Defeat, revenge, seal, these thoughts all occurred to her, but she didn't want to make the evil god disappear.

But the fact is that, just like her loving mother suddenly left her, the evil god also suddenly disappeared.

"... Is that so? Will I never be able to see that annoying figure again in the future?"

Her Highness, who seemed to have finally accepted the current situation, finally opened her lips gently and revealed the cruel truth.

But don't underestimate it, it is just such a simple sentence, but it took Her Highness a lot of thought.

Because the moment she said it, it meant that she was actually ready to accept the current situation.


But even though she knew that she should accept the reality, she still couldn't stand such a development in her heart, so Her Highness bit her lower lip unwillingly, and her expression was as unwilling as a complete loser.


Once when she saw her half-sister Delia being defeated by her and had nothing to say, Valentina sincerely felt that Delia was as pitiful as a blonde loser.

But now she seemed to be a loser, completely defeated by the evil god whom she had never defeated and would never have the chance to defeat in the future.

This humiliation and unwillingness, I am afraid she will never forget it no matter what victory she wins in the future.


When she thought of this, the princess felt that her vision was a little blurry. She didn't know how to describe this complicated feeling. In short, it was as if her heart was blocked and she was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe.

Just like Princess Delia and Prince Mori would reflect on themselves because of the heavy blow, Valentina, who had the same father, also fell into autism because of the defeat.

The princess put her legs that were originally on the ground on the bed, and then buried her face, which was showing an embarrassing expression, deeply between her legs.

Because only by curling up like this can she feel a little better.

The princess, who was considered noble and awe-inspiring, was no different from an ordinary girl at this time.


After being in autism for an unknown period of time, the princess' mood recovered a little. She gradually raised her red eyes and looked at the blue sky outside the window.

It was a sky that was completely different from her current heavy mood, bright enough to be disgusting.

Presumably, under this sky, the evil god must be doing the same thing to other women as he did to her.

When she thought of this, the princess' mood, which had just improved a little, immediately became worse.

"Really... I originally hoped to be watched all the time..."

The depressed princess finally noticed her mood at this time.

She wanted to focus all the attention of the evil god on herself, not to save other women from the evil god's murderous hands.

She just wanted to be watched more.

Although many people were looking at her, the only people who looked at her were probably her childhood sweetheart Clyde, her private tutor Mr. Allen, and the evil god.

In the eyes of others, she was always "Princess", even in the eyes of her brothers and sisters and even her biological father.

Only in the eyes of these three people was she "Valentina".

"Come to think of it, I don't think he has ever called me by my name..."

The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. She couldn't even smile bitterly. She lowered her eyes in disappointment, and the loneliness in her eyes could not be hidden.

She planned to move her eyes from the window back to between her legs and start to shut herself up again.

However, just as she was moving her eyes back from the window, the princess suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a letter on the chair inside the desk.

The letter seemed to have been there since she came back, but she didn't notice it at all because she was distracted at the time.

So why did she notice it now?

Of course, it was because the people who wrote to her would be placed on the table by the maid in a proper manner. In order to prevent it from being blown away during cleaning and ventilation, it would usually be pressed under her favorite adventure novel.

That is to say, the letter on the chair was most likely not sent by the maid.

So who is it? Who has the ability to send the letter in without anyone noticing?


Her Highness, who had thought of the answer, hurriedly tried to get up and walk towards the chair, just like a traveler who had been lost in the desert for several days and finally saw an oasis.

But because she was too excited and her feet were numb from squatting, she almost rolled and crawled to the chair.

She looked extremely embarrassed, and even her beautiful silver hair was a little messy because of rolling, but she didn't care about that, and hurriedly picked up the envelope on the chair excitedly.

As a result, before she completely picked up the letter, a line of black words first caught the eyes of Her Highness.

[Her Highness, receive - ah? Ask me why I didn't write the sender? If I don't write it, can you still bite me? ]

71. Her Highness is really easy to deal with

The moment she saw the line of black words, Valentina's pale face regained its color and vitality.

She didn't have time to react to this provocative remark, so she quickly opened the envelope, took out the letter from it, and read it attentively.

[Since you have read this far, it means that I am no longer here...Haha! No way, I just wanted to say that!]

[What I really want to say is no different from what I told you before. Since you don't like the power of the evil dragon, I will take it back. You can continue to be an ordinary human with peace of mind. ]

[But I think you will still covet the power of the evil dragon sooner or later, so I will not disappear from your sight, because I still want to see how long you can hold on. ]

[As for why I left suddenly at that time, of course it was because I wanted to see how you would react. I guess you must be very unwilling to be fooled by me until the end, and you can't get revenge on me. Look at the poor loser! ]

Seeing this, Valentina's original heavy mood was swept away, replaced by the familiar feeling of gnashing teeth.

"Huh, hum! I thought it was going to be a trick! It turned out to be the same as before! It's terrible!"

Valentina's mood at this time can really be regarded as happy and angry at the same time.

Angry because she was fooled again.

Happy because she still has a chance to take revenge and can continue to be watched by Noah.

Therefore, although Her Royal Highness said that she was extremely disgusted, her expression was completely different. Her face was obviously filled with gentle joy.

However, that expression soon froze again.

