It is better to say that what else can she do except smile bitterly?

She now feels like a victim floating in the middle of the vast ocean. The wood that she had been holding tightly to not let go suddenly disappeared, and the lighthouse that had pointed her in the direction in the distance suddenly went out.

Now all that is left for her is endless confusion and loneliness.

No one is watching her. Both her childhood sweetheart Clyde and teacher Allen have their own purposes.

She is the only one who trusts the two unilaterally, but has never been trusted by them.

Oh, that's right, anyway, she is just an extra person who is not even liked by her biological father...

Even if it can't be said that her faith has collapsed, it's not much better.

The fact that the two people she trusted the most betrayed her made Valentina feel more powerless than angry, and she wanted to give up on herself and let everything go.

Anyway, no one will see her efforts, and no one will watch her at all...

...Watching her?

Just when Valentina wanted to give up on herself and give up struggling, thinking about being swallowed up by the endless sea water around her and falling into the deep sea.

But a nasty voice appeared in her mind.

[Princess, you are really a masochist, aren't you? You are not angry at all. Do you want me to be angry for you? If you want to be bullied by me, just tell me. I will not let you go until you die. You will be my toy for the rest of your life. ]

That was purely an auditory hallucination caused by a strong mental shock.

But it was also a true reflection of Valentina's deepest heart.

She actually wanted to be watched, praised, recognized, and loved.

At this point, she felt that it didn't matter even if she was treated as a toy of the evil god.

At least only the evil god would watch her.

"Hey, so you just won't admit it, right? Humph, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as we find that man named Allen, we will know the information about the evil god."

"... Tsk, but I really can't understand it. The goddess said that the evil god made great efforts to find someone who can become his dependent, and even went through time and space to spend a lot of effort."

"Although the goddess said that the evil god should just want a dependent, in my opinion, the only thing that can make great efforts for the other party is love, just like my respect for the goddess. How much does the evil god love the unlucky guy he targeted? Ah, I really feel sorry for her. Let's find her and kill her quickly, of course, together with the evil god."

Just when Her Royal Highness noticed that she was not alone and there were still people watching her.

It happened that Agatha, who was starting to get the favor of the goddess, couldn't help but start to comment on the evil god.

But no one would have thought of it, not even the goddess and the evil god.

Just because of Agatha's words, the whole situation went in a weird direction.

——Huh? Love? Does that annoying evil god love her?

So he just did annoying things to humiliate her and make fun of her, but never really hurt her?

Hehe…hehehe…Is that so? I am loved…

Hehe, hehehe? Is that so? I am loved by the gods?~~~

The self-abandoned depression that the princess had faintly exuded was replaced by a fanatical joy in an instant.

The helpless expression under the shadow of the hair gradually emerged into a morbid twisted smile.

80. The descendants of the dragon-slaying princess finally became dragons?

Agatha, the dragon-slaying princess, is the only hero in the history of the kingdom who completed the dragon-slaying as a princess.

Although she died young at the age of 23 due to an unknown disease, it is precisely because of this that her life experience is more dramatic. Her life experience has been adapted into books and biographies many times.

Her life was as brilliant and short as a meteor. Even though she died young, there was a mysterious rumor that the goddess admired her bravery and took her away to see her up close.

——Of course, this was just someone who deliberately made people think so.

In fact, Agatha died in the internal struggle for the throne, and the cause of death was of course poisoning.

Agatha, who was extremely powerful and capable of action, was not completely brainless, so she was still very clear that she needed to be wary of her powerful brothers and sisters who were eyeing the throne.

But the problem was that she didn't expect that the one who poisoned her was her sister who was usually the most gentle and the best to her.

Of course, Agatha, who now exists here, is 21 years old, and she didn't actually die at the age of 23.

The reason why she knew the cause of her death was because the goddess told her so.

Therefore, Agatha decided to complete the task assigned by the goddess here, and she must find out the truth when she returns.

