"Oh, what a sharp-tongued little girl!"

"Under the will of the abyss, you running dogs of the Seven Gods will all be turned into dust!"

The tall Abyss Chanter, Abyss Fire, did not seem to want to waste time talking to General Thunder and Kikyo. He mobilized the surrounding abyss power to attack the two men and the cat.

The dark power exuded an ominous aura, as if it wanted to infect their bodies and turn them into its puppets, but a thin shield with an earthy white sheen forcibly resisted the invasion of the abyss power.

"Hey, this is what you rely on to be fearless. You really underestimate the power of the abyss. Let me bring you deep fear!"

The Abyss Chanter Abyss Fire was also using his own abilities positively at this time. He just mobilized the power of the Abyss and the black mud just now just to block their escape route.

He didn't want to let these small fish go because of his underestimation, which would lead to him being scolded by the respected highness. Many Abyss Mages have been gathered around, waiting for the arrival of the Hillock People to use human wave tactics against them.


Kikyo would not give this Abyss Chanter Abyss Fire, who was talking nonsense, a chance to move forward.

The arrow full of spiritual power carried a thin water element and hit his chest directly.

The opponent did not expect that Kikyo could launch strange attacks without the Eye of God, and was hit in the vitals by this blow.

The magic-breaking spiritual power carried the water element at the weak point of the armor and hit his body directly, constantly purifying the evil will of the Abyss power in his body.

The water element was also constantly undergoing a fierce evaporation reaction with the fire element in his body.

General Lei Dian did not expect that this Abyss Chanter Abyss Fire would be so vulnerable. He gently shot Kikyo's hand, which was about to shoot another arrow. As soon as he touched her, he rushed towards the Abyss Chanter Abyss Fire like a gust of wind.

Kikyo also understood what General Raiden meant, and realized that he wanted her to let him go and not purify and kill him directly, so she transformed the Demon Breaking Arrow into an Explosive Arrow and followed the swing of the Abyss Shadow's katana to hit the opponent's body.

The Abyss Chanter Abyss Fire was also knocked back by these two moves, and the abyss power on his body was scattered everywhere like a deflated gas. But just when the opponent was on the verge of death, a strange will descended upon his body from the invisible. A gift from the abyss!

Abyss Chanter Abyssfire, as a leader in the Kanreya civilization, was contaminated by the power of the abyss. After surviving the baptism of the power of the abyss, he would be blessed by the abyss to a certain extent. As a high-ranking member of the Abyss Cult, he naturally had a means of saving his life, which was the"Abyssfire Shield".

A thin film of fiery red light emanated from Abyss Chanter Abyssfire, which expelled the spiritual power left in his body by Kikyo. The fire element that was entangled with the power of the abyss also lit up the field for a while.

"Ashes give birth to new life, and flames bring salvation!"

The Abyss Singer Abyss Fire roared, and countless fireballs carrying the breath of the abyss were summoned by him, smashing towards General Raiden and Kikyo like a torrential rain.

General Raiden's figure shuttled between countless fireballs like a butterfly, and the Tenmoku Kage Katana in his hand kept hitting the Abyss Singer Abyss Fire's body like a tide, making his body sway everywhere and difficult to lock on to the specific position.

Kikyo also discovered that when the fireball hit the ground where black mud and the power of the abyss gathered, a secondary explosion would occur. The splashing power of the abyss and the hot breath forced her to fly into the air and attack the Abyss Singer Abyss Fire with arrows that contained only a little spiritual power. The Abyss Singer

Abyss Fire also hurriedly used all the tricks he knew,"Precision Fire Explosion Technique"、"Deep Fire Five-Strike","Deep Fire Resistance"、"Revelation of Tianyun"……

But these moves were just childish play for General Raiden and Kikyo, who were experienced in many battles and stronger than him. Without even damaging the corner of his clothes, they made the Abyss Singer Abyss Fire's shield dim to a dangerous level.

Abyss Singer Abyss Fire was also panicking at this moment. Although he was no longer a human, once his shield was broken after activating the Blessing of the Abyss, he would die. He quickly retreated. The Abyss Mage also came belatedly with a large number of hillbillies to support him.

"Vine magic!"

"Stone thrust technique!"


"Bubble technique!"

"Healing magic!"


Spells were released one after another from the hands of the Abyss Mage and the Hill Shaman, giving the Abyss Chanter Abyss Fire a chance to catch his breath. The Hill Warriors and Archers also launched a fierce attack on the enemy under the command of the Abyss Mage. The originally dark field suddenly became colorful, but the center of the target was the flying Kikyo in the sky and the Thunder General moving on the ground.

Kikyo also quickly laid down several spiritual power arrays to protect herself. Dozens of talismans appeared in her hands and stimulated her own power, attacking the Hill below.

The talismans containing the magic-breaking spiritual power attacked the Hill Shaman and the Abyss Mage as if they had consciousness. The Hill Shaman's head was like water encountering high-concentration sulfuric acid, making a violent frying sound, and immediately lost the breath of life, turning into black gas again and dissipating.

The Abyss Mage's elemental shield easily took on the attacks of these talismans, but the brightness of the elemental shield was significantly dimmed, and the elemental power was greatly consumed, which also showed that the spiritual power had almost no restraining effect on the elemental power.

The Thunder General dodged the continuous attacks of the Hill Culvert Warrior and the Archer, and the Ame-kogaku katana in his hand drew an arc, constantly pulling the air flow, until a little light green appeared in the air.

""Wind Wound!"

General Lei Dian swung his sword and used General Inu's famous stunt, which played a huge role in the other world. The strong wind with a little wind element power was constantly absorbing other elements in the air in a strange trajectory.

In half a breath, it emitted colorful light and continued to spread out to form two tornadoes that confronted each other and helped each other grow.

Countless hill warriors and archers were enveloped in it, cut by countless chaotic and orderly elemental forces, and various elemental reactions continued to erupt. The Abyss Mage, who had just escaped a disaster, was terrified and wanted to use the flash spell to escape.

It's a pity that the speed of the spread of these two colorful tornadoes exceeded Due to the speed at which they released their spells and the resistance of their shields, they only lasted two breaths before they died without a burial place.

The Abyss Chanter, Abyss Fire, watched this scene in horror. He also discovered that General Thunder and Lightning did not have the Eye of God, but he used his superb skills to perform this amazing move, which was simply horrifying.

However, he did not want to stay now, and immediately fled to the Abyss portal that opened behind him, heading to the location of their Abyss Cult headquarters.

General Thunder and Lightning also pretended to catch up to understand the other party's actions, so that the other party would not dare to stay in this layer of rock abyss.

The Abyss portal was also closed when General Thunder and Lightning was only half a meter away, leaving only black gas scattered in the air.

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