Eh? Is it possible that this is also a scam of the evil god? In fact, the evil god has really left, but he is just pretending not to have left?

Could there be a message behind the letter?

Because she has been deceived so many times, Her Royal Highness, who must have become suspicious, quickly turned the letter to the back, and as expected, she saw three lines of bold and large black fonts.

[PS. You must think that I am still lying, right? Very good vigilance, but unfortunately, this time it is not, but since you have seen this, in a sense, you have been fooled by me again. ]


Although the message dispelled Valentina's suspicion that Noah was lying.

But these few words themselves made Valentina lose completely, and her psychological activities had been completely understood by Noah.

Therefore, Her Royal Highness's expression now is really... well, not very good.

She finally doubted once more, but she lost so thoroughly!

"Hehe, hehe... Well, it was indeed a terrible loss."

But that ugly expression did not last too long. Valentina chuckled as if she had let it go. She pulled out a chair and sat on it, and read the letter Noah left for her again and again.

Of course, she was unwilling, but now she felt that the feeling of being fooled was not bad.

And if she lost, she just had to remember that she had to pay the debt in her heart. There was no need to keep brooding about it. She should be more mature.

In this incident, she was indeed fooled around by Noah unilaterally, but thanks to this experience, her state of mind has grown again.

She no longer complained or got angry out of shame. If she felt unwilling and humiliated, she just had to remember it temporarily and wait for a chance to come back for revenge in the future.

Didn't the evil god say that she would covet the power of the evil dragon sooner or later?

Humph, then she would insist on showing him.

Even if her mental activities were predicted, what would happen?

She knew she was seen through, but she still chose to do it.

This doesn't count as seeing through! (Perverse logic)

Although it doesn't make sense at all, Her Highness the Princess convinced herself anyway.

"Hehe, hehe... OK, I'll hold on a little longer and show you."

Looking at the letter paper full of black fonts in her hand, Valentina seemed to see that arrogant and frivolous face, but she just raised a competitive smile at the corner of her mouth.

It's a bit embarrassing to say, in fact, she doesn't know that she can't hold on for too long, but anyway, she will hold on as long as she can.

For example, set a small goal first... How about a week?

"... By the way, I thought I could see his handwriting, but it turned out that this was a text cut from the discarded documents of the Adventurer's Association, pieced together and finally engraved with magic. There are more than 30 different fonts."

Because her mood has been relaxed, even more natural than before, Her Highness the Princess can't help but start to shift her attention from the content of the text to the text itself.

She gently stroked the words on the letter with the tip of her index finger, and was sure that the letter was written by someone else with some kind of magic, and was not written by the evil god himself.

This made her feel a little regretful, as she thought she could learn more about the evil god.

Having said that, she was ready to treasure the letter.

Even if the words on the letter came from someone else, the arrangement and combination of these words, that is, the content, were still the evil god's ideas.

This was a challenge letter specially left for her by Feng Shenming, so of course she had to keep it well.

After reading the words on the letter for the last time, Valentina carefully put the letter back into the envelope, and put the entire envelope into her favorite adventure novel like a note.

"... Hum."

Her Royal Highness, whose mood had completely recovered, even smiled foolishly at the adventure novel sandwiched in the envelope for a long time.

"Yeah~ By the way, let's just take a bath to change our mood."

Valentina stretched and stood up from the chair, then pushed the chair back under the table. She walked out the door with a smile on her face, intending to take a good bath to relieve her fatigue.


On the way to the royal bathhouse in the palace, Valentina met her sister Delia, who was a little anxious.

"Hey, isn't this Delia? Did you just take a bath? If not, do you want to take a bath with me? It's a rare opportunity for us to enhance the relationship between sisters."

Because she was in a very happy mood, Valentina also did something that she would not normally do. She took the initiative to invite her sister who was not on good terms to take a bath together.

"Huh!? No, no, I'm done, Valentina, go by yourself."

"Really? Sorry to leave first?~"

Not paying attention to Delia's ugly face, Valentina hummed a song and walked happily past Delia and gradually went away.

"…What do you mean Valentina is in a bad state and absent-minded! Isn't it a good mood to hum a song! Damn! I almost gave it away!"

And Delia, who was left behind, turned her back to Valentina and showed an annoyed expression.

She heard from many people that Valentina seemed to have lost the battle, so she was very disappointed and planned to take advantage of the situation!

This doesn't look like a failure at all!

"Haha, don't mention it, as a vicious princess, Delia is quite funny. I didn't realize she has a talent for comedy."

Noah, who was watching all this in the ruined temple, was directly amused by Delia's expression at the moment.

In his opinion, this is a good emotional transfer, because there is always a princess who will be in a bad mood.

72. Sorry, I am still better

Noah still likes Delia, the vicious female villain.

As for what I like, of course it's her appearance, otherwise what else can it be.

You know, she is a princess with blonde curly hair, big breasts, white stockings, long legs and a certain degree of cleanliness. The elements are all pulled out.

Originally, Noah thought she was just a simple vicious sister role, but she looked quite funny.

I hope she can honestly give up revenge. After all, it is almost impossible for her to complete revenge on Valentina by herself.

Of course, Noah also knows that it is almost impossible to do so with Delia's personality, so he has long been prepared to watch the show.

In the next two days, Noah patiently waited for Allen to take action.

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