[Walnut: This, what’s going on? 】

[Arataki Kazuto: It’s outrageous, off-field assistance card, why can Fischer get such a reward].

[Wendy: I’m envious, is this the reason for the update that the system said at the end of the last Q&A].

[Xiaogong: Yes, I also remember, at that time the system said to update, I didn’t take it seriously, I didn’t expect that after the update, there would be such benefits].

[Bennett: That’s great, congratulations, Fischer].

[Amber: Little Amy, take the opportunity to use the off-site assistance card, the answer to this question is already obvious, invite individuals to answer, you can get a reward].

The audience was surprised to see Fischer receive an invitation card for off-site assistance, which had never happened before.

But Wendy’s words reminded everyone, and immediately, everyone realized that this foreign aid card is a good thing, this is a benefit for everyone, as an audience, of course, it is a warm welcome.

Qin Yu was also a little surprised, he didn’t know that this update still had this function, but soon, he understood what was going on: “System, this is the function you said needs me to explore on my own?” ”

[Answer the host, it is that when the player causes emotional fluctuations through unexpected factors, the system will reward the player additionally].

Now the truth is clear.

Although Fischer is dead, she has caused the emotions of the children of the mainland of Teyvat to fluctuate violently.

It allows the system to extract more rough stones.

For Qin Yu, it is naturally the most beneficial.

In the library tube, Fischer, who had planned to escape home and cry secretly, was stunned when he heard the reward of the off-site assistance card.

Seeing Amber’s reminder, he immediately reacted.

Yes, I still have a chance to get rewards.

Since I paid such a big price in order to answer this question before, how can I not recover the interest.

When he thought of this, Fischer did not intend to cry, and he was full of war spirit.

Whether to use an off-site assistance invitation card


When the voice of the system sounded, Fischer did not hesitate to speak: “Yes!” ”

Please specify guests

Hearing this, Fischer hesitated.

Although Amber said that if she invited anyone at will, she could answer correctly, but just in case, she felt that it was best to invite those who were more secure.

As for who is safer.

There was no doubt that this question immediately appeared in Fischer’s mind, Qin Yu’s face.

The face was slightly red.

Fischer is also a girl who is thinking about spring.

For a handsome and wise person like Qin Yu, of course, there will be a trace of good feeling.

Of course, this is just that kind of good impression, just like when a man sees a beautiful woman, he will have a hint of good feeling, which does not mean that there is really any emotion and the like.

After all, she and Qin Yu didn’t know each other.

“I invite that Mr. Yu.”

Fischer blushed and said in a low and shy voice.

Inviting an unfamiliar male as an off-court helper, she was still a little shy.

[Walnut: Cunning, actually invited Mr. Yu].

[Amber: Little Amy, I didn’t expect you to look like a Sichun girl, I thought you were not interested in boys].

[Beidou: What a cunning little girl, but if I had this opportunity, I would definitely choose a smart and handsome man like Mr. Yu


[Gongzi: Ah, damn it, why don’t you choose me, choose me for this question, you can also answer correctly, isn’t this a reward for nothing to that Mr. Yu]

[Kaia: That’s right, Mr. Yu has already received an artifact, and now he is rewarded with white, I am afraid that he will not be able to eat it, give it to me, I will eat it].

[Kamisato Ayato: This is not Mr. Lao Kaiya’s worry, there is a Kaminari family, no matter how much Mr. Yu gets, he can eat it].

Seeing Fischer’s choice of Qin Yu, those women were both envious and took it for granted, after all, if they were replaced by them, they would definitely think of Qin Yu.

Most men feel envious and jealous.

In their opinion, the answer to this question has been properly placed, there will be no more problems, let them answer, and it is also a steady reward.

Of course, there are people who are in a different mood than everyone else.

Kamisato Ayaka saw Fischer choose Qin Yu.

Immediately, I felt very unhappy in my heart.

It was as if something had been snatched away.

Although in fact, Qin Yu is not her thing, and it has not been snatched away.

But Kamisato Ayaka still felt very unhappy.

This kind of mood, even if the tutor is good, can not control itself.

Despite this, Shenli Ayaka did not show anything on his face, but just looked at Qin Yu with a faint gaze.

Qin Yu did not notice Ayaka Shenli’s expression.

He has automatically entered the live broadcast state, and Fischer, as if in a remote video chat, is facing face.

“You, hello.”

Fischer was shy and did not dare to look at Qin Yu, but he still nervously opened his mouth to say hello.

“Hello, Miss Fischer.” Qin Yu smiled slightly, but he was very polite, not too enthusiastic, but it would not make people feel alienated.

“That, excuse me, which answer should I choose.”

Fischer blushed slightly and asked embarrassedly, in front of Qin Yu, she didn’t even show her second state.

Even she didn’t realize that for the first time, she subconsciously didn’t want to show her middle side in front of others, so that the other party would have a bad impression of herself.

But Oz, the fantasy creature who always accompanied Fischer, apparently noticed.

However, Oz, who had the mentality of the old father, did not take the initiative to say anything, but was happy to see him watching.

Qin Yu was a little surprised, that little Amy who was bursting in middle two would actually hold back from middle two.

Whether it is little Amy middle two or not middle two, Qin Yu actually likes this little girl a lot, he is not those people on the continent of Teyvat, middle two in his eyes, not strange, but a little cute.

Without much thought, Qin Yu began to mention the problem: “Miss Fischer, if you believe me, you can choose B, the brave was killed by an arrow.” ”

“Ah.” Fischer was stunned.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, the other spectators on the Teyvat Continent were also stunned.

Option B?

What the heck!

For a time, countless people spoke against Qin Yu.

[Arataki Kazuto: Hey, it’s obviously the answer to D, Mr. Ha, what do you think].

[Kaia: The title itself is very clear, the brave man is already invulnerable, and the rain of arrows can’t hurt his skin, how can it be killed by an arrow].

[Ke Qing: Although Mr. Yu’s previous words have always been convincing, this time, I really can’t recognize it, and it’s impossible to choose B].

[Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, the systematic question will not deceive everyone, but Mr. Yu may have his own opinions

[Lisa: Zhongli is right, don’t worry, listen to Mr. Yu talk about his opinion, there is always a reason why he wants to choose the answer B].

After experiencing Qin Yu’s two public speeches before, everyone was already extremely convinced of Qin Yu.

But this time, the system has clearly said that the brave are not afraid of knives and guns, nor are they afraid of the rain of arrows.

And Qin Yu said that the brave man was killed by an arrow.

Two contradictions.

This is obvious, Qin Yu and the system, there must be one side to make a mistake.

There is no doubt that between the system and Qin Yu, everyone feels that the system cannot go wrong.

However, there are also some people who want to hear what Qin Yu thinks.

Fischer is also at the moment, she also feels that the system cannot be wrong, and it is right to choose D, but since Qin Yu was invited, it is natural to listen to people’s opinions, otherwise why use the off-site assistance card, waste.

“Mr. Yu, why do you think you choose B.” Fischer couldn’t help but look at Qin Yu.


Big guys, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for evaluation, and more than 10,000 words on the shelf, give some data before putting it on the shelf, let Xiao Po Street have a little psychological comfort, don’t sleep tonight

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