Seeing that something was wrong with Agatha's mood, Her Royal Highness immediately inserted the sword in her hand deeper.

By inflicting pain on Agatha, Agatha, who looked excited, was prevented from retorting.

Her Royal Highness, who was very polite in words but cruel in her methods, almost unilaterally expressed her opinions without letting Agatha speak.

From this point of view, Her Royal Highness is indeed becoming more and more like a villain-like queen, at least she would never have been able to do such a thing before.

Physical attacks alone were not enough. Her Royal Highness also sent attack magic into Agatha's body through the long sword inserted into Agatha's body.


This dealt a fatal blow to Agatha, who had already been hit hard.

Even the dragon-slaying princess is fatally fragile behind her back.

Agatha's body is just human after all.

As white particles floated upward from Agatha's body, her body began to become translucent, and she, who was not supposed to exist in this world, should also dissipate.

But she still couldn't accept it, why couldn't everyone understand that she was the right one, and why Valentina would choose the evil god instead of the goddess.

So even though she was about to disappear, Agatha still looked at Valentina with eyes full of doubts and worries.

At this time, Valentina's face, which was more mature than Agatha's, also showed a hint of helplessness about the current situation.

"... Presumably your sister can't stand your future path, so she has no choice but to betray you. If you can really go back to the past, remember to handle the sister relationship well? Ah, please don't worry about me. I will I won’t be deceived anymore, because it’s my turn to deceive others!”

But at the end of the sentence, Valentina's beautiful face showed a crazy look again.

To be honest, the sadistic smile on her lips only made Agatha feel uneasy.

But it turns out that this is the case, future generations do not need to worry about themselves, but should they worry about themselves...

Although she still doesn't feel that she was wrong even now, Agatha does feel a little more relaxed.

…you do not say! After all, her chest is so big! Ha ha!

At the end of her complete disappearance, Agatha's always serious and cold face finally showed an ordinary smile like that of an ordinary girl.

As one of the goddess's messengers, Agatha completely disappeared from this world.

And Valentina, who had made up her mind to become a follower of the Evil God No. 1, also looked at the dumbfounded demons who were completely unable to follow the unfolding and were waiting to be beheaded after Agatha disappeared. male.

"Don't get me wrong? I didn't act because I wanted to save you, but I'm just a little bit interested in the adult you mentioned. You will answer me, right~?"

Valentina took a few steps forward and came to the position where Agatha was standing before. At the same time, she spoke to the demon male with an unusually gentle voice and gentle expression.

Clyde aside, Mr. Allen... No, she couldn't let go of Allen's words so easily.

The pain and sense of betrayal she tasted must be given to Allen!

Although he has no idea what happened, how the princess suddenly turned into a dragon and stabbed his helper in the back, the demon male can understand that the current situation is not much better, and he will probably die anyway.

But it seemed that Her Royal Highness the Princess needed information from him, so of course he chose not to tell her and at the same time tease her!

Therefore, the demon male also sneered disdainfully, raised his chin provocatively and looked at the princess in front of him.

"Hmph, it turns out there is more than one monster, but I won't tell you what you can do?"

He can already imagine it! Her Royal Highness the Princess’s sad expression!

"Ah, really, then go die."


But what the demon male didn't expect was that Valentina's reaction was not anxiety or sighing. She just casually chopped off the demon male's head with a faint smile on her face.

Not even as formal as Agatha, but with a casual wave.

His understatement was like stepping on an insect.

Yes, in fact, Valentina never expected to continue to obtain information from demon men.

The reason for doing this was simply to see the surprised and stupid expression of the self-righteous demon male at the end.

She just said that from now on it is her turn to deceive others.

And... it would be enough for the evil god to speak to her in such a tone.

Valentina looked at the demon head that had rolled down at her feet with a surprised expression on her face with a relaxed look, as if looking at a toy, and she couldn't help but reveal a pleasant smile on her lips - like that of some evil god.

"Ha, hehehe?~Okay, Lord God, are you watching from the side? If you are, that's fine. If not, I swear you will regret it?"

After getting rid of the toys that could only be played with once, Her Royal Highness began to stretch out her arms and call Noah to the entire dark street.

However, Noah did not respond in any way, as if he was having fun with other women.

"...Really~ I'm not here~ Then don't blame me for starting to 'revenge' you? What a terrible god?~"

The princess clearly thought that Noah would be angry if he played with other women.

At this time, she smiled happily because Noah did not respond to her.

Going to find another woman again, right?

Then don't blame her for being jealous and not telling the evil god about this matter~

After all, who told her that she likes to be bullied!

Although she now feels that bullying others feels good!


PS. I have updated two chapters on Friday before the release. I have updated eight chapters in a row on Saturday, minus the normal two chapters. Adding the two chapters now, I have updated ten chapters in one go.

