Chapter 74: Five Hundred Years of Deeds, Jiang Quan said


Jiang Quan was naturally interested in (Tianli)’s statement.

“It’s an interesting deal…”

No doubt!

This should be a sign that one of your (talents) is about to trigger.

So, the instructions in The Sims agreed.

And from the hand of (Tenri) was obtained the ability that was enough to be called (the primitive form of imaginary authority).

It instantly possesses almost all the abilities and authority of the Great Land (Demon God) of Teyvat.

There is also a small part of the authority (of the demon god) ~ he has not yet fully mastered..

Therefore, he can continue to grow, and then break through his own limits to achieve a more (perfect) state!

And as a price…

He will become a character similar to (Tenri) or (tool man).

And this is also the price he must pay to become a (false god)…

(Day 4,704: Maybe the process is a bit tortuous, but you still make a deal with (Tenri).

He became the only one in this world (a false god).

Gained almost all the abilities and authority of the Great Land (Demon God) of Teyvat.

There is also a small part (of the demon god) abilities that you have not fully mastered, otherwise the word “almost” can be completely removed.

It becomes that you have gained all the abilities and authority of the Demon Gods on the land of Teyvat (the talent (False Gods (Golden)) effect has been triggered, and you will steal the power of the gods, steal the power of the gods, obtain weapons comparable to the gods, and achieve achievements comparable to the gods).)


(Fifth thousand: Ever since you became a (pseudo-god), you have been trying to suppress your rapidly growing strength.

If you evolve further, you will definitely break your current limits.

But it will also become a (subspecies) between (humans) and (demon gods).

At that point, you will lose all human emotions.

Become a slave and puppet at the mercy of (Tenri).)

(Day 5,228: You begin to consciously cultivate your own (adopted daughter) salt god Heuria.

But considering that its nature is too kind, gentle and effeminate, you dismiss this idea.

Using his own genes and Raiden Zhen, he successfully cultivated a brand new (Raiden True Replicant).

I wanted to test its character and essence.

After you use some extremely special means to test her character and essence, you feel more and more that she is the Leiden Zhen in your impression.

So, the tenderness in your heart is awakened by her for a long time.

After giving her a name called Raiden Bud Yi, you decisively adopted her as (granddaughter).

began to cultivate her consciously or unconsciously, and played the role of “good grandfather” in front of her.)


Time passes day by day…

Jiang Quan, who is located in (The Sims), is also finally discovered by his granddaughter (Thunderbolt Bud Yi) after doing one bad thing after another.

So, Jiang Quan’s granddaughter Raiden Yeyi left the headquarters with some people who also believed in “justice”.

Instead, I went to (Sumi) and established a school called (St. Freya Gakuen).

And helped the natives of (Sumi) successfully quell the incident (Relic Mechanic).

After becoming (Sumeru Kingdom) after (Little Auspicious Grass King), the third being called (Grass God).

“Sure enough, after getting along for a long time, even Xiao Yeyi has a rebellious heart…”

At this time, Jiang Quan, who was lying on a large bed (private room) in (Haiya Island Coral Palace), sighed subconsciously.

Secretly Dao children are really getting worse and harder to bring these years…

“If you do less bad things, it is estimated that the little bud will not leave you.

At this time, sitting on a chair near the desk next to him, looking at a book in his hand (the young tooth version of Lei Denzhen (Salt God Heuria)), he smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Jiang Quan lying on the bed behind him and said, “In other words, you have done so many bad things, haven’t you considered stopping and changing your ways?”

“Change the evil and return to righteousness?”

Hearing this, Jiang Quan, who was lying on the bed, sat up and looked at Heuria not far away: “Are you mocking me in your own unique way?”

“I’m just a little curious, don’t you have thoughts like (repentance) when you do so many bad things?”

Heuria’s nature is gentle and kind.

Therefore, she naturally couldn’t understand what Jiang Quan was thinking.

In this world, there are more good-looking (women) and (demon gods).

Why is he obsessed with one (Leiden Zhen)?

Heuria was both curious and envious of this.

If only she had such a good man by her side

Why would he usher in the betrayal of his own people at the end of man’s life?


Jiang Quan raised his head and looked at the wooden roof above, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“How can I repent, how can I repent, how can I repent….. "

If even he himself regrets what he has done in the past, then he is completely denying to look at his own life.

