"You and Yuka fought for two months, and we also had a banquet below for two months.

And, every time you can bring me new surprises. "

"For your abilities, doubts will only become more, not less.

I don't even know where to start now.

So, just relax and think about where it's best to start first. "

Paqiuli shrugged helplessly, Su Feng has really frequently surprised her recently.

She also has no way, now even in which aspect to start researching, Pachuli is no longer sure.

Therefore, Pachuli finally decided that it was better to relax first, and then think about which aspect was better to start with!

"I've started learning about magic again, and it's been a while.

Maybe I won't be as powerless as I am now, and I can conduct research with you Pachuli.

But until then, please, Pachuli. "

He nodded 18 clearly, and then Su Feng slowly spoke.

Paqiuli really helped Su Feng a lot, although Su Feng also wanted to study it himself, but his knowledge in this area was really a serious shortcoming.

Before that, Su Feng could only ask Paqiuli to help research and develop his own abilities.

"This in itself is also my own voluntary, helping you is also helping me, and my magical knowledge has not improved by a star and a half recently.

For the study of magic, the progress is also very rapid.

So, no need to thank me, we can count it as a kind of cooperation. "

"However, learning about magic is also a good thing, and I don't deny that your efforts are."

Paqiuli nodded lightly and replied slowly.

Su Feng was willing to learn magic knowledge, and knowledge Paqiuli was very happy to see.

Now Su Feng is more like her disciple in the eyes of Paqiuli.

Although Pa Qiuli was only studying Su Feng's ability, the knowledge Su Feng learned was all learned from the magic book that Su Feng created himself.

But this is a good thing, Su Feng is working hard, and she is also working hard.

Moreover, when Su Feng had enough magical knowledge, it would be more convenient to communicate.

"Having said that, I'm still thankful to you.

I will continue to learn about magic as well.

But the knowledge of magic is too much, and I can't catch up with you in a short time. "

Being affirmed for his efforts, Su Feng was also very happy.

But unfortunately, the knowledge of magic is very profound and very complex.

In a short period of time, Su Feng could not catch up with Pa Qiuli's magical knowledge and understanding.

"It's like you said, your age now.

The days in Fantasy Country are still long. "

"For me, even in another hundred years, it is only a relatively short time.

But in the same way, I may not be able to study anything in a hundred years.

So, no matter what aspect it is, you don't have to rush too much. "

In fact, Pa Qiuli felt that Su Feng was already a little anxious now.

It's only been a few months, and nothing has been studied for decades, centuries.

This is too normal for immortal species.

Therefore, Pa Qiuli also hoped that Su Feng could adapt in advance and have a concept of time for immortality.

"It's only been a long time since I gained the ability.

Although he was ready and told himself that he had become an immortal species.

But in fact, I still haven't adapted to the change from short-grown to long-born.

The only thing that can comfort you is to take your time. "

Why didn't Su Feng know this problem?

But Su Feng's ability was too short, although he used his ability to make himself an immortal species.

I also learned about some of the concepts of the immortal seed, and even prepared for the future after becoming an immortal seed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But even now, Su Feng still has no sense of reality.

He came to Fantasy Country for only a year and a half.

Sometimes, Su Feng was thinking.

How did the protagonists in those stories adapt to this transformation in just a few years, even months?

In the end, Su Feng could only conclude that the novel was just the author's fantasy after all.

Have they really experienced it, how can they know his current state and psychology?

But this comfort, and indeed the most correct decision, take your time.

Over time, you will adapt to who you are now, and you will adapt to changes in lifespan.

All this is what you need to go through, as the saying goes, but speed is not enough. "

Remilia took a sip of tea, then picked up Su Feng's words, and began to share her story with Su Feng.

Remilia was born a vampire, as was Frandollu, a family of vampires.

But when they were very young, the family had an accident, and in the end, only the two of them were left.

To protect her sister, she supported the Scarlet family.

And in the passage of time, Remilia gradually experienced a lot of things.

It's good to meet Sixteen Nights Saki Night, or to meet Pachuli.

These are the precipitation of time, and finally followed Yayunzi and came to Fantasy Town.

For Su Feng, Remilia is very optimistic, even more optimistic about Su Feng than Eight Clouds Zi.

Because of the eight clouds purple, it can only be determined by pushing 850 measurements and observations, as well as observations.

But Remilia can see the line of destiny, and not long after Su Feng came to Fantasy Town, Remilia began to observe Su Feng's line of destiny.

It is very complicated, and even some places Remilia can't understand and can't see through.

But because of this, Remilia firmly believed that Su Feng would grow up and gradually become more perfect.

Yayunzi chose to bet on the future of Su Feng, a fifty percent possibility.

And Remilia's choice is not to gamble, but to influence Su Feng in other ways and guide Su Feng to develop in a good direction.

Steer 50 percent of the probability into 100 percent.

This is not only a good thing for Fantasy Township, but also a good thing for Remilia, and they will all become beneficiaries.

And for Su Feng, it is also a good thing, thinking that Su Feng, who eventually grows up, is among all the beneficiaries.

Which one receives the most benefit!

Therefore, she was willing to share her past experience with Su Feng, trying to let Su Feng get some inspiration from it.

So as to go to the better side.

Or maybe it wasn't inspired.

But Remilia is trying, keep trying, and there will always be results.

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