Chapter 73: Fools the men of the world, the authority of the false gods

(The area ahead is unlocked, and please go where you need to go to complete the story that should be yours.)

At the same time, the Rai movie in Inazuma Main Castle and the castle tower in (The Sims) also silently opened his eyes.

Following the prompts of (Life Simulator), I stood up, walked to the gate of the castle tower and subconsciously stretched out my palm, wanting to test the reality.


This time, her outstretched hand was unexpectedly not bounced back by the sudden repulsive force again.

So, Ray Movies finally felt a little more at ease.

Pushing open the gate of the castle tower and walking outside, he left the place step by step under the revered gazes of countless shogunate soldiers around him.

………… Coral Palace!

It is located in the very center of (Kaiyu Island).

It is a sacred place in the hearts of all the people of Haiyu Island.

“The shogunate was cruel and oppressive, and did not take the people of Kaijima into a sexual relationship at all

“Therefore, we can only defend our sovereignty by war!”

Located in the conference room of the Coral Palace, Amber of the Coral Palace has long shown her majesty as a (Haiji Island, Present Human God and Witch).

Looking at the several generals of Uigushima Island sitting around the conference table, they did not hesitate to throw the document in their hands that symbolized the arrogance and unreasonable (Inazuma shogunate) on the table.

Let these generals of Haiya Island read the above text carefully.

So as to further stimulate the anger and blood in their hearts.

“How can it be so!”

“The shogunate is too much!”

“This is completely not taking the lives of the people of Haiyu Island seriously!?

After reading this document, the generals of Haiyu Island became annoyed one after another.

They all stood up and scolded (Inazuma Shogunate) for their arrogance and unreasonableness.

“Not long after our days as Kaijo people, the politicians (of Inazuma Shogunate) showed their fangs and remembered us.”

“Is it true that all our sea people are soft persimmons, ready to be slaughtered at any time, so that they can’t be bullied!?”

At this moment, the emotions of this group of (Hai Yu Island) generals were all mobilized by the amber of the Coral Palace.

I almost waited for Amber Coral Palace to order the army to be reorganized and fight face-to-face with the (Inazuma shogunate) side.

“Lord Coral Palace, let’s go to war—!”

“That’s right, Lord Coral Palace, let’s have a face-to-face fight with the shogunate army to show our determination of the Haiyu people!”

“A single concession will not solve the problem, and sometimes we must do a real game to make our position clear!”

As one after another general of Haiya Island got up and asked for Amber in Coral Palace.

Amber of the Coral Palace, who originally had a somewhat complicated expression, also instantly sighed lightly and looked at the group of sea island generals in front of him, full of seriousness:

“Then, the future of Haiyu Island is entrusted to you, generals!”

“I am willing to go to the soup for Haiya Island, and I will do everything I can!”

In this way, a great war that is destined to affect history is inevitable….

At this time, Jiang Quan, located in an underground laboratory, was also successfully using the power of (worshipped gods) and a special mineral called (crystallized bone marrow).

It has created a kind of Dao Er Evil Eye comparable to (God’s Eye) in terms of power alone!

After confirming that the item named (Evil Eye) can be mass-produced.

Sitting on a laboratory chair and playing with a (evil eye) in his hand, Jiang Quan dialed the scientific research phone in the (Mandate of Heaven) organization without saying a word.

Explained to the researchers located in the (Mandate of Heaven) organization about the production process and the materials required for (Evil Eye).

And ordered them to mass-produce (the evil eye), and strive to spread these (evil eyes) in (Hai Yu Island) by various means.

Adding strength to some ordinary people here who would rather have strength than life is convenient for paving the way for his subsequent plans…

“The total number of souls needed to resurrect a demon god is much larger than the total amount of souls needed to resurrect a human being…”

Not bad!

The main reason why Jiang Quan wanted to start a war this time was not only to establish his own (heroic) image and make the Hai people willing to die for themselves.

More, it is still to resurrect a (demon god) one – the great god of the great 257 serpent) Orobas!

If only his method could really bring a (demon god) back from the dead.

Then there is no need for him to continue to pursue some ethereal things, directly through the (demon god) component that he calculated not long ago.