She and her sister have such a good relationship, just like they were born from the same mother. Normally, how could she harm her?

She must have been coerced, after all, one of her brothers has such a personality.

The reason why Agatha was very friendly to Valentina and even called her sister directly was because Agatha heard from the kind and gentle ordinary citizen Clyde that Valentina's relationship with her brothers and sisters was not very good.

This made Agatha, who was in the same situation, feel close to her, so she cared more than usual.

The goddess has given us the task of destroying evil, and we need to complete it, and we need the help of our offspring.

She is already an adult, so she chooses to take it all.

Therefore, Agatha will never let go of these demons who both troubled the goddess, tried to attack her offspring Valentina, and planned to disrupt human society.

The most important thing is that the occurrence of these things is also in line with Agatha's personal thoughts.

Sure enough, all creatures other than humans are a group of inferior creatures. Humans can only develop further after they must be reduced or even completely eliminated.

Especially the dragons and demons, who are particularly powerful individually. The reason why they are so strong is definitely because they have robbed the resources that humans could originally use. Why don't we kill them all and keep them?

"…I've said a little too much, hum, but it's nothing, anyway you're going to die."

Agatha didn't notice that Valentina's mood was quietly changing.

She only had eyes for these demons who were not of her own kind.

Even though one of the opponent's arms was cut off, and he was kneeling on one knee, gasping for breath and looking seriously injured and dying, Agatha did not have any sympathy in her heart, but showed her a look full of contempt and contempt.

The male demon who was treated like this was completely speechless at this time.

The blonde princess in front of him was a complete monster. From her body to her ideas, there was no normal one. I really don't know why the goddess chose such a woman as a messenger.

Or... Is the goddess actually as abnormal as this woman?

The male demon didn't know, he only knew that Agatha would destroy herself sooner or later, even if she really killed Lord Allen, one of the four kings of their demon clan.

Therefore, he didn't need to say anything more, he would go to another world and wait to see her joke.

...By the way, if he went to another world, he would definitely be beaten up by the three companions who went ahead.

...Ha! That's not bad!

The demon male who had seen through it no longer looked at the dragon-slaying princess in front of him, but gradually showed an ugly smile and lowered his head, taking the initiative to let Agatha chop off his head with the famous sword in her hand.

Seeing the demon male silent and making such a move, Agatha thought that the other party finally recognized the fact that he was a trash fish and an inferior race that was a waste of resources.

Therefore, he slowly raised the famous sword in his hand and said with a domineering and cold expression like an arbitrary queen:

"Farewell, you inferior race, don't worry, as long as they are enemies of the goddess and humans, I will kill them all, no matter whether they are dragons or demons. Oh, by the way, especially the stupid evil god who dared to resist the goddess, you can regret why you are not a human, you trash among trash."

Even in the end, Agatha had no mercy, holding the idea that she must kill all creatures other than humans like she killed this trash this time, and swung the sharp blade in her hand.

As the blade fell, a frivolous head should have fallen to the ground and rolled.

However, at this moment, the princess who had been forgotten by the people at the scene finally took action.

Like a ghost, the princess approached Agatha quietly and quickly, and at the moment when Agatha raised her famous sword, she stabbed the long sword in her hand from behind/into the center of Agatha's barren chest.

"Guaa??! Valentina, why are you..."

Seeing the sharp blade growing out of her chest, Agatha showed a shaken expression that was different from the solemn majesty before.

She tried to look back and asked why.

But Agatha originally looked back to find the answer to the question, but the questions she needed to answer became more.

Because no matter how she looked, Valentina, who stabbed her in the back with her complete trust, had black wings growing on her back, and horns that curved backwards that humans would never have appeared on her head.

"You, what is your posture like...?!"

Agatha actually knew. Although the color and material were slightly different, the shape of the disaster was a dragon no matter how you looked at it.

