Kamisato Yashiki Inside.

“Relieved, this shy Miss Fischer should not be punished.”

Kamisato Ayaka also thinks the same as everyone, feeling that this question is really stable, and there will be no other suspense.

In fact, the first moment she saw Fischer, Ayaka Kamisato had a good impression of this girl.

Because Fischer is a lot like her before.

When her parents were still there, Kamisato Ayaka was a shy and timid girl.

But since the death of her parents, Kamisato Ayaka has also had to become stronger, and together with her brother, she has learned to treat people in order to revitalize the family.

Even so, until now, she is not used to how to make friends, although everyone praises her as the White Heron Princess and respects her, but there are very few people who can be close to her, before Qin Yu appeared, there were very few, none.

Because she saw a similar point in Fischer, Kamisato Ayaka didn’t want to see this girl being systematically punished.

Now that I see Fischer’s right choice, I am naturally happy for Fischer.

However, seeing Kamisato Ayaka’s happy look.

Qin Yu felt that he still reminded Shenli Ayahua to be good:

“Miss, I’m afraid, this time the question is not as stable as everyone said.”

Shenli Ayahua chuckled in his heart, and looked at Qin Yu with a somewhat stiff face:

“No, it won’t, will it?”

Kamisato Ayato and Toma also looked over with surprise.

They also feel that everyone is very correct in their analysis, and the answer should be that C is correct.

No one expected that Qin Yu, who has always been known for reasoning, would actually refute at this time.

With Qin Yu’s previous record, no one dared not take his words seriously.

“Mr. Yu, everyone’s answer this time is very well analyzed, how is it unstable.”

Toma’s words just came out——

[Wrong answer].

The sound of the system’s announcement resounded through the continent of Teyvat.

In an instant, Fischer’s face froze during the live broadcast.

The audience of the entire Teyvat continent was also dumbfounded.

[Walnut: Wrong? How is it a mistake again? Okay, this one is stable! 】

[Arataki Kazuto: Kuki, you guy, you just said something vibrant, but now? ] 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Shut up, stupid boss, but I also think it’s incredible, how can it be wrong, is the correct answer actually D? ] In fact, it is not impossible to be poisoned, and now there is only this answer].

[Xingqiu: C is the wrong answer, it’s outrageous, then there is only D this answer now, and the next choice of D is really really stable, but Miss Fischer is a little pity].

[Amber, woo, I’m sorry, Fischer, I didn’t mean to let you choose C, and I didn’t know that C was actually the wrong answer].

People on all sides broke out in a cold sweat.

I really can’t understand that C is actually the wrong answer.

But at the same time, many people are glad that Fischer helped them eliminate C.

Then, next, it is completely certain that answer D, the brave man was poisoned, is the only correct answer.

Inside the Shenli house, everyone in the Shenli family looked at Qin Yu in disbelief.

This time it was really said by Qin Yu.

Just when all the Teyvat continents thought Fischer had chosen the right one.

Qin Yu, the only one who objected, was actually right again.

This is really evil.

“Mr. Ha, what’s going on-” Kamisato Ayaka really couldn’t figure out how C could be the wrong answer.

“No hurry, just look at it.” Qin Yu shook his head, did not explain, they rushed to answer, they will naturally give some tips.

But before he could get the answer, Qin Yu didn’t have to explain in advance.

Always curious and generating emotional energy can also allow Qin Yu to get more rough stones.


Seeing that Qin Yu sold the guanzi, Shenli Ayahua felt as if he was tickled, and he really wanted to know the answer.

But Qin Yu didn’t say it, and she had to look at the live broadcast helplessly.

On air.

Fischer was already in a cold sweat.

It’s. ,

The answer failed.

How good is this.

What kind of punishment will I face——

[Punishment: Follow the following script and demonstrate it live].

As soon as I heard it, it was just a punishment like reading the lines.

Many people who were worried about Fischer were relieved.

“Again, like the lady, this should be the easiest punishment.”

Kamisato Ayaka also breathed a sigh of relief and sighed.