Use tens of thousands of human souls and grievances to carry out large-scale (alchemy

Combined with the one-to-one (Thunderbolt True) body that you created and successfully restored through (Cyborg) technology and the DNA collected before (Thunderbolt Zhen), you can successfully attract the soul of the (Thunderbolt Zhen) located on the outer side of the world to return.

And then make it complete the resurrection.

And this is the main reason why Jiangquan will provoke this (war).

In order to resurrect Raiden Zhen, he has lost enough of the price.

On this basis, what about adding some additional “new costs”?

(Day 4,652: You successfully started a great battle between (Inazuma Shogunate) and (Kaizhima Island Coral Palace).

There were countless dead and wounded in this war, and everyone was blinded by hatred

In particular, the people of Kaijima Island have a grudge against Inazuma because their god (Kaijo Daigosho Orobas) was killed by Raiden Shogun.

On this basis, the various actions of the Inazuma shogunate in the past have long been unaccustomed to many people of the Kaiyu.

They believed that the Inazuma shogunate did not do business, so they only knew how to collect high taxes and oppress the lives of ordinary people.

Even, they don’t take the lives of these sea people seriously at all.

Therefore, sooner or later they will all have a big war with the Inazuma shogunate.

It’s just that this war is ahead of schedule because of your arrival….

(4,685: The battle intensified, and the Inazuma shogunate even directly dispatched nearly seventy percent of the entire Inazuma military force in an attempt to crush all the rebels on Kaika Island in one fell swoop.)

In this kind of enemy offensive fierce, the probability of their own side will not be able to return to the sky.

Some warriors who would rather have strength than life began to make deals with some mysterious merchants who were dressed in mysterious clothes and held a prop called (Evil Eye).

The act of gaining strength by sacrificing one’s precious life soon spread throughout the rebels.

Countless soldiers are scrambling to make deals with those mysterious merchants.

In their opinion, it only takes his life to reverse the offensive, and the price of hitting the Inazuma shogunate by surprise is too light.

Under the sky, where is such a good thing!?

Therefore, the Coral Palace Amber and some of the generals of Haiya Island who learned about this ordered that the generals under their command would never be allowed to touch this thing called (Evil Eye).

However, to no avail at all! Loss (Evil Eye)…

They will definitely lose in this war! Possession (evil eye)…

It is even possible that they will win this war!

In this way, the act of sneaking up on a mysterious merchant to make a deal in order to obtain a prop called (Evil Eye).

It was carried out under the noses of the Coral Palace Amber and several generals of the island of the sea, and they naturally turned a blind eye to this matter.

Sometimes, just losing your life in exchange for the strength to kill the enemy is simply earned in blood.

You know, under normal circumstances, five or six Umijima soldiers may not be able to injure an elite samurai of the Inazuma shogunate.

And with the blessing of the (evil eye), a soldier of Kaizuma Island was able to fight against ten elite samurai of the Inazuma shogunate at the same time.

It can be seen that this kind of thing (evil eye) is simply a weapon to kill the enemy in wartime!

Instead of dying on the battlefield for nothing, it is better to kill countless enemies with the power of seeing (evil eye).

Died in the praise of fellow citizens and loved ones.

For this, as the culprit, you are just condescendingly watching the death of one sea warrior after another.

Without the slightest emotional fluctuation, I calculated how much I needed (total soul) at present…)

(Day 4,703: You feel that you have almost collected the total amount of souls.

Coupled with the heavy casualties on this side of Hai Yue Island and the defeat is certain.

So, you’re ready to make a move!

With the existence of high-tech weapons in the (bjdi) organization, (relic machine soldiers) and (ruins guards), etc.

You successfully reversed the tide of battle.

Annihilate tens of thousands of soldiers of the Inazuma Shogunate in one fell swoop! The Inazuma Shogunate has been greatly damaged since then.

And you also became famous because of this battle, and the whole world was shocked!

Became a (big hero) in the hearts of all the people of Kaiyu Island!)

In the evening, Jiang Quan, located in the Coral Palace of Haiya Island (The Sims), stood up under the longing, gratitude, admiration and affection of countless witches and high-ranking politicians of Haiya Island.

Raise your glass to salute the dead soldiers.

“If it weren’t for their sacrifice and resist.”

“I will definitely not be able to reach the (Mandate of Heaven) headquarters, and I will form an alliance with the leaders of the (Mandate of Heaven) organization and ask them to send support to Haiyu Island.”

