The next day, it was still nightfall.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Quietly using the engine he got from Su Feng, constantly taking pictures, shooting Pill Wen opened his mouth to the people at the conference table and asked.

When facing Kazami Yuka and the others, Shotsumi Marufumi asked one to feed Nono, lest he eat that fruit again.

But Yuedu, they didn't know there was such a thing!

Eh, hey!

Shooting Death Marufumi directly punched out!

"We also had a discussion yesterday and came to a conclusion.

By now, you should also know that we have the Kaguya Alliance and the Yuka Gradual Alliance Society.

The goal is all to compete for the status of Su Feng's wife, right? "

With his hands crossed against his chin, the Moon Sage wearing glasses slowly spoke.

They discussed a day yesterday and a day during the day, and although more often than not, they were all passionate about each other and mocking each other, but they still did something serious.

"Well, they did tell me about it.

I also learned that I had already written the manuscript and was ready to publish it in the Wenwen Daily.

The same is true for your union. "

Nodded casually, and shot 20 life Marufumi gave an affirmative answer.

Kazami Yuka really said everything, of course, it was all things she could know, and she was just said by Kazami Yuka.

I don't want her to know, even if I subconsciously ask because of the reporter's instinct, Kazemi Yuxiang doesn't have any answer.

"That's easy, and our conditions are quite simple.

I don't keep holding on to your thoughts, and I know that you're using a camera and taking pictures all the time.

It's okay, just log me in.

Give us the information about Yuxiang and what they are going to do, just say it. "

Pushing the frame of his glasses, the Sage of the Moon spoke again.

The tone is also full of temptation.

Look at what he said, not ready to grab the shooting pill, and then point out that the text is using a camera, although there is an element of gambling, but the bet is right, and in the end, you only need to tell the information of Kazami Yuka and others.

These words were set by set, tempting Marufumi to directly tell the information of Kazami Yuka and the others.

"They, ah, have no plans, just let me come over today to inquire about your intelligence."

Find out what your plan is, and that's it. "

Recalling the words of the wind and fragrance yesterday, Marufumi was also answered without the slightest psychological burden.

"Inquire about our intelligence."

So, how do you prove that you are telling the truth and not falsely? "

Nodding slightly, the Sage of the Moon spoke again.

And Shotmaru's face became a little subtle.

"You asked me to prove one, something without proof?

I don't have a recording, and I don't know what you're going to ask me to do.

How do I prove it? Or, do you help come up with an idea? "

Prove? How to prove it?

What is the proof to call the wind and fragrance directly?

Or is it something like a hair accessory?

If hair accessories were useful, would anyone have been deceived by people in the past?

"Our monthly capital's latest technology, the lie detector.

It is possible to detect whether there is a lie. "

After hearing the words of Shotmaruwen, the Sage of the Moon really came up with a plan for Shotmaruwen.

With a snap of his fingers, a red ball appeared on the conference table.

Although the name is not marked on it, combined with the actions of the Sage of the Moon, Shotmaruwen can also be considered to understand that this thing is a lie detector.

"How to use it?"

After thinking about it, Marufumi asked.

This is just a projected ball, how to use, how to detect lie?

How does Shotmarufumi feel, this month's sage is bluffing?

"This is the latest technology in Yuedu, put it here, let's continue to communicate."

If you lie, an alarm will sound, and if you are not lying, there will be no movement. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After tens of thousands of moon rabbits experimented, our several sages developed it with great heart, which is very convenient! "

"To give you an example, for example, actually, my essence is a fly!"


As the voice of the Moon Sage fell, the lie detector instantly remembered the harsh sound, and at the same time the red light became flickering and dimming.

"Well, it's a lie."

The voice fell again, and the voice of the lie detector disappeared with it.

It changed back to its original appearance, quietly suspended in the air.

"It's that simple? Everyone can see that your essence cannot be a fly, right?

You haven't taken back the rabbit ears on the top of your head! "

Looking at the Moon Sage with a surprised expression, Shotmaruwen opened his mouth and complained!

This way of lying is no, no, no, it should be said that this lie is a little abstract, right?!

With a rabbit ear on his head, and then saying that his body is a fly, which can be seen by everyone, this is a lie!

"You can also try it yourself~

You say something we don't know, if it's a lie, and the lie detector remembers it, isn't it provable?

What a simple thing. "

Shrugging his shoulders casually, the Moon Sage, who directly ignored Shotorochimaru's complaint, spoke again.

"That... Let me think..."

With one hand in his chin, Marufumi began to think about what kind of lie to tell.

Wait, or don't have to lie, tell a true thing that no one knows. At least the real thing that no one knows in the moon capital?

Think about what you can say for testing.

No, no, no, in case they guessed my idea, and then instead of using the lie detector to think of it, they would fool me...

Sure enough, it is still the same to respond to all changes.

"Actually, my engine can not only be used to take pictures, but also to video, and the sound is also ...


"There's nothing wrong with lying."

"However, this thing actually has perspective and can..."


"Well, it's a lie too."

"When I traded with Su Feng, I not only got the camera, but actually made other transactions."

"The thing that was obtained from the transaction is also an engine, which I use to record..."


"I love devil fruits!"

Honk~! Stop, toot ~! Stop!

The red light flickered continuously, and the shrill sound also sounded and stopped for a while.

But Marufumi did not continue to ask questions, but looked at the lie detector with an expressionless face.

"This thing.... Got me playing badly? "。

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