But the problem was that she really couldn't understand why her offspring would be a dragon.

The dragon-slaying princess, who couldn't understand why Valentina stabbed her, was now even more confused. She even forgot to act, and just stared at herself as if it was another offspring of her own.

"Hehe? Ah~ Is that so? So he lied to me again, what do you mean by taking it back? Isn't it still in my body? Or what? Is it because of my inner expectations that I can become like this independently even without him? He has been deceiving me until now, what a terrible god is?~"

However, even though Agatha was so close and focused on her offspring behind her.

Valentina just slowly raised her dark purple eyes that had completely lost any luster, and smiled sweetly at Agatha, while murmuring like a dream.

81. Oh my god, the princess has changed from M to S!

Extending from the girl's white back are dragon wings. The huge black wings, which were originally full of disaster, are covered with light purple lines, just like the girl's mood at this moment.

This is proof that Valentina has completely accepted the power of the evil dragon, which means that her mentality has completely changed.

She has understood that her childhood sweetheart and teacher can deceive her, anyway, she still has a hateful god watching her.

Because her mind is full of things about a certain evil god, Valentina did not answer Agatha's painful question immediately.

The pair of dark purple eyes without highlights but with a strong will are not even looking at Agatha, but seem to be looking at someone in her heart.

This is actually very rude. If it were someone else, Agatha would have been furious.

But in this situation, Agatha only felt that either her brain was broken or her eyes were broken.

Otherwise, how could she see such a weird thing?

Is this crazy woman who exudes a bad aura and whose expression and behavior are completely unrelated really the polite Valentina?

"…Hmm? Ah, sorry, Sister Agatha, I didn't say that to you just now, so please don't mind it at all~"

After Agatha questioned her about this appearance for about five seconds, the princess, who seemed to have finally noticed this, put away her sickly sweet smile and smiled at Agatha with a bit of apology.

This smile is actually very normal.

But it is very abnormal in this situation. You know, when Valentina said this, her hand was still tightly holding the hilt of the long sword that was inserted into Agatha's chest.

"You, you..."

Agatha was increasingly unable to understand Valentina's behavior. Why did she betray her? She could still call her sister and smile at her?

"Well, that's right. In fact, I am the incompetent and stupid offspring who was deceived by the demons and loved by the evil god without knowing it~"

But when Valentina finished saying this with a smile, Agatha's expression became even more complicated.

There was shock at such a coincidence, lamentation for Valentina's miserable life, and regret that she didn't see it at all.

Of course, there was also a little embarrassment.

It turned out that what she said just now was all to stimulate Valentina.

But, but that wouldn't be enough to hate her so much that she was backstabbed, right?

As long as she told her the truth, she would also endure the disgust for the evil dragon part of Valentina, help her find a way to remove it and kill the evil god, right?

Although they have been together for a short time, they get along well, so why is that? !

"Your face is full of doubts about why I did this. I'm afraid you had the same expression when you died in history."

Valentina, who had completely adjusted her emotions, looked at the painful expression on Agatha's face and sighed helplessly.

If it weren't for the existence of the evil god, she would probably become the second Agatha.

Lonely people will choose something as their spiritual support. Agatha may be getting more and more extreme because no one can understand her.

Although Valentina has a lot to say to the evil god, she should be patient and deal with the housework now. After all, she doesn't want to be seen by the evil god like this.

Valentina's mentality has indeed changed completely, but relatively speaking, her mind has become more mature.

She knows when to go crazy and when to be serious.

Obviously, now is the time to be serious, so she decided to send this ancestor away first.

"Let me be frank, Sister Agatha, your idea is too radical. It is extremely detrimental to our country and all human beings. Who told you that other races need to disappear for humans to become stronger? No, you don't have to answer me, I have a rough idea in my mind."

"Anyway, it's probably the goddess, right? Even if this conclusion is true, it's too risky for us humans, so I'm sorry, please leave now."

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