However, on the third day when Noah expected to start taking action, Allen was still playing the role of anthropologist as usual, greeting Valentina normally every day.

This left Noah speechless.

It seemed that he underestimated Allen's endurance.

Or maybe Allen sensed something was wrong?

After all, from his perspective, the relationship between Valentina and Clyde may not be as close as he imagined.

Or... there are other variables that Noah did not predict.

Noah doesn't know, but he doesn't deny the possibility.

Even though he is now a hidden BOSS and has explosive force value, Noah still likes to use his brain to think rather than act recklessly. Any special situation will trigger Noah's thinking.

Anyway, after thinking for a while, Noah decided to appear in front of Valentina again and continue to lower her favorability level.

So at about one o'clock that afternoon, Noah deliberately talked to a sexy-looking woman on Valentina's path.

This made Her Royal Highness the Princess, who was originally happy to see Noah's back, immediately darken her face and walk towards Noah with unfriendly steps.

"Suspicious man over there, please stop your sexual harassment, otherwise I will invite you to tea in the Knights."

Valentina deliberately pretended not to know Noah, and interrupted the conversation between Noah and the sexy woman with a cold face.

"That's really scary, but I'm not a suspicious man, okay?"

As if he couldn't feel Valentina's cold gaze, Noah still went his own way, and even left the topic to a woman he had just met.

"Well, that's right. This is the first time I've met a man who said he was a god in such a humorous way. I feel like I might want to join a religion~"

She was a boldly dressed female adventurer who looked to be in her early 20s. Not only did she look sexy, but her voice was also very charming.

Especially her every frown and smile carried a unique charm that attracted men. She took up Noah's topic in a half-joking tone, and cast an ambiguous look at Noah.

Valentina became angry as she watched these two people singing in front of her, and the atmosphere they gave off became increasingly cold and dangerous.

"...I'm sorry, a suspicious man never calls himself suspicious, and calling himself a god is already suspicious enough. Can you please leave? I need to take this suspicious man for interrogation."

Valentina knew she couldn't scare Noah, so she put all the pressure on the women.

Faced with the cold and heavy pressure, the woman could no longer pretend that she didn't feel Valentina's oppression, so she had to leave with a slight embarrassment and helplessness.

"Hey, Princess, what are you doing? Didn't you scare away the beautiful big sister who might become my number one disciple?"

It was obvious that Noah couldn't stop the female Valentina if he wanted to keep her, but he deliberately looked at Valentina with a disappointed look.

"...What a beautiful big sister, you are much older than me, so there should be a limit to pretending to be young, okay?"

Valentina didn't lose control of her expression just because the woman left. Instead, she still looked cold and looked at Noah with evil eyes.

"Ha, maybe I am unexpectedly very young?"

Seeing that Her Royal Highness the Princess seemed to have doubts about her age, Noah also looked at her provocatively.

This is a fact. The setting is indeed a hidden BOSS evil god who has existed for an unknown period of time, but if calculated based on the age at which he started his activities, he is less than one year old.

Even if calculated according to Noah's age, he would not be more than 30 years old.

——What kind of believer No. 1? If you really want to persuade people to believe in you, there should be a more suitable candidate.

But obviously Valentina would not believe Noah's words. She just suppressed her inner dissatisfaction and looked at Noah coldly and silently.

"Hmph, what a boring reaction, but it hasn't been long since you lost the power of the dragon. I can understand that you want to maintain your demeanor as a human princess, but I'm afraid you won't be able to be so strong soon."

Noah was very satisfied with Valentina's mature way of coping, and it was no wonder that he put in so much effort.

So he spread his hands, looking bored, and then planned to walk past her.

"...Then just wait and see how long I can hold on."

When Noah just walked past her, Valentina knew how to be dramatic and made a statement that clearly refused to admit defeat.

"Well, of course I will read it. After all, it was all agreed in the letter. You should have seen the letter, right? Do you feel my concern for you?"

Noah, who was standing back to back with Her Royal Highness, teased her casually.