One day, he will usher in the end.

He will have a far more cruel end than death.

All this is the coffin prepared for him by (fate).

Just wait for him to complete what he should do (mission), lie down in that coffin and usher in his long-lost long sleep…..

This is the first time he has revealed his heart to other (people/gods) other than (Raiden Zhen) and (Ray Movie)…

It was also the last time he revealed his heart to other (people/gods) other than (Raiden Zhen) and (Ray Movie)…

He has begun to realize that the initiative and control of his body is slowly being taken away by (Tianli).

So he had to use the last bit of time he had left to accomplish something that could only and must be done by him!

Thoroughly purify Inazuma territory and the entire land of Teyvat from all the filth, karma, resentment, pain, and godly aura. And……

We have developed agents and methods that can completely suppress wear and tear or completely eliminate abrasion!

In this way, the man named (Jiang Quan) used his few time to stage a drama that belonged alone (fool) again…

It’s just that there is only one audience member who can watch this scene… That is…


(Day 5,239: You have succeeded in eliminating and purifying all the filth, karma, grievances, pains, and god-worshipping breath of all the dark beings in Inazuma and the entire land of Tivat by virtue of your (pseudo-god) characteristics and authority…)

At the same time, you also began to increase your own research efforts.

Regardless of the obstacles of the people around him, he frantically studied (wear and tear) about (demon gods).

In the process, you discover that the so-called (demon gods) are actually aggregates of some conscious element of nature.

Not a creature in the traditional sense.

And the thing that sustains their consciousness comes from each of their beings (individual emotions).

If a (demon god) is really (worn), then the place of (wear) may not be their (body) and (soul).

It’s their (emotions)!

Here, the body of the demon god can be regarded as an inorganic object (the original form of Ruota), and then emotions are the ropes that hold the form together (the carving of Zhongli / giving the eyes of Ruoda).

Once (the rope) is worn to a certain extent, then the shape will disperse

To become what it was at the beginning (inorganic matter) and to reintegrate into the world is to lose (autonomous consciousness).

And knowing this, you finally figured out the direction.

Strive to move in the direction of (while maintaining the original intention, but also allowing (the demon god) to acquire new emotions all the time).)

(Day 5,253: You succeeded!)

You’ve finally succeeded in developing potions and methods that can help (suppress wear) or eliminate wear and tear completely!

And hurriedly recorded this technique and method.

Leave it to posterity/God for observation and use.

After that, you make the first (anti-wear) potion through testing, and instruct the person next to you (Sogo (Kujo Jura)) to send this potion and method that can help (the demon god) completely (suppress wear) or completely (eliminate wear) to Raiden Movie (Raiden Shogun).

After that, he doesn’t have to come back….)

At the same time, Jiang Quan, who is located in (The Sims), instructs her with a serious face after handing over all the large bags of Mora on the side.

“From this day forward, you will not return to (the destiny of heaven).”

“These Moras are for your commission fee (settlement fee).”

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Quan tied this large bag of Mora to Kujo Jura’s shoulder and patted her: “After sending this (potion (medicine that suppresses wear)) and this (letter (method to eliminate wear)) to Raiden General’s hands, your task will be completely completed.”

“Then you will be truly free.”

Jiang Quan can already sense that the (initiative) and (control) of his body are gradually disappearing…

Presumably, it won’t be long before he completely loses his (initiative) and (control) of his body.

Become a tool and puppet in the hands of (Tenri).

Do what he told you honestly.

It wasn’t until the one who appeared five hundred years later that he could seize the few opportunities to break free from the control of Tenri.

Then use this (omnipotent) power in his hands to cross the world and reach the face of (the tree of imaginary numbers) to modify the history and all the tragedies of the current world.

“But, Lord Jiangquan, I!”

“Don’t say these nice or nice things.”

Facing the excited, Jiang Quan glanced at the distant sun with a chuckle, slowly turned around and said, “Next, I will resign from the position of Archbishop of Heavenly Destiny.”

“Give this seat to my granddaughter (Thunderbolt Bud Yi) to sit.”

In this way, Jiang Quan sent away the nine Zojo Luo and used the latest scientific and technological system developed by (Mandate of Heaven) to pass on the message to everyone in the entire (Mandate of Heaven) organization

It was announced that the next seat (Archbishop of Heaven’s Destiny) would be sat by his granddaughter (Thunderbolt Bud).