“This cup, to all the soldiers who are willing to die for the sake of Hai Yu Island.”

As Jiang Quan poured the wine in his glass to the ground, he praised and watched the brave and strong words of those soldiers who died for the island land.

The countless witches who were already moved by Jiang Quan, plus all the generals of Hai Yu Island who had admiration and gratitude for Jiang Quan, stood up and toasted one after another.

Pour the wine from the glass on the ground to pay tribute to the dead soldiers.

“This cup, to all the soldiers who are willing to die for the sake of Hai Yu Island!”


Seeing that the atmosphere of the scene was pulled up by his own words, Jiang Quan decisively took the cup and let the witch lady on the side fill himself with wine.

Then drink it all.

“They are the heroes of the whole island of Haiya.”

“He is also a hero to all the people of Haiyu.”

“I propose to collect the names of all of them and then erect a monument for them in the very center of the Coral Palace.”

Each of them was engraved with the name of each of them to show their admiration.

“What do you think?”

As soon as this remark came out, it instantly aroused the empathy and recognition of everyone present.

It’s different from Jiang Quan in (The Sims) who has long abandoned his own (humanity).

Everyone present except Jiang Quan is a normal person with good intentions and humanity.

That’s it, this time

The unprecedented victory banquet ended with countless people’s gratitude and praise for Jiang Quan.

And after this wine banquet, Jiang Quan, who had an experiment to do, naturally went to the underground laboratory (Hai Yu Island) without saying a word.

Using the method he had come up with before, he was experimenting with the resurrection (Demon God).

However, this experiment…

In the end, it failed…

No matter how much Jiang Quan calculates the components related to (the Demon God).

After all, it is impossible to rely on a large-scale (alchemy) plus the one-to-one (Leiden Zhen) body that you have created and successfully restored through (artificial human) technology and the DNA collected before (Leiden Zhen).

It will attract the soul of (Raiden Zhen) from a place outside this world. But……

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Quan did not achieve nothing in this experiment.

At least, he succeeded in resurrecting an incomplete body (female) in this way.


It is resurrected with the body of (trumpet version Raiden Zhen)…

Therefore, Jiang Quan’s feelings for this (young tooth demon god) are still very complicated

“(Really) did not resurrect, but resurrected a guy who did not know what (the demon god) was in his life, which is really enough…”

Because this (young tooth demon god) is kind-hearted and knows how to care for Jiang Quan.

So Jiang Quan took this (young tooth demon god) as (adopted daughter).

I have to say that all this is a bad fate…

A man who was previously (human) actually adopted an incomplete body (Young-toothed Demon God)…..

If this kind of thing is spread out, I am afraid that nine times out of ten it will cause a sensation in the whole world…

“Anyway, do you have a name?”

Looking at the one in front of him who pinched his legs and pounded his shoulders, he was healing his wounded heart all the time (Young-toothed Demon God).

Jiang Quan subconsciously touched her head and asked her slightly curiously if she had a name.

However, the answer he gave made Jiang Quan’s whole person directly stunned in place.

Secretly wondering if something is not quite right with this plot development….”Heuria, my name is Heuria!”


You know, the one who was killed by his own people in Liyue in the past and did not have even the slightest resentment against them (Gentle Demon God (Salt Demon God)) is called this name!

During the (Demon God War) period, the earthly (Demon Gods) fought for the Great Land of Teyvat, and fought all their strength and wisdom.

But (Heuria, the Demon God of Salt) chose to escape because his own strength was too weak.

She believes that as long as you give up before the battle occurs, then [the war] will never affect yourself and your people.


In the long years of war, there will be no end.

In a bottomless concession, Heuria lost all his land.

Only the last place of shelter is left in the salt!

In the last moments of her human life, she did not even have a blade to lift to protect her people.

Until one day, someone among her people finally realized (this kind but weak demon god could not protect anyone in war)!

The Demon God War is very cruel…

Instead of subjecting her to the torment of defeat, give her relatively easy relief…

So her people assassinated the (kind and gentle) demon god with a long sword in their hands.


They forgot one thing after all…

That is, no matter how weak the demon god is, the power lost at death is definitely not what a mortal body can bear!

In this way, some of the people of the salt god who failed to evacuate in time at the bottom of the salt god were salted on the spot by the power released after the death of the (salt demon god Heulia).

