Yakumo Zi is really not angry!

Not only was he not angry, but he actually said it directly, he has lived for so long, such words!

This couldn't help but make Su Feng become bold.

"So, in fact, Zi you don't care, your age?

You know, even if you have your nickname Zima, you won't care? "

Su Feng, who became bold, simply said the title of purple mother directly.

However, in the next instant, Yayunzi performed a smile for Su Feng, what is called a smile that does not smile.

"Purple mother? That's an interesting name.

Where do you record that I have children? "

Pi Xiaorou did not smile, and even the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Yakumo Zi opened his mouth to question.

Such a Eight Clouds Purple suddenly made Su Feng swallow his saliva, and he always felt that the Eight Clouds Purple was hiding a knife in his laughter.

"No, it's just older, so it's called Zi Mama, and nicknames like Flower Mama."

As Su Feng said this, he was actually ready, covering a barrier around him that could not be seen or perceptible.

As long as Yayun Zi moves, the barrier can keep Su Feng safe, and Su Feng can smoothly escape.

"In the end, it is a parallel space-time, which is indeed somewhat different from our space-time.

I really don't care about being told I'm old, but the title of purple mother.

For some reason, when I heard these two words, a nameless anger surged out. "

The corners of his eyes were still twitching, and Yayunzi stared at Su Feng in silence for two seconds, his fists clenched and lowered, and then slowly exhaled a turbid breath, still smiling and not smiling.

If he hadn't known, even if he made a move now, Su Feng would have been able to run away unharmed.

She's definitely done it now.

"I really don't know who wrote the record you saw, first what sin bag, then what purple mother.

Let me catch it, I will really put a bag with sin written on it, and then throw it into the sunflower field and let it fend for itself! "

Yakumo Zi's face was full of unhappy expressions, and he spoke again viciously.

Su Feng, she can't figure it out, can it be that the person who wrote the record, she still can't figure it out?!

"I guess either we also have a fantasy town in our world, and records flow from there.

Then, the person who wrote the record may have already hung up.

Either it flows into our world from other worlds. "

After laughing twice, Su Feng spoke again with some embarrassment.

In fact, there is a fart record, in Su Feng's world, fantasy township is just a game.

Su Feng hadn't really played yet.

The most understood is only the second creation of Tu Yiraku, and the fananime without Tu Yile, Oriental Wanhua Mirror.

Purple mother flower mother or something, it is completely the name made by netizens.

The devil knows where this name first came from.

But it received unanimous recognition from netizens, and Su Feng only remembered that he had seen a second creation.

Remilia used the computer to call Yakumo Zi Zi's purple mother, and then was used by Yakumo Zi to hold her head and rub the keyboard wildly.

But this is just the first time Su Feng has contacted the East himself, and it is the first time he has seen the title of Zi Ma, and earlier, Su Feng has not yet contacted the East.

He doesn't even play oriental games.

"That's it, the purple mother and the sin bag in parallel time and space, what is the matter with me Yayun Zi?

Let's talk about why this time alone brings you to the gap.

But you have to make sure that those names in parallel time and space, you can't pass them on! "

After staring at Su Feng quietly for two seconds, Yayunzi quickly relieved and began to change the topic, but still a little uneasy to tell Su Feng.

Indeed, the purple mother of parallel time and space, what is the matter with her Eight Clouds Purple?

But if these statements appear in Fantasy Township, with the attributes of the group of big monsters in Fantasy Township, they will soon be spread throughout Fantasy Township.

She doesn't want to lose face as a monster sage?!

"So, what the hell is it to hand me over to the gap alone?"

Seeing that Yayunzi took the initiative to change the topic, Su Feng immediately followed along to change the topic.

He felt that the current Yakumo Zi was already on the verge of exploding, and he couldn't continue this topic.

However, Su Feng took the initiative to cooperate with Yayunzi to change the topic, but Yayunzi directly ignored it and still stared at Su Feng tightly.

Seeing this, Su Feng reacted.

"I promise, I will never spread those names in fantasy town!

Even if I lose my mouth for a while, I will use my ability to help those who hear and erase relevant memories! "


It just so happens that calling you here is about your abilities.

You have also discovered that with this ability, you can do everything and can easily help others.

This is of course a good thing, after all, for you, it is just a thought.

You don't even consume. "

Seeing that Su Feng was so knowledgeable, Yayunzi nodded with satisfaction, and then explained to Su Feng.

"But, Brother Su Feng, do you feel that the number of times you help is a little too often?

Although this is a good thing, what if after a long time, everyone comes to you for help? "

"It's probably not just for this reason, right?"

Listening to Yayunzi's explanation, Su Feng frowned, feeling that Yayunzi did not tell the truth to himself.

The reason why Yakumo Zi would do this is definitely not just what she said.

"Of course, not only, recently I found that because of the help of Brother Su Feng, Lingmeng is getting lazier and lazier.

It's not going to work like this.

Moreover, once the monsters get used to your help, sooner or later they will be raised by you as giant babies.

Moreover, Sheng Mien fights Mi Feud, for a long time, once you don't help one day, what do you think they will say about you behind your back? "

"So, do you hope that I can reduce the number of times I help, and even try not to do things like helping out the bottom?"

Although Su Feng was not a genius, he was not a fool, and with Yayunzi's explanation, he quickly understood the meaning of Yayunzi calling him over alone.

To be honest, he felt that Yayunzi was quite right, and he was aware of this, but not as much as Yayunzi thought.

"That's right, just like this Spring Snow Mutation, what the spirit dreams of is not to solve the mutation, but to let you make a move, simply fantasize about what the township lacks, and add what comes in.

This is not good, it almost made a big mistake.

If it hadn't been for your refusal at the time..."

Saying that, Yakumo Zi suddenly fell silent for two seconds, and then spoke again.

"Let me tell you about Yuyuko.

Don't pass it on. "

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