“The gorgeous end…”

“How suitable for me, the most evil man…”

After saying these words of unclear meaning, Jiang Quan left alone (Mandate of Heaven).

Erased all his whereabouts…

It was not until more than four hundred years later that he finally appeared in front of the world.

Declare war on all beings on the entire land of Teyvat as a (pseudo-god).

After all……

Before Jiang Quan appeared, (Ice God) had already shown his fangs to (Tianli).

And His Royal Highness the Prince of the (Abyss Order) Sora also unceremoniously attacked (Tenri).

In this case, Jiang Quan, which has the power of a unique (pseudo-god), was naturally sent out by (Tianli) first.

Faced the people and gods of the land of Teyvat.

“Why….. It will be you…”

After seeing his former sweetheart, Lei Movie rushed forward directly despite the obstacles of everyone present and God.

It seems that he wants to confront Jiang Quan head-on.



At this time, Jiang Quan, whose (initiative) and (control) were all taken away by (Tianli), naturally launched an attack on him without hesitation.

And opened his mouth and mocked: “It’s been five hundred years, why are you still so immature, shadow…”

In this way, Jiangquan exercised (the authority of the false gods) in the form of a mortal.

With one enemy and hundreds of millions without the slightest panic, he easily defeated the countless (God’s Eye) unique people below.

And he opened his hands and shouted loudly: “The morning sun has arrived.”

“Rise, Great Noon—!”

In an instant, the whole world changed dramatically.

Over here……

It is the spiritual world that belongs to Jiangquan alone!

Pitch black, desolate, scarlet, desperate, helpless…

All the emotions that Jiang Quan once held were all manifested at this moment.

In turn, the strength of the people present and the gods was suppressed, and further attacked them.

“Wind, respond to me!”

“The sky moves!”

“At this moment, the time of silence is one-!”

“Jing Demon Dance One

“Wild stars one by one

In the face of the combined attack of the gods and everyone, Jiang Quan, who had already incarnated as a (pseudo-god), did not have the slightest fear.

Instead, with his own great strength, he defeated most of the gods, immortals, and humans present in one fell swoop.

“Phew… Call…… Phew….”

In the end, the panting Lei Film forcibly endured the pain all over his body and came to Jiang Quan, holding the (dream heart) in his hand and pondering for a long time, before once again spitting out to Jiang Quan the words that made him feel nostalgic.

“Let’s have a duel in front of the Imperial Palace…..”

“I refuse.”

However, this time, Jiang Quan did not have the slightest intention of wanting his subordinates to show mercy, and decisively used his (pseudo-god) power to launch a fatal attack on Lei Film.

(PS: As mentioned earlier, except for the protagonist’s current body, everything else is controlled by (Tianli), and it is impossible to release water “Wild Star!”)

It is at this time that the traveler who is the (destined man) of the current world

Ying suddenly released (rock elemental combat skills) to block Jiang Quan’s attack for Thunder Movie

And backhanded towards Jiang Quan, entangled with him.

One day…… Two days… Three days……

Even the gods, immortals, and people couldn’t remember how long they had been fighting with Jiang Quan.

Until the screen, who they identified as (the child of destiny), used all his strength to gather the wishes of all their gods, immortals, and humans to unleash that blow that made all the current existence in the world unimaginable.

Only then did Jiang Quan, who was a (pseudo-god), hit hard.

He had to disarm his current small world and put all the beings present back to where they should be.

“It’s really a merciless blow…”

In this regard, Jiang Quan just chuckled and forced himself to stand up with pain all over his body.

I moved my body, which had not been active for a long time.

“However, thanks to your life-and-death attacks, I finally won this big bet…”

Before being defeated by Yingmei and others, he was infinitely close to (God)

But it is just a slave (tool man) in the hands of (Tianli).

He is firmly bound to the current world, and although he does have the power to reshape everything, he has no freedom at all.

“High roller?”

“That’s right.”

Facing the curiosity of everyone present and the gods, Jiang Quan said with a slight upturn of the corners of his mouth: “I bet that the will of humans, immortals and gods can combine to create an instant miracle power.”

“Let the (law) of (the tree of imaginary numbers) be disturbed and impressed by it in that short moment.”

“You have overcome me, and together you have overcome Him behind me.”

“I bet my last hope for the resurrection (true) on this… And as it turned out, I won the bet.”