"...I didn't see it. Did you leave a message?"

Because she was dissatisfied with Noah's behavior just now, Valentina looked like a cold lady at this time.

But in fact it was just a matter of quarrel.

She deliberately pretended not to care, as if nothing would happen to her without Noah's letter.

"Oh, it turns out you didn't see it. That's great. In fact, I put a special magic on the letter. As long as it is roasted with fire, the hidden content will emerge."

What? It turns out that there is hidden content in that letter? ! No, I can't bear it anymore, go back and watch it now!

Hearing this, the eyes of the princess brightened immediately. Even though her expression was still cold, the emotion in her eyes could not be hidden.

Generally speaking, since Noah was behind her, she would not worry about being read by Noah.

But the problem was that after Noah said this, he immediately took a few steps back, and even bent down to observe the eyes of the princess with interest.

Now Valentina's eagerness to try was completely exposed.


Just when Valentina felt extremely embarrassed, Noah took the initiative to look away and laughed happily.

This made the princess, who was pretending to be a cold queen, blush quickly because of shame and anger.

But because she really didn't know how to refute Noah, she had to hold back her hot and cold expression and left quickly.

Of course, only her expression was held back.

She was not like that in her heart.

She was very dissatisfied with Noah! Very dissatisfied, okay!

... But no matter how dissatisfied she was, she still had to read the letter.

By the way, the fire wouldn't burn the letter, would it? She wanted to keep it forever.

73. If there is one, there must be two, there must be three, right?

Looking at Valentina who left quickly without saying a word, the smile on Noah's face gradually changed from bad to natural.

Thinking carefully, it has been about a month since he and Valentina first met, and the princess has grown a lot.

At least from the wild boar princess who didn't care about so much, she has become a relatively mature person now.

Although there is still a distance to Noah's goal, it is no problem to kill Allen.

Allen is the second to last BOSS of LV98 in the original work, and needs to be fought twice in the original work.

The first time he wanted to defeat him, he relied on intelligence to attack him first, powerful helpers and magic circles that weakened his level. At that time, Allen would be eliminated for the first time when he could not use his full strength and was only LV80.

If one of the three winning factors is missing, he will definitely lose.

As for the second time, she was resurrected in the later part of the story with her obsession with the victim and the heroine and the help of other demons.

Because she was resurrected suddenly this time and was completely unprepared, she could only force herself. If she could win, she could continue the main storyline and prepare for the final boss battle.

If she could not win, she would naturally enter the defeat play, and her fate would be even worse than the first battle when she lost to Allen. She would be ravaged inhumanely by the tentacles and then suffer a mental breakdown, and eventually become the queen of the new kingdom with demons as citizens.

Of course, she is only a queen in name only. In fact, she is just a humanoid airplane/cup that Allen can ravage whenever he wants. Of course, she has no dignity.

It is better to say that she has lost her original personality. From a philosophical point of view, it is debatable whether the heroine at this time is still the original heroine.

With the help of Noah now, although Valentina is very strong now, with a strength of about LV86, she can defeat any of Allen's subordinates in a one-on-one fight, but she is still overwhelmingly disadvantaged to Allen at LV98.

So Noah believed that Valentina would definitely desire the power of the dragon at this time. Noah could guarantee that the attribute values ​​of Valentina in the dragon form were much higher than those of Alan. It would not be easy to win, but as long as there were no accidents, she would not lose.

The main thing was that there was no problem without Clyde, the victim, who was dragging her down.

Noah had made relatively perfect preparations, and now he was just waiting for Alan to make a move.

If he went to Valentina more often, it would be a bit too "diligent", and there was a possibility that Valentina would see through his purpose.

So Noah decided not to see Valentina before the Alan incident was triggered.

Anyway, he was not without things to do.

For example, monitoring the movements of the heroine of another work, Miss Sister.

After all, that was also a very troublesome heroine, and Noah had to help Miss Sister stop the lust/marks from attacking every time.