And the people of the salt god (the people of the salt god) left the territory of ((the salt demon god Heuria)) and went to Liyue to ask the Rock King Emperor for protection.

Their descendants are afraid of the remnants of the demon god left behind by (Heuria, the demon god of salt)…

Fear of the eternal curse she would inflict on them…

So they risked their lives to return here, breaking their swords and offering them in the hope of calming the anger she had left behind…


They seem to have forgotten one thing…

How could this (demon god), who had never resisted until the end, be angry with his own people?

Such (gentle and kind) (Heuria, the demon god of salt), did not resent his people until death…

And this may be the main reason why Jiang Quan can resurrect her through the previous extremely failed (resurrection (Demon God)) method.

The soul of (Heuria, the Demon God of Salt) is complete.

Because she didn’t have any regrets left until she died.

After his own death, his people naturally seek refuge in the god of the rock (Morax, the demon god of rock) who suppressed countless demons.

Therefore, she can be regarded as dead without regrets.


The souls of one of the (Serpent Orobas) and one of the (Twin Demon Gods) (Raiden Zhen) are incomplete…..

It is really unrealistic to want to resurrect (Serpent Orobas) and (Raiden Zhen) through that extremely failed method…

After all, the soul of (Raiden Zhen) is inherently incomplete.

She is one of the (twin demon gods).

Therefore, the same soul is divided into two parts, which makes her and her sister (Ray Movie).

Therefore, Jiang Quan wants to resurrect (Leiden Zhen) through the previous method

You have to kill the thunder movie that is as important as (Raiden Zhen) in your heart.

Kill the other party to condense their souls, and then sacrifice tens of thousands of human souls and resentment through that method.

After that, just do it the way you resurrect (Heuria, the Demon God of Salt).

It’s just that……

That approach is ultimately imperfect… He has lost (Raiden True)…..

Really can’t lose his sister (Ray Movie) anymore…….

Therefore, he must come up with a completely new method (Resurrection (Raiden Zhen))!

, “I’m still too weak now….

Even at this time, Jiang Quan already had the strength and technology to compete with Liyue’s (Rock Demon God Morax).

But after all, it is not (Tianli’s) opponent…

On top of this, there is one more (tree of imaginary numbers)… I’m afraid he won’t even want to achieve his goal for a while!

“Sure enough, I should try to use the power of (the abyss)…

Only by using the power of (the abyss) can he face (Tenri) and defeat the other party.

Then jump out of Teyvat and go to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers to change all the tragedies and endings in this world.


Just when Jiang Quan is trying to play his current identity in (The Sims).

In the underground laboratory where no living things (except microorganisms, etc.) existed except himself and (Heuria, the Demon God of Salt), a dark red space portal suddenly appeared.

Immediately after, a strange god with long silver hair and golden eyes, whose overall appearance was not much different from that of the world of Honkai 3 (Ritsuhana (Ritsuvara Kiana)), slowly walked out of the dark red space portal.

Standing high in the air, looking down on the river spring below and the salt god Heuria (the real version of the young tooth thunderbolt).

After a long silence, he finally opened his mouth.

Spit out the words you need to paraphrase.

“Feel the glory and joy, O mortals, that you are about to have the opportunity to meet the One… "

When he said the four words “that (being)”, the eyes of the strange god in front of him obviously carried a bit of awe and sublimity.

Obviously, it can make this strange god in front of him feel awe and exaltation…

I am afraid that there is only the entire Teyvat land, and all the gods are not willing to talk about and discuss the ultimate existence of ten (heavenly principles)!

After all, this strange god in front of him is the famous (Tianli) lackey….. Ahem, cough, is the maintainer of (Tenri).

Therefore, Jiang Quan really couldn’t think of a second existence that could make her feel awe and loftiness other than (Tianli)…

“(Tenri) want to see me?”

“Presumptuous, how dare you talk so about that (existence)!?”

For a while, (the maintainer of Tianli) was full of murderous intent in his eyes.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Jiangquan in front of him was an existence that (Tianli) wanted to see.

It is estimated that she would have killed the other party at all costs…..

“Ah, yes, yes, you are all right…..”

In this regard, Jiang Quan shrugged his shoulders, slowly got up and put the salt god Heuria in his arms on the ground and said, “Then, let’s go now.”