“Now, I can finally control this body to do what I should be doing…”

In the next second, a (imaginary number gate) suddenly appeared.

Under the shocked eyes of the gods and everyone, Jiang Quan himself was sucked in

Let him move in the imaginary space, which is infinitely close to the ontology of the (tree of imaginary numbers).

“The world is so chaotic…..”

Jiang Quan walked in this scarlet and dark world.

Little by little, move in the direction of your goal.

“It’s neither fair nor reasonable…”

“It persecutes heroes and nourishes evil…”

“Ugly everywhere, beautiful nothing…”

As Jiangquan takes a step, when walking in this vast and endless world.

Countless dolls that looked like Jiang Quan were born from the sand, and like puppets, they began to stagger towards Jiang Quan.


At this moment, the corners of Jiang Quan’s mouth were slightly upturned.

Without fear, he stretched out his hand and summoned a golden giant sword.

Facing the group of puppet armies in front of him, which can be called “innumerable”, there was not the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

“The malice of the world… Let me, the wicked man, cut it off for a moment, and the fire boils.

Countless flames hovered over Jiang Quan’s great sword, allowing him to jump and smash into the ground.

niiiiii one day

In the flames of this explosion, he seemed to see the thunder and lightning that walked with him in the past.

Ray movies that accompany yourself and laugh happily.

Yae Miko (fox form) who rubs his head at will.

And the one after another who showed a sincere smile to himself, but finally had to die from various factors and the members of the Mandate of Heaven organization and the soldiers of Haiyu Island in the war…

All the sins caused by Him will end here!

Whether it is his beloved Raiden Zhen or those who have trusted him.

Anyone who is willing to die for him…

He will all give them a happy knot at the end of his performance

“That’s the distance between her and tomorrow… "

“This is the world’s relentless counterattack against her…..”

“But her heart…”

“Never give up on this…”

Seeing the surrounding army of puppets rushing towards him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Quan changed the form of the weapon in his hand.

“Void Ten Thousand Treasures, Mimicry, Rock God Spear!”

“Void Ten Thousand Zang, Mimicry, Heavenly Fire Holy Judge!”

“Void Ten Thousand Treasures, Mimicry, Dreams One Heart!”

At this moment, there was no other emotion in his heart other than anger and true attachment to Thunder and Lightning.

Despite the infinite number of puppets in front of him, he was not afraid to declare war on all injustices and (fate) in the world.


At this moment, the group of puppets suddenly gathered together.

Together they constructed a very large and terrifying crawling monster and unleashed their powerful blow towards Jiang Quan.


At the same time, located in the kingdom of Kanreia at a certain point in time.

Facing the countless (ruin guards) and (ruin machine soldiers) and a large group of warriors of the Kingdom of Kanreia, the thunderbolts really clenched their teeth and fought with them without hesitation.

Even if you don’t know martial arts…

Even if he doesn’t have the strength as powerful as his sister…..

She is also struggling to resist the invasion of all the hostility around her, and she is struggling to resist the injustice from fate.

My mind is always thinking about what the state of the handsome man he called (the great inventor) is at this time…..


...... (011009019 Feilu 1425020201

At the same time, Jiang Quan, located in the imaginary space, was also violently slapped out by the giant beast in front of him.

“Void Ten Thousand Zang, Mimicry, Heavenly Lock!”

The moment he smashed into the ground, Jiang Quan did not hesitate to use (Void Ten Thousand Treasures) to mimic the weapon Heavenly Lock that was enough to fight against (gods) and all (elemental force creatures)!

Countless chains were manipulated to fiercely penetrate the body of this huge monster in front of him.

It’s directly tied here.

“Void Ten Thousand Treasures, Mimicry Judas Oath!”

In an instant, a golden cross was held in Jiang Quan’s hand.

With Jiang Quan’s leap, he jumped into the air and smashed the cross in his hand on the head of the huge monster in front of him.

The giant beast, which was originally still a little alive, instantly fell to the ground with a sorrowful cry.

Splash after stone and drop it on Jiang Quan’s body.

He didn’t feel the slightest pain.

After all……

While he fights hard, the power called (Imaginary Tree) is also eroding his body.

Once he couldn’t save Lei Denzhen before the (Tree of Imaginary Numbers) had eroded his body, then all his previous efforts would be in vain.

“I said, really, I will definitely save you…..