After leaving the capital of the kingdom here, Noah first went to other towns in the kingdom to buy some local unique food, and then returned to his base-the dilapidated temple to watch Miss Sister's adventure.

Time flies and it is the next morning.

Noah is still watching the live broadcast of the nun here excitedly.

"Hey! Sister, what are you doing, nun! Beat her, beat her! That's a woman possessed by a fox demon! If you don't act quickly, you will be pressed to the ground and ground into tofu!"

At this time, Clotil in the magic circle monitor was soft-hearted because the hostage girl who rescued the thieves suddenly rushed towards her and burst into tears.

This made Noah anxious.

What's wrong with this nun who has a sexy body but a very conservative personality?

It's not enough to be deceived by the demon once, and you want to be deceived by the fox demon with the same method for the second time, right?

Although they are all little yellow butter, the CGs provided by Valentina are basically yellow-haired men who intend to let her enter the defeat play, as well as monster bosses in the wild.

And because of Clotil's identity, there are obviously fewer well-known human enemies on her side, and more monsters, and there are some indica CGs.

Although Clotil's sexual orientation is completely normal, how could a game like this, where the CG is recycled upon defeat, care about the feelings of the heroine? It's better to say that what it wants is a normal and conservative nun being toyed with by an evil female monster.

Seeing that the nun was about to be attacked by the girl who pretended to be scared and was actually preparing to activate her lust/mark by forceful kiss.

Noah was also a little impatient. He was ready to start warming up to save the nun and consider how to help her stop the lust/mark.

But fortunately, Noah's intervention was not in vain. At the moment when the girl possessed by the fox demon suddenly raised her head and forcefully kissed her, the nun pressed the malicious lips with her palm and took the opportunity to directly throw the other party over the shoulder.

"Oh! Not bad, nun! As expected, even the heroine who is a mage and a long-range output type has a passing level in close combat!"

Noah was a little satisfied with Clothier's counterattack.

Therefore, Noah couldn't help but praise her.

There was no suspense in the next battle. For the possessed monsters, a priest like Clothier is simply a natural enemy.

Not long after, he was destroyed by Clotil with guns and magic, and on the way to disappearing into particles, he was "taunted" by Clotil with a pious face with prayer, which was considered to end his evil life.

Noah continued to watch for a while, confirming that Clotil stopped fighting and rushed to the town, and that the lewd/marks on her lower abdomen were still within the safe range.

Noah temporarily gave up observation, and instead activated space magic to come to the secret realm where he had brought Valentina before.

It was not because Noah was idle and prepared to see the scenery here, nor was he planning to catch a monster for the nun to level up.

It was because he felt the familiar and unfamiliar magic fluctuations here.

The first time, he would think it was just a simple coincidence, so he couldn't believe that such a thing could happen.

The second time was because his mind was relaxed and the other party had changed, so Noah didn't notice anything strange.

But this third time, Noah will not miss it again.

Since he felt the magical fluctuations that seemed to be the same as Valentina's, he had to come and see what was going on this time.

Noah didn't have to worry about not being able to find the other party or the other party escaping.

Because after he appeared in this secret place, he could feel that the other party was flying towards him at an exaggerated speed.

"I see, this is also a new ending of defeat, but even I didn't expect it, why would the dragon become a vampire, the nominal queen of the vampire bats, is actually a puppet of the vampire bats?"

When Noah saw the princess with pale skin like a corpse flying towards him in the distance, he couldn't help but sigh that the parallel world theory is amazing.

There is still such a future.

It seems that the vampire dragon princess, who was sucked away by the vampire bats, intends to suck his blood dry in order to allow the vampire bats to continue sucking blood, and it is not surprising that it is sucked from the top and squeezed from the bottom.

Ha... Interesting, do you think that such a scene will make him give up?

That's really impossible!

Facing the Valentina who was not Valentina approaching, Noah gradually showed a long-lost fearless smile on his face.

He has played many conspiracies and tricks, so let him play pure violence this time!

74. Strange childhood sweetheart

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