The reason why the Scourge Dream came over this time is also very simple.

Help Lingmeng and reconcile with Lumia once and for all.

Moreover, he directly used his identity to convey information to Lumia.

She is a misfortune dream, with the memories of Bo Li Lingmeng, and all the negative emotions and darkness of Bo Li Lingmeng.

Of course, Lumia also heard the meaning of the words of the calamity dream.

In the fantasy town of another world, Boli Lingmeng also chose to forgive her in the end.

So now, there is no need to doubt Lingmeng, because Lingmeng is really let go.

"I know everything... After the seal was lifted, I had memories and emotions from the time when I was sealed...

That's why my mood is so complicated now. "

Shaking her head slightly, Lumia replied.

Of course, he understands everything, but the problem is that the sealed Lumia and Boli Lingmeng have become friends again.

After unsealing, Lumia has not yet, in Lumia's eyes, she is just escaping through the seal of Bo Li Lingmeng.

"In which fantasy township, Su Feng's existence did not appear.

In this fantasy township, the spirit dream did not separate the evil spirit dream. 19

So, I don't understand something. "

Staring at Lumia quietly, Misfortune Dream spoke again.

"Obviously, you have memories and emotions when you were sealed, why are you still in a complicated mood now.

Can't get back together with Lingmeng? "

Scourge Dream is really incomprehensible until she is banished by Fantasy Township.

The parallel time and space of the fantasy town where the evil dream was born, there was no Su Feng's existence, and Lumia was always in a sealed state.

And now, Lumia has obviously lifted the seal, and her way of thinking and acting is more mature.

And the emotions and memories of this sealed period, why can't they be reconciled with Lingmeng?

What's the other good mood complicated?

Wouldn't it be nice to inherit this memory and emotions directly? And Boli Lingmeng directly reconciled.

Bo Li Lingmeng did not speak, but also stared at Lumia quietly, without saying a word, waiting for Lumia's answer.

Originally, there would be silence between them, but now it is really good that the evil spirit dream will open the situation.

"I do have memories and feelings, and there is nothing wrong with that....

But that was after I was sealed, and I didn't eat the memories of the ancestor witches, so I could become good friends with Lingmeng without burden.

But I... But I clearly remember how the ancestor witch was devoured by me..."

Under the gaze of the two spirit dreams, Lumia showed a wry smile.

How could things be that easy?!

After being sealed, Lumia does not have this memory, even except that she is Lumia and a dark monster.

If you don't know anything else, you can naturally become friends with Boli Lingmeng again without burden.

But she is different, she has more memories.

Lumia is not only good friends with Lingmeng, because of Boli Lingmeng, Lumia has a very good relationship with the ancestor witch, that is, Boli Lingmeng's aunt.

But in the end, she ate the witch of the ancestors.

No matter whether at that time, whether he was already hungry and delirium, or how the ancestor witch released water and took the initiative to be eaten by Lumia.

These are all hurdles in Lumia's heart!

If it were really that simple, Lumia had already reconciled with Boli Lingmeng when she was unsealed the last time she was unsealed and looked for a study in Fantasy Township.

But in fact, it is true that since the last time she was unsealed, she has been hiding from Bo Li Lingmeng.

"I am the witch of the Bori Shrine, and after the death of my aunt, I have been serving as the longest serving witch in the Whole Fantasy Township.

Do you think I didn't find out that the last time you unsealed it, you hid behind me and secretly followed me..."

After a little silence, Boli Lingmeng slowly opened his mouth and said to Lumia.

Her strength, that is really not what it used to be, not to mention that when she sealed Lumia, Boli Lingmeng was still young, if it weren't for Lumia's initiative, she wouldn't be able to seal Lumia at all.

Now she is the longest serving and strongest Boli witch since the establishment of Fantasy Township!

Lumia was still using her previous strength, hiding behind her in the previous way and following her for a long time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Do you really think she didn't find out?!

It was precisely because of that time that Boli Lingmeng would give birth, otherwise, the idea of unsealing Lumia.

But because of fear, Lumia was hungry again and lost her mind, so the idea was rejected.

Until, in order to coax Lumia, who was fooling around in the sealed state, Su Feng came up with a food with dark energy.

Bo Li Lingmeng re-strengthened his idea and really took action.


Hearing this, Lumia was silent, silently took a sip of wine, and then showed a wry smile.

"I've grown up... Lingmeng..."

Looking at Bo Li Lingmeng with a complicated expression, Lumia did not expect that she would actually be discovered.

She is a dark monster, with clever concealment methods, confident that she will not be discovered.

Moreover, Bo Li Lingmeng had already made a move to make a deal with Su Feng, leaving her alone to calm down during the banquet.

After the banquet, 110 directly pulled her to the Bori Shrine.

Time has passed, but the Boli Shrine is still the same as it is in memory, and there has never been any change.

The only change is that of Bo Li Lingmeng, who has grown up, grown, surpassed her in strength, and discovered her tracking.

"Give me some more time, okay..."

With a slight pleading on her face, Lumia spoke again and said to Boli Lingmeng.

Although she had calmed down for a banquet, her mood was still complicated.

I still don't know how to face Bo Li Lingmeng, I just want to be calm and calm.

"Then let's stay at the Hiri Shrine during this time...

Where Su Feng traded the food, I will be responsible for picking it up."

Staring at Lumia, Boli Lingmeng did not force Lumia too much, but did not completely let Lumia leave.

Since Lumia wants to calm down, calm down.

Calm down inside the Hori Shrine.

"The past is gone, I really want to open and hate you anymore."

I hope you can think about it...

Of course...."

Saying that, Bo Li Lingmeng was silent again.

It doesn't matter if you really can't open it, but the fact that Lumia no longer needs to be sealed will not change.

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