
Smacked his lips, although he really wanted to refute this sentence of the Sage of the Moon, but Shotsumi Marufumi found that he really couldn't refute it.


"I don't need a new camera when you're there in the future, can I?"

With a wave of his hand, Marufumi still didn't want to suffer a loss in the Yuedu.

Especially I don't want to be caught between Fantasy Township and Yuedu.

That will only leave and right, not people.

Therefore, Marufumi decided that if he couldn't fight the people of the future moon capital, he would not use his new camera.

"Who believes this~"

With a sneer, the Sage of the Moon did not believe in the ~ guarantee of Shotmarufumi at all.

What was captured by that camera, as long as Shotmaru didn't show it, no one knew if Shotmaruwen had it - using that camera.

Shooting Maruwen is completely okay, the mouth says that it is not applicable, and the result will still be in the open - use.

After all, no one can detect it, can they?

"So what do you want?"

"Well, in a few days, you're going to Yuxiang in the evening.

Then, let's come to Yuedu tomorrow~ Peace of mind, it's not about Yuedu and fantasy town.

Won't let you get caught in it. "

Seeing that Shotmaruwen finally began to soften, the Moon Sage also showed a smug smile, and the Moon Sage who was in a good mood even assured Shoti Maruwen.

However, although it will not be sandwiched between fantasy township and moon capital, in the end it is not a person inside and out.

However, it will definitely be sandwiched between the Sage of the Moon and the Alliance of the Wind and the Fragrance of the Wind.

However, these are harmless, and the fight between them has nothing to do with the confrontation between Yuedu and Fantasy Township.

Moreover, they did not know that Yakumo Zichengtian was watching Yuedu with the ability to check the line of destiny.

Even if he really wanted to use the shooting pill to do something, he would be discovered by Yakumo Zi, so the Moon Sages did not tell this aspect from the beginning.

"Then it's best, in that case, how about I go to Yuedu tomorrow."

Nodding lightly, Shotmaru Wen breathed a slight sigh of relief.

It is best not to let yourself be loaded between fantasy township and moon capital.

Since this is the case, then even if she goes to the moon tomorrow, what can she do?

Even, maybe you can take advantage of this opportunity to go to the Yuedu to get some news to bring back and release it.

"Very good~"

Nodding in satisfaction, the Moon Sage turned around and returned to his original position, chatting with his companions.

Of course, in the dark plane, this Moon Sage is still on the line of passion!

At the same time, Kazami Yuka and others were in the secret communication.

Big Tengu "Wen Wen is not powerful, the concept of stealing failed not to say, but it is really pinched, tomorrow will go to the moon capital." "

Hekatia: "Perhaps, it is also an opportunity, Wen Wen's camera has a great effect, and it may be possible to bring us back first-hand information from Yuedu." "

Huo Qing'e: "Poor Wenwen, it will be sandwiched between our struggles for a long time in the future, it is estimated that it will not be until after who Su Feng is with, will he finally become free~"

Holy White Lotus" Although Wen Wen is indeed quite pitiful, as long as he thinks of the camera on Wen Wen's body, he instantly feels pitiful at all. "

Qin Xin: "Wen Wen likes to collect that kind of photos, it's not a day or two, otherwise where did the Wen Hua post come from."

It's still good, at least it's much safer than Wen Hua, as long as Wen Wen doesn't want to, it won't be seen by others. "

"Let's discuss it first, and after bringing Wen Wen over, let's arrange some tasks for Wen Wen."

Since they went to the moon capital every day, they had to seize this opportunity. "

Holy White Lotus "Youxiang is right, this time is an opportunity, we have always been too passive, this time may turn passive into active to get the opportunity. "

Huo Qing'e: "Actually, I feel that we can make a deal with Zi or Remy and get information from them, and there is no need for Wen Wen to do anything."

Moreover, they definitely knew more than Wen Wen. "

The so-called transaction of the Great Tengu is just to restrict Su Feng and prevent us from becoming giant babies. And with Zi's character, nine times out of ten, some wrong or misleading information will come out, it is better to let Wen Wen come.

Zi is a full fun! "

0 Ask for flowers to read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Hekatia: "In other words, do you feel that there is something wrong with Su Feng?" I always felt that Su Feng's body had undergone a very subtle change. "

"The wind sees the fragrance" should be figured out something, or understand something, Su Feng's body changes too fast, grow very fast, this is normal, get used to it." Not once or twice again. "

"But it still feels like something is not quite right, it doesn't come up.

Forget it, you know Su Feng better than me, so let's think that Youxiang is right. "

Directly ignoring the subtlety on Su Feng's body, Kazemi Yuxiang and the others began to plan the things of the night.

On the other side, the Scourge Dream was indeed suddenly covered with black lines.

Good guy, she was still talking to Su Feng about this matter yesterday night, but today, Youxiang directly ignored this matter?

Although Su Feng did become quite fast, it was reasonable for Kazemi Yuxiang to think so.

But the dream of calamity still feels very subtle.


Is her sense of presence too weak? Kazami Yuka directly represented her together?

Wen Wen didn't even want to come to her to find her?

Although it is said that the evil spirit dream does not care, it is just that Maruwen was shot secretly like this.

Being able to be secretly photographed by Shotmarufumi without her even noticing, which is the original of Shotmarufumi.

As long as those photos that cannot be released can be well protected, then the evil dream is also appropriately blind.

And now this new camera on Wen Wen's body can obviously save the photos very well, as long as Wen Wen is not willing, it will not be leaked.

Calamity Dream didn't care even more, she only cared that Shotmaruwen actually skipped her over!

On the other side, who were also ignored by Shotmaru, there were Remilia, and Yakumo Blue.

Yakumo Lan said that as long as the text can ensure that the photo will not be leaked, there is no problem.

As for Remilia, at this time, Remilia was listening to the plans of Kazemi Yuka and the others, as well as the opposite line of Yuedu, and was thinking about her own plan.

She is inspired to win in the battle of everyone, and hold Su Feng's return to Ding! .

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