Yayunzi told Su Feng a story about a fantasy town before it was established, and the mystery had not yet begun to dissipate.

The protagonist of the story is Yuyouzi, not the current ghost Yuyuzi, but the former human Yuyuzi.

At that time, Yakumo Zi was not as powerful as he is now, and he was even chased and killed by the Onmyoji, but he accidentally met Yuyuko of Xixingji.

And by chance, he became friends with Yuyouko of Xixingji, and often secretly ran over to see Yuyuko of Xixingji through the gap.

The family where Yuyuko of the Saiyukuji Temple is located is also a large family with cultivation methods, and Yakumo Zi thinks that he has made a good friend.

He has no prejudice against yokai and is also kind.

Until the westbound demon blooms, it constantly attracts people to see the flowers of the westbound demon, and finally stays in the root of the westbound demon forever to become a nutrient.

And this westbound demon coincidentally happened to be in the family of Youyouzi of the Westbound Temple.

In order not to let more people die because of the Westbound Demon, Yuyuko chose to sacrifice himself and seal the Westbound Demon.

In the end, he became a ghost, and at the same time forgot all his memories before his death.

The specific process is similar to what Su Feng learned on the Internet, but there are more details.

When it comes to this story, Yakumo's eyes are very complicated, nostalgic and guilty, as well as sadness and powerlessness.

It's simply a standard fan chart on the web.

"Yuyouzi accidentally found an ancient book in the White Jade Tower, which recorded what she had done to seal the Westbound Demon.

But she did not find that the girl recorded on it was herself.

Instead, I was curious about what the Westbound Demon Blossom looked like. "

"But if the Westbound Demon really blooms, Yuyuko will also be resurrected into her body.

But after so many years, Yuyuko's body has long lost its vitality.

It is also inevitable that you will be in a state of imminent death after resurrection, and the final result will be the death of Yuyuko. "

"So, that's why you said you owed me a favor when you were at the Boli Shrine.

I didn't expect that there would be such a connection between Yuyouzi and the Westbound Demon. "

With Yayunzi's increasingly heavy tone, Su Feng nodded clearly, indicating that he knew what was going on.

In fact, regarding the connection between Youyouzi and the Westbound Demon, Su Feng really knew about it for a long time.

It's just that it is not as detailed as Yayunzi knows, after all, Yayunzi is the one who has personally experienced everything.

"That's right, that's why.

That's why I called you over alone, asking you not to take it easy and help. "

After all, it is also a big monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, and Yakumo Zi quickly sorted out his mood and calmed down his tone again.

"The monsters of Fantasy Township, more or less, have some memories that they don't want to touch, or some bitterness.

And your ability, although it can help us, but you can't use it so casually.

It's a double-edged sword. "

Su Feng's ability is very powerful, and it can make most of the monsters in Fantasy Township make up for their regrets.

However, this colleague is also a double-edged sword.

Not only in terms of destructive power with ability, but also in other aspects, it is a double-edged sword.

"Including me, we are just big monsters, not detached, and still have seven emotions and six desires.

You don't want to, just because you have something to do, or for some other reason, after refusing to help once.

Just be talked about behind the back by the big monsters in Fantasy Township, and even hate you, right? "

His eyes stared at Su Feng tightly, and everything that Yayunzi should have said had already been said.

Next, it was time for Su Feng to make a statement.

"Don't worry, Zi.

I will no longer abuse my ability to help, and if necessary, I will choose to refuse.

But in some insignificant areas, I might still be able to help.

But it doesn't make them dependent on me. "

"If I really make them dependent, if necessary, I will also use my ability to change their dependence."

Seeing that Yayunzi began to stare at him tightly, Su Feng also patted his chest and opened his mouth to assure Yayunzi.

If necessary, Su Feng was even willing to directly use his ability to make the monsters of Fantasy Country completely disappear from him!

"Although it is not good to use the ability directly to change our thinking.

But, if that moment really comes, Su Feng, you must do what you say. "

Seeing that Su Feng's attitude was so resolute, Yayunzi was relieved.

If necessary, Yayunzi didn't care, and Su Feng used his ability to change some of the thoughts of the monsters in Fantasy Township.

"However, ugly things are ahead, you can't change our minds at will and do some bad things~!"

There will always be yokai, and in all kinds of ways, you can avoid the influence of your abilities, and Fantasyland is a very inclusive place.

Everyone's abilities are also varied, strange, you change our thinking, the good side is good.

If you want to do bad things, you will face the siege of our whole fantasy town. "

Rest assured, Yayunzi's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, with a faint smile on his face, and he opened his mouth to joke about Su Fenglai.

At the same time, it was also a warning to Su Feng.

Although Su Feng could change their minds, he didn't want to think about doing anything bad.

Otherwise, there will always be someone to get rid of Su Feng's ability, and in the end, help others also unlock Su Feng's ability, and the entire fantasy township will attack Su Feng.

At that time, Fantasy Township would have no place for Su Feng.

"How is it possible, I like fantasy township very much, and I like my current life.

Unless my brain pumps, I'm going to die like that. "

With a white glance, Su Feng spoke with some dissatisfaction.

Unless he pumped his head, he would never do it.

What Yakumo Zi said, didn't he understand?

Besides, is life in fantasy land not good enough? Why should he?

The last one was attacked by the crowd, and there was no place to stand.

Do you really have an idea, or like someone?

Slowly get in touch and slowly try to pursue it!

If it really became in the end, Su Feng believed that the entire fantasy township would bless him.

Why use such lowly means!

"It's best to look like this, although Brother Su Feng, you now have strong strength and ability.

But it hasn't grown enough time, and maybe when it will change its mind.

You must resist the temptation! "

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