But now the monthly votes are 462, which is 46-10. There are still 36 chapters to go. How about it, readers, my math is not bad, right?

Besides, this chapter is 3,000 words (proud), and I will continue to update tomorrow.

82. Noah's day is not easy either

After easily defeating the princess who lost to the vampire bat, what Noah has to do is of course to see how the real princess is doing now.

The answer is absolutely no problem. At this time, the real princess has just walked out of the shadow of a building.

Looking at her, it seems that there is nothing unusual.

Therefore, Noah did not take it seriously. He turned around and went back to his dilapidated temple, and began to observe the actions of Her Royal Highness the Princess and the Sister at the same time.

"The Sister turned around to fight monsters and upgrade again. As expected, the progress is very slow. She seems to be anxious about it, but this is the price. I told you not to listen to others' warnings, so just feel anxious and regretful about it. I have decided to keep you virgin. Just bear with it."

"Look here, oh, not bad, finally took action against the nobles, isn't this good, it really didn't waste my efforts, it seems that there should be no problem, by the way, should the yellow-haired Allen take action today? I am looking forward to the new direction between the yellow-haired and the heroine."

Noah watched for seven or eight hours, and saw the outside world until dusk.

After his observation, he found that Her Royal Highness the Princess officially began to liquidate the nobles, and the progress was much faster than the original work.

As for the nun, since Noah rarely interfered with her and she just started to follow the original plot, she basically didn't trigger any main plot, and she was doing side plots and leveling up.

If she didn't do the main plot, how efficient would she be in leveling up around the novice village?

Therefore, Noah often saw the nun feeling anxious alone from time to time, and then she would either pray in the hotel or go to the church to pray.

The main point is that you should pray when you have nothing to do, and even more when you have something to do.

Noah really laughed. Although the goddess was mentioned more times in the original work than the hidden BOSS evil god that was originally scheduled but later cut, she was just a background character. There was no goddess involved in the main plot of either Valentina or Clotil.

Even the goddess' name was not mentioned.

Praying to the goddess is not as good as apologizing in front of Noah and admitting that she was an arrogant nun who didn't listen to others and was killed by the lust/demon because of carelessness.

Noah is not really a fun person. As long as you can show regret and will in front of him, Noah is willing to help.

Of course, because Noah is an evil god, even if Noah himself has good ideas, the final solution may not be good.

But you tell me if it is more useful than asking the goddess for help!

In short, Noah is going to let the nun girl go for a while and let her taste this anxiety.

After solving the problem with Her Royal Highness the Princess, Noah will help her out.

There is no other way. Noah also has his own things to do. It is impossible for him to watch them all the time. Noah is not their old father. He is just a kind person who can't stand it and helps out.

Seeing that the nun girl started praying in the room again and Her Royal Highness the Princess started to interrogate the nobles with the Knights, Noah also felt that it would be okay to leave it alone for the time being.

It is impossible that something will happen if he doesn't watch for a while, right?

Can the demon take the initiative to find the nun girl?

Or will Her Royal Highness the Princess be attacked by the demons?

It's okay, it's not so coincidental.

So Noah decided to go out for a meal first, and then talk about the matter after the meal.

Forty minutes later, Noah came out of a tavern where the waitress was a bunny girl. He was very satisfied with the meal and also "observed" the waitress's appearance when she was working.

As for why Noah even chose such a place to eat?

Oh, it's because Noah wants to learn more knowledge.

In the original work, Her Royal Highness can disguise her identity and pretend to be a bunny girl waitress to make money and obtain information.

But now Her Royal Highness doesn't need it, and it's a waste to leave it alone, so Noah thought of observing the waitresses with his own eyes first, so that he can use it on the nun in the future.

The nun who hates exposing her skin has to wear a bunny girl costume and smile in front of Noah because of the curse, but Noah keeps picking on her faults like a bad customer.

Just thinking about it should be able to stimulate the nun's desire for shame.

Frankly speaking, if it weren't for the nun's virginity, Noah wouldn't have come to such a place for meals and run to the custom shop many times.

It’s because the nun has become less and less sensitive to Noah’s self-generated energy when he simply stares at her.

Noah's evaluation is that the little yellow-yellow nun is indeed extraordinary. If Noah doesn't think of a way, it will not be long before the nun will pounce on him with disgust.

Noah said something that Clothier, who was born to be the protagonist of the game, might not like to hear.

The identity of the battle nun is just a tool to make her, who is already very shy, even more shy.

Even an evil god like Noah would be scared by her level of shyness in front of her. After all, hidden bosses are just background characters, while Clothier is a real little yellow-yellow heroine with the identity of a nun.