Just when Jiang Quan stretched out his palm and wanted to touch the branch of the (Imaginary Tree) to create a (Thunderbolt True) survival ending.

A black branch suddenly penetrated its chest.

It made him think of the tragic situation when Thunder and Lightning really died for a moment.

“Once a person’s soul is scattered, he cannot rise back from the dead…”

Seeing countless branches piercing his body from the body of the fallen giant beast, Jiang Quan, who had not felt much pain due to the erosion of the (Imaginary Tree), actually felt the pain for a long time at this moment.

This made him have to grit his teeth and clench the Void Magic Hidden in his hand to transform it into another form.

“The world allows consciousness to match new containers, but it does not allow containers to collect dissipated consciousness… "

Void Magic Mimicry Star of Eden!

With the appearance of a golden square, the giant beast that was still using branches to bind Jiangquan was instantly repelled by a sudden force tens of thousands of meters away.

In the end, he could only watch as Jiang Quanguo walked up to the (Tree of Imaginary Numbers) with a golden yellow sword, stretching out his palm to touch its branches.

Modifying the fate and ending that has long been preordained…”I want to save you… "

“I can only create a new possibility in the past…

In an instant, a brand new branch stretched out on the (Tree of Imaginary Numbers).

Let Jiang Quan write the content and ending.

“This future will be your time and space…”




Chen Shi painting, Danmucheng (there is hua) mountain (there is) Zhang Dianzhen was instantly stopped in place by the power of time.

At the same time, everything around her, along with everything in the entire Kingdom of Kanria, was stopped by the power of time.

It presents a hazy dim color.


Suddenly, there is a hole in what should have been a set of good endings.

The trajectory of what should have been doomed took a turn.

An obsession that has remained unchanged for 500 years! Perseverance that has remained unchanged for 500 years! All got a response at this moment!

“Skyfire… Unsheathed!”

In an instant, Jiang Quan, who fell from above the sky, clenched the golden sword in his hand.

Let the fire burn his body and smash heavily into the location of the Kingdom of Kanria.

Wipe out everything you want to hurt and kill if Raiden really exists.

saved his life.

In this way, a world where lightning can really continue to survive has been created!

“Please be nice… Let’s live… True.

As mentioned earlier, anyone can remember and hate him…

Because he sees life as a mustard and hurts one after another person/god who is extremely important and beloved to someone…

Anyone can sympathize with him…

Because he loves him, he can’t live happily with her after saving Raiden Zhen no matter what…

Anyone can admire him…

Because he can do real unscrupulousness, using himself as the greatest tool to achieve his own ends…

Anyone can pity him…

Because in the life of other scum, he also has two most beloved women (Lei Film and granddaughter Lei Dian Yeyi), but he can only make them hate him forever, so that the two can achieve spiritual and spiritual growth…

Anyone can have mercy on him…

Because he personally forced himself into a corner, and personally created a fool (false god Jiangquan) who became the target of everyone!

In his long and short life of five hundred years, there were many things that only he could come up with, and many things that only he could do…

At the end of his life, what he needed was not a proper name, because it was something that even he himself did not want to give himself…

If there really is one person who hates (pseudo-god Jiangquan) the most in this world…

Then that person must be Jiang Quan, the great inventor of the former Heavenly Mandate Archbishop and Lei Dian Zhen and Lei Movie (God)!

What Jiangquan in (The Sims) needs is not whitewashing, it’s pure black! It’s the black that sinks alone!

It’s the black that excludes everyone!

If Jiangquan in (The Sims) is forgiven at the last minute, understood

Then everything he did in the past is completely denied!

Both the good and bad things he did lost the meaning of what they happened.

Perhaps, the departure of Jiang Quan, located in the middle of (The Sims)…..

What is needed is not a farewell word like “go well” or “rest in peace” maybe…

All he needs is in the hearts of others…

Even if it is only for a moment of compassion for the fragility and loss of life

Because that’s what (The Sims) (Jiangquan (Otto template)) becomes the evildoer, becomes the fool, becomes an emotion that the false gods want to convey to the world.

To the passing of others, we can say, “Farewell, old friend.”

Something like that.

But for the passing of Jiang Quan, who is in (Sims) at this time, we might as well give him a sentence “Farewell, old force.”

All right.

At least, he does have a good job of doing what he should be doing… Isn’t it?

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