"So, no one said where I changed~"

When night fell, Su Feng turned his head to look at the Calamity Spirit Dream, shrugged his shoulders and said to the Calamity Spirit Dream.

For a day, no one said anything about the subtle changes that had happened to him.

That's why Remilia and Misfortune Dream said such things.

So, sure enough, it was Remilia and Scourge Dream who felt wrong!

"You didn't listen to what they were talking about in the secret communication?"

Like Su Feng, Calamity Dream refuted.

But whenever Su Feng listened to the secret communication channel of the wind and fragrance, he could find that more than one person had mentioned this matter.

"I don't have anything to listen to what those do.

They like to communicate as much as they like in secret communications. "

"They all noticed the changes in you, but Yuka said that you grew up "193" very quickly, maybe you figured out something, or you understood some truth or something.

Then, just skip it, so that it is not mentioned in front of you. "

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Calamity Dream directly said what he heard at that time.

But Su Feng obviously didn't believe it, and immediately used his ability directly to verify what Calamity Dream said.

Then, Su Feng found, hey!

Calamity Dream really didn't lie to himself, and Feng Jian Yuxiang and others really said this.

"Maybe I did change something, but the change was small and subtle.

So I didn't notice it myself, it shouldn't be a bad thing. "

After determining that the calamity dream was not playing with himself, Su Feng simply nodded directly, admitting that something had indeed changed in his body.

But he didn't take too much into the changes in himself.

If this change is bad, it will bring bad results.

Then now Remilia and Yakumo Zi and Yakumo Blue should come and drink with him.

Instead of running back to continue doing your own thing as you do now.

"Well, it's not a bet or anything like that, it's just a little strange.

You're not curious, I'm following something blind. "

Seeing that Su Feng directly and frankly admitted his changes, but he was not curious about his changes, Calamity Dream also waved his hand.

Turned around and left Su Feng's house directly.

Su Feng, on the other hand, sat in the courtyard, and after enjoying the moon, he turned around and returned to his room.

"The moon I created is really awkward to admire, how to look at it, it feels imperfect.

But the moon does look like this, obviously it is a replica of the moon outside, and this mentality is strange enough. "

Softly complaining about himself, Su Feng turned on the computer and skillfully sent a video to Fran and Kaguya.

On the other side, Marufumi, who was feeding Nono, was surrounded by a group of big monsters.

No, it should be said, those who are surrounded with the big tengu.

At this time, the shooting maruwen, the whole person hung on the body of the big tengu, a picture of wanting to cry without tears.

"Lord Tengu, you must save me!"

Holding the big tengu, being strongly watched by a group of big youkai, Marufumi, who had decided to give the end because of the camera, felt unprecedented pressure!

"Don't worry, we won't do anything about you, Wenwen.

You let me go first. "

Looking at Shotmarufumi with a helpless face, the big tengu said a little speechlessly.

This Wen Wenwen, usually not very bold, randomly compiled and gossip written in the Wenwen Daily, and published the Wenwen Daily.

How bold it is to make the above moves.

Why is it so provocative today, why is it so provocative now!?

"I don't believe it!

Otengu sama~! "

Marufumi, who decided to fight to the end, shook his head vigorously, and looked at the big tengu with tears in his eyes.

Anyway, she has already decided, today is to provoke to the end. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No matter what the big tengu says, she is instigated to the end!

Definitely hold on to the big tengu as a way to avoid the inhuman treatment you may suffer!

"If you don't believe the words of the big tengu, then trust me?"

With one hand on his forehead, he shook his head a little helplessly, and the wind saw that Yuxiang finally spoke.

Today's Wen Wen is definitely the most intimidating since she met Shotmaru.

I don't know what happened to Wenwen's brain circuit, what he thought of, and he was able to scare himself like this.

"Believe, but I want to stay with Lord Tengu!"

Nodded vigorously, what the wind saw Yuka said, did she dare to believe it?

If it were usual, she would definitely dare, but now?

If you don't believe it, you have to believe it!

Otherwise, if one does not get it right, it may be another tribulation!

She didn't want to create those fruits that Su Feng created again, those fruits that tasted strange, super unpalatable and couldn't be refused!

No, you must keep the thighs of the big tengu, for the sake of the big tengu's face, at least you can avoid a lot of tribulations!

Thinking so, Shotmaru's arms became even harder: 0

I can't wait to integrate your whole heat into the big tengu.

"Is it the cause of which engine, what wonderful chain reaction it brings?"

How do you feel that Wenwen you are so weird?

Your weekday list, what kind of audacity do you have when you collect literary flower posts? "

Looking at the text that he couldn't wait to integrate into the body of the big tengu, Kazemi Yuka sighed, and then opened his mouth to complain.

What's going on, how do you feel that Wenwen's reaction is so strange?

Could it be because after fusing the engine developed by Su Feng, there was a wonderful chain reaction that happened, causing Wen Wen's thinking to change or something?

"Wiped out by those magical fruits!"

Well, Marufumi's answer was very hard, so hard that it made people speechless

However, it did make Kazemi Yuka and others let go of their suspicions.

Indeed, Shotmaru is definitely eating those who are not people... It's not a demon eating thing, which one eats the most 4.4.

Feng saw that Yuxiang had completely figured it out, where Wen Wen was afraid of them, Wen Wen was afraid of those fruits created by Su Feng!

"Don't worry, I won't let you eat those fruits.

There is something serious for you to do, and even, maybe you can add some reading to your Wenwen Daily. "

"Lord Yuka, you order!"

As the voice of Kazami Yuka fell, Shotmarufumi instantly let go of the big tengu, only to feel a gust of wind blowing, and Shotsumimarufumi appeared in front of Kazami Yuka, and opened his mouth with a flattering face.

In order to increase the reading volume of Wenwen Daily, Wenwen is also open-minded.

At the same time, it also made Wen Wen understand that Yuxiang really didn't seem to have the idea of letting her eat those fruits.

As long as she doesn't eat fruit, she is naturally not afraid! .

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