On the balcony of the Red Devil Hall, Su Feng, Remilia, Pachuli, Sixteen Nights Saki Night, Hong Meiling, and Frandolu gathered here.

Mainly I don't know why, this time I came to the Red Devil Pavilion, and Frandollu's attitude towards Su Feng was extremely enthusiastic.

He ran directly to Su Feng's side, reached out and pulled Su Feng, and pulled Su Feng up to the balcony.

"Fran, what's wrong? Feel like you're in a good mood today? "

Looking at Frandollu, who was sitting on the side with a bright smile on her face, Su Feng temporarily suppressed her business, and curiously opened her mouth to ask Remilia.

"Isn't Pachuli studying your abilities?

Although I haven't studied it so far, I have also improved my magical strength to a certain extent.

Thanks to this, Pachuli invented a magic that allowed Fran to finally control her abilities perfectly.

There is no need to worry about "seven seven three", if you are not careful, you will destroy the Daomu, causing damage. "

Saying that, Remilia also showed a faint smile on her face.

Pa Qiuli studied Su Feng's ability, although Su Feng's ability had not yet been studied and understood, but only half-understood.

However, it is indeed to improve Pachuli's magical knowledge, and accidentally researched a magic that can help Frandolu master her powers.

Similar to a seal, but not exactly a seal.

Frandol is still able to use her abilities, but it is more convenient and safer.

"Magic that can help Fran master her abilities?

What kind of magic is this? Can it be used on me? "

Hearing this, Su Feng was also interested, and Paqiuli actually researched such magic?

Can it be used on him?!

"I'm sorry, not yet.

Essentially, this magic is not for me to perform.

It was Frandolu who did it herself, and played a role in herself.

Similarly, in the body, in order to use one's own ability, a controllable switch is added.

to achieve the purpose of allowing Fran to use his abilities at will. "

Pachuli shook her head regretfully and slowly replied.

This magic, for Su Feng, not only did it not work, Su Feng could not even use such magic.

Although Fran was the same as Su Feng, she could not control her abilities.

But Fran's ability is much simpler and easier to understand than Su Feng's ability.

It's just that Fran can't control it well.

And Su Feng's ability, Su Feng can now control it, but it is only a small part.

There are many applications that are completely undeveloped.

Therefore, this magic did not play much role for Su Feng.

"Well, although it's a pity for me, it's a good thing for Fran.

In this way, even if Fran is running around in the fantasy township, Remi, you don't have to worry about Fran getting into trouble~"

Nodding clearly, Su Feng quickly understood the reasoning, but he did not regret too much, but opened his mouth to congratulate Frandollai.

Su Feng's ability has encountered many obstacles and failures in terms of use and research and development.

Su Feng had long been accustomed to such an outcome.

On the contrary, Frandolu can finally run around in the fantasy countryside, and Remilia doesn't have to worry too much.

"Although Fran can now control his abilities.

But for the time being, she can't let Fran go out and run around, she still knows too little about fantasy town.

Recently, I was thinking about whether to send Fran to Hui Yin to go to school for a while.

By the way, you can also learn more about fantasy town. "

Fran was in control of her abilities, and Remilia was of course happy.

But if you can't let Fran go out and run around, Remilia is still hesitating.

Although Fran followed her to the banquet, she spent most of her time in the Red Devil Pavilion.

Even more extensive is the garden of the Red Devil Hall.

So, just let Frandolu run out to play, Remilia is still very worried. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I feel that you just care too much about Fran, that's why you don't feel at ease.

Kiluno and the big goblin, even the windy sunflower field dared to run in.

Didn't you run out safely? "

Shaking his head slightly, Su Feng obviously had completely different ideas from Remilia.

"And the monsters who don't know Fran, they can't beat Fran, and the Fran who Can't beat Fran basically knows."

Even if you don't know much about Fantasy Township, there is no danger.

As for Fran's trouble, I think Fran is a good boy if she can control her abilities.........

It shouldn't be easy to get into trouble. "

"Isn't it a little strange that I said Fran was a good boy?

I'm not even a hundred years old? "

Finally, Su Feng's face also became strange.

For a while, he said that Frandolu was a good boy.

It's not that Frandolu isn't a good boy anymore, but the words come out of his mouth.

It seems that something is not right, Frandolu and Remilia, just came to Fantasy Land to launch the Red Devil Mutation.

Remilia was five hundred years old, and Frandollu was four hundred and ninety-five.

Now I don't know how many years have passed, and what about Su Feng? Don't say it's a hundred years old, not thirty years old!

Call a person who can be his ancestor at the age a child, and when he doesn't react, it's nothing, and after he reacts, it's very awkward.

"Didn't Fran always call you big brother?

What's wrong with that? "

Listening to Su Feng's words, the smile on Remilia's face became even better, and she even opened her mouth to joke about Su Feng.

At the same time, he was also thinking about Su Feng's words in his heart.

She has discovered this problem long ago, and she has always improved, but it seems that even after the improvement, it is still too wide for others to open?

After that, find a chance to have a good chat with Fran alone.

"That's right, Su Feng's 2.9 big brother is a big brother, and it has nothing to do with age!"

Frando showed up to the side, nodded his head with a serious face, and said to Su Feng with his hands pinched his waist.

Listening to Frandolu and Remilia's words, the corners of Su Feng's mouth twitched twice.

But then he sighed and accepted the title of Frandollu, the big brother.

In his heart, he constantly convinced himself that although Frandolu was older than him, his mind was still a child.

This is not unique in fantasy township, just get used to it.

"It's clear that Fran has called you big brother for so long, and I haven't seen you care.

What's wrong with this today? "

"No, nothing.

Pachuli, you are right, they have been handed over for so long, and they are used to it.

I guess I was nervous before. "

"By the way, why haven't you seen Pachuli lately, you came to me?"

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