was secretly liquidated by the maintainers of Heaven's Law.

As General Raiden told Kikyo, Kikyo also understood General Raiden's arrangements. Why did General Raiden seem to have done nothing, but everything was ready.

Because it takes time for her arrangements to take effect for everything to take root quickly. By the time the other party notices it, everything has become a foregone conclusion.

Seeing that General Raiden confided his thoughts and plans to herself, Kikyo asked the last doubt in her heart:"���What happened when we traveled to this world?"When

General Raiden heard Kikyo's doubts, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes. When she returned to the world of Teyvat, her body was distorted by the huge energy aggregation, causing her to collide with the first throne Phanes and have a head-on confrontation. In that confrontation, the opponent had the blessing of the Teyvat continent and the world tree, and he gained the upper hand at the first time. With the help of the four shadows, he wanted to imprison himself in this place.

General Raiden has been fighting with Yue Yejianzun, who has the blessing of the Heavenly Dao, in the starry sky for a total of thousands of years. His control over the rules is naturally at the pinnacle. He broke the confinement of this time and space with a thunder of annihilation containing the rules of time.

At the same time, the power of the rules of reality and illusion also invaded Phanes' body silently, trying to escape from this time and space when the opponent paused for a while and return to the current time point of the real Teyvat.

But what was beyond General Raiden's imagination was that the rules of reality and illusion were actually Like a deadly poison, it made Phanes' body riddled with holes, and she saw a worn-out palette in his body through her powerful divine observation.

This made General Raiden have a new suspicion about the identity and origin of the First Throne, but before the next move, Istaru, one of the four shadows, looked at her face in surprise and used the power of time to expel people who should not exist in this time and space.

It was obvious that Istaru knew General Raiden's own face, and recalled Lei Dian's memories of his sister Raiden Zhen, which seemed to imply that the relationship between the other party and herself was very unusual.

General Raiden naturally did not want to reveal this to Kikyo, but an evil and twisted will helped her divert her attention at this moment.

Qinzi, who was very happy to be stroked by General Raiden, also opened her eyes that revealed a faint light, stared closely at the direction of a cliff, and said:"A guy with filthy power is approaching us."

Kikyo had also prepared for defense. She was not a native of Teyvat. Although she could use magic to mobilize elemental power, the most important thing was the spiritual power converted from the aura provided by General Thunder.

And spiritual power can be said to have a strong purifying and hostile effect on evil forces. Naturally, it is more accurate than a cat demon like Kaoqinzi who relies on talent to make a living.

"How daring! A strong man from the Abyss Cult actually dared to approach us alone. He is so confident!"

General Lei Dian also echoed what Qin Zi said and said loudly, causing the figure who was walking out of the darkness to make the same mocking sound.

"Should I say that you, a human girl, are brave, or you don't know how to live or die. You were lucky enough to delay our plan under the random pursuit of our Abyss Cult, and now you dare to appear in front of us at this time."

Gao���The Abyss Chanter, Abyss Fire, said with disdain. He was the one who had led the Abyss Mages of the Abyss Cult to chase General Thunder and make him flee everywhere.

Kikyo looked at General Thunder in surprise. It was obvious that he was telling the truth, but in her memory, General Thunder had never been the type to be afraid and run away. It could only be said that General Thunder did not want to fight with this creature who was obviously not a good person.

"Oh, if I could get a generous reward for dealing with you Abyss Chanters of the Abyss Cult, I would definitely take your relics to exchange for money, but it's a pity~"

General Lei Dian also retorted without hesitation.

When she went to the Layered Rock Abyss for adventure, although she only had the power of wind and lightning elements engraved on her body, her strength could only be regarded as that of an ordinary immortal, but her strong combat awareness still allowed her to fight across levels.

But the task she received from the Adventurer's Association was to investigate or solve the problem of abnormal earthquakes in the Layered Rock Abyss.

Her purpose was to explore the technology left by the ruins of ancient civilizations, so naturally she didn't want to entangle with the other party here.

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