Hearing this, (the maintainer of (Tianli)) snorted coldly, and without hesitation, he turned around and walked into the dark red space portal and said, “Keep up.”

“Then, you stay here and wait for me for a while, and I’ll be back soon.”

After comforting the “adopted daughter” in front of him, Jiang Quan walked into the dark red space portal without saying a word.

I saw that the single theory (person) is enough to compare with the god (Honkai will) of “Honkai World” existence of ten (tenri)!

“This kind of coercion is really suffocating…”

After a while, Jiang Quan saw the most mysterious and sacred being (Tianli) in the “Genshin World”.

And began a communication with it that is destined not to be known to outsiders.

“So, what’s the matter with you calling me?”

Even if the existence in front of him is enough to erase himself countless times.

Jiang Quan, who is in (Sims), still faces itself without the slightest fear.

“Honestly, I’ve been observing you Hello Guy since you came into this world, opening lightning strike!

As soon as Tianli opened his mouth, he revealed a piece of information that made Jiang Quan most curious.

That’s whether He is paying attention to Himself!

Now it seems that the other party is indeed observing himself as he expected…

However, before Jiang Quan could have a question, (Tianli) on the opposite side said to himself: “I’m curious why you, an outsider, can turn this world upside down…”

“You know, even during the Demon God War, those so-called (Demon Gods) did not wantonly destroy everything in this world like you….


“Regardless of all the obstacles of existence in this world, he arbitrarily cruelly cruelly and deprives Inazuma, Sume, and the people of Kaiyu in order to achieve his own goals…

There is no doubt that the so-called (Tianli) is just an existence that has a certain degree of intellect, but does not have (human nature)…

In every way, he is not much different from the (broken will) in “Honkai World”.

It’s just that his handling is too gentle compared to the way he deals with it…

“So, did my actions still cause your displeasure after all?”

In this regard, Jiang Quan just chuckled and slowly manifested (Void Ten Thousand Collections) in his hands.

I don’t intend to be caught just because the being in front of me is (Tianli).

“Dissatisfied? It’s not as good as…..”

For (Tenri), as long as Teyvat Great Lu can continue to operate as usual.

Then everything that exists is irrelevant…

And Jiang Quan, who grasped this key point, naturally put away his previous hostility and turned to talk with (Tianli) about the topic of (Lei Dianzhen).

“In other words, is (Lei Dianzhen’s) death preordained?”

Looking at (Tianli), who was in a blurred and illusory state of human form in front of him, Jiang Quan asked without changing his face: “Is it possible, is there really no way to rewrite this ending?”


(Tianli) replied very calmly: “All the predestined endings cannot be changed, and naturally I cannot allow anyone to exist and change any of them under my nose.”

As soon as the words fell, (Tianli) shifted the topic to Jiang Quan’s body.

He said those words that made Jiang Quan himself wonder.

“However, in you I see emotions and possibilities that are different from (humans) and (demon gods)… "

“If it were you, you would be able to become a very good and qualified (maintainer)…”

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Quan in (Sims) instantly went numb.

You specifically called me to this place just to win me over.

Let me be one of your subordinates?

This is probably a bit overkill…”I see…”

Jiang Quan in (Sims) silently put away the (Void Ten Thousand Treasures) in his hand, and looked at the other party without any human emotion in his eyes: “You want me to be one of your (maintainers), right?”

“That’s right.”

Hearing this, (Tianli) admitted it very unabashedly.

“In my opinion, you have the qualifications to be a [maintainer].

“If you use it a little, you can definitely make the world more perfect.”

(Tianli’s) words reveal sincerity everywhere.


Jiang Quan doesn’t think that the other party doesn’t understand what kind of person he is!

After all, he did not hesitate to see the whole world as a chessboard villain in order to resurrect a woman.

In this case, (Tianli) even dared to win himself over…..

I’m really not afraid of fishing at work, taking advantage of system loopholes, and apologizing and rules…

“I naturally understand your personhood.”

Before Jiang Quan could say anything, Tianli, who was opposite him, said again: “So, this deal.”


“That’s right.”

At this moment, (Tianli) tone was full of calm and indifference.

Like a robot, relying on its own rules of operation, it says, “I can give you authority like a god, and you will work for me on that basis to help me get rid of those guys who will hinder the normal functioning of the current world.”

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