"I know what you're thinking, it's been hundreds of years, and it's long been put down.

If it hadn't been put down, Lumia and I wouldn't be getting along so well now. "

Rolling his eyes at Su Feng, Bo Lilingmeng slowly spoke.

Between her and Lumia, there is not so much hatred.

Or rather, at first, this hatred was great, but later, she understood the ancestor witch, and the hatred between her and Lumia was obvious.

Now, at most, after unsealing the seal, Lumia didn't want to open it.

After all, in the sealed state, she is a little girl who knows nothing and has no memory of this.

Even after the seal is lifted, there is still a memory of when it was sealed.

However, it took a long time for Boli Lingmeng to understand Lumia and accept Lumia.

Lumia herself is obviously not so easy to think of by "nine nine seven".

This time, Boli Lingmeng also planned that this Su Feng could create a dish rich in dark attributes that could fill Lumia's stomach.

It will not appear again when he is hungry to the point of losing his mind, and this idea was born to Bo Li Lingmeng.

"Since you said so...

Okay, when the time comes, I'll pick a collection of Boli Lingmeng, and the deal will be established. "

Seeing that Bo Li Lingmeng didn't look like a disguise, Su Feng agreed after a little thought.

Su Feng was not worried that his deal with Bo Li Lingmeng would bring negative effects to Fantasy Township.

Even if Lumia was not sealed, when she was still eating people, she later met Lingmeng and became Lingmeng's friend when she stopped eating people.

They have been so hungry that they have lost their minds, but they will still subconsciously use the spell card and follow the rules of the spell card.

From this point of view, Su Feng was already very relieved.

At most, between Lumia and Boli Lingmeng, something will happen again.

Then, the two were reconciled.

"Thank you, I'll take care of our relationship."

Seeing that Su Feng agreed, Bo Li Lingmeng smiled.

Immediately, Boli Lingmeng removed Lumia's bandage again and helped Lumia lift the seal again.

Lumia, who had recovered, instantly fused the previous memory, and then the whole person was stunned in place.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at Su Feng and Bo Lilingmeng with great emotion.

Previously, the conversation between Bo Li Lingmeng and Su Feng did not deliberately avoid Lumia in the sealed state.

So, naturally, you know what the situation is now.

For her, Bori Lingmeng actually chose to take out the collection of Bori Shrine for many years in exchange for her future food.

And Su Feng's trading rules, Lumia also has some understanding, before the seal was lifted, Lumia knew Su Feng's trading rules.

Su Feng selects the trading items according to his hobbies, and then, the transaction is completed, and Su Feng completes the transaction.

In the future, even if you stay in the current state of lifting the seal, you don't have to worry about going hungry again, and you don't have to worry about repeating the tragedy of the past again.

But Lumia, at this time, did not know how to face Boli Lingmeng.

Even now, memories have been fused. Know what kind of attitude Bo Li Lingmeng has towards his sealed self.

Still don't know how to face Boli Lingmeng.

"Let's talk about things between us after the banquet.

Those guys are now desperate for us to quarrel.

Enjoy the banquet to the fullest, and then we will go back to Hirari Shrine together. "

Seeing Lumia looking at herself with a complicated expression, not knowing what she was thinking, Boli Lingmeng immediately spoke.

Postponed the matter between the two until the end of the banquet.

Seeing this, Lumia nodded, silently walked to the side, and found a quiet place to sit down with a drink.

As soon as she sat down, fresh food appeared in front of Lumia.

Seeing this, Lumia nodded to Su Feng.

She does not have such ability, and these foods contain rich dark energy.

Obviously, only Su Feng can take out such a thing.

Su Feng also nodded in response, and then continued to talk with Yayunzi and the others. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No one bothered Lumia, and everyone knew that Lumia needed to calm down now.

It can also be regarded as a tacit understanding shared by everyone.

Even, even Kiluno, who only had an IQ, did not come to disturb Lumia.

Instead, with the big goblin, among other familiar big monsters, they happily fight.

Looking at the lively crowd, Lumia didn't say a word, drinking alcohol alone..........

Thinking about the relationship between himself and Bo Li Lingmeng.

Occasionally eat a bite of the food created by Su Feng.

The banquet ended just when everyone gathered and lively, and Lumia was extremely silent alone, and her own secret observation of Boli Lingmeng.

As soon as the banquet ended, Boli Lingmeng pulled Lumia and left Su Feng's house.

With the fastest speed, he brought Lumia in. In the Boli Shrine, at the same time, a single enchantment was also arranged by the Boli Lingmeng.

But soon, within the airtight enchantment arranged by Bo Li Lingmeng, an intruder broke in.

When he came to the room where Bo Li Lingmeng and Lumia were, Bo Li Lingmeng and Lumia were silent with each other, not saying a word.

"I knew it was going to be the case, and it wasn't surprising.

Where did I get good wine from Su Feng, together? "

While speaking, while sitting next to the two, Calamity Dream took out a golden wine bottle and three cups made of gold.

If it was usual, Boli Lingmeng would have already seen golden light in his eyes and began to pay attention to the wine bottles and glasses.

But at this time, Boli Lingmeng was calm and did not attract his attention by gold.

"Woe Dream Dream... I heard that you are an independent existence formed by Lingmeng separating its own darkness and bane. "

Lumia's gaze towards Spirit Dream was more complicated than the gaze that looked at Spirit Dream.

To be honest, Lumia didn't expect that the calamity dream would also come, but she was born out of all the 5.3 darkness, bane, and negative emotions of the spirit dream.

"It's not this world, it's parallel to time and space.

At that time and space, it was also an accident that the spirit dream would separate me, and even the spirit dream in that time and space did not notice my existence.

I was already banished from fantasy township. "

Shaking his head slightly, Misfortune Dream opened his mouth to explain.

She is indeed separated from the spirit dream, but not the spirit dream of this fantasy town.

Rather, the Bo Li Ling dream of parallel time and space.

"My origin, I have already explained.

Although I was banished at birth, I still have it! In a parallel world, all the memories of Boli Lingmeng.

In the world where I was born, Lingmeng also forgives you.

My bane, negative emotions, darkness, is not relevant to you. "。

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