Last time, when the lady was punished, many people felt that it was unfair, but this time Fischer was punished the same, but no one said it was unfair.

This is naturally because the identity of the lady as a fool has led to many people being innately hostile to her.

And Fischer, a shy girl next door, although the appearance of middle two is strange, but unexpectedly gives people a cute feeling.

Naturally, few would want her to be severely punished.

“Hmph, I actually thought that reading my lines was an easy punishment.”

The lady hiding in a corner of Mondstadt had a gloomy smile on her face at the moment.

The last time she read the lines, she still feels extremely angry when she thinks about it.

If she had a choice, she would rather accept the punishment of Ding Laosi than choose the punishment of reading lines.

So the lady immediately realized that the lines that Fischer was going to read would also be very humiliating lines for Fischer himself.

The lady’s guess really corrected partially.

“What… What, actually let me read such lines? ”

After receiving the system’s information, Fischer’s eyes widened sharply.

A white face instantly turned extremely red, and the beautiful eyes were full of reluctance and shame.

Saying that kind of thing in front of countless audiences made her how to accept it.

It’s harder than killing her.

But at this time, she suddenly found that a magic wand like a toy appeared in her hand at some time.

At the same time, the body also began to sway uncontrollably, taking a shameful pose that made Fischer almost explode, and his mouth uncontrollably began to shout loudly:

“Barala Energy – Little Demon Fairy – Amy Transformation!”


When all this was done, Fischer had taken back control of his body.

But that face had become like a kettle boiling with water, extremely red, and at the same time the steam was billowing into the sky.

It’s over, now I am completely social death!

Fischer slumped to the ground, hiding her face and crying.

It’s too shameful, although Fischer is a middle two disease, she also has her own requirements for the forced behavior of the guilt queen.

And the kind of little witch transformation just now is completely a trick when a child plays, where does it fit her image of a guilt-breaking empress.

Not to mention that she also claimed to be Amy, which was too shameful.

However, Fischer felt ashamed, and the rest of the audience did not feel good.

[Amber: Uh… Which, little Amy, in fact, I don’t think there is much difference between you on weekdays, don’t be so sad].

[Walnut: What kind of punishment is this, it is not a punishment at all, and I can’t see any difference between it and Fischer just now, okay].

[Arataki Kazuto: Exactly].

[Yun Pansy: No, I think Fang Cai’s lines, if placed on the performance, are more popular than the lines designed by the Fischer girl herself, and it is easier to attract younger audiences].

A group of people were in the clouds, and they couldn’t see anything Fischer was ashamed of, obviously no different from her before.

Yun Pansy, who comes from a drama family, is evaluated from the perspective of the script.

Not to mention Fischer’s own lines, and the lines of the system just now, that is even better

But if it is placed on the audience, Yun Pansy is sure that the system’s lines are more acceptable to children.

After all, Fischer’s own lines are not understood by children.

As Yun Pansy said——

[Kerry: Sister Fischer is so handsome, the little demon fairy of Barala just transformed, can you shout again].

[Dongdong: Such a handsome big sister, I also want to watch it again].

[Diona: It’s not that handsome, of course, if you want to perform again, Diona won’t object


Children everywhere, seeing Fischer’s pose just now, their eyes lit up, and they felt very handsome.

Fischer was urged to perform again.


When Fischer saw these comments, he was even more ashamed and wanted to die, thinking that he had nothing to be afraid of in the second illness.

Unexpectedly, in this world, there are actually two lines that can make her feel ashamed.

Of course, she will not listen to those children, perform again, just want to turn off the live broadcast immediately, and then escape home and hide under the covers to cry.

However, something that everyone did not expect happened.

[Because of Fischer’s performance, it stimulated the enthusiastic feedback of the children in Tivat, and specially rewarded Fischer, an invitation card for off-site assistance].

[Fischer can invite an off-the-counter helper to help him answer questions, and if the questions are answered correctly, the off-field assistance will be rewarded together with Fischer, and if he fails to answer, he will share the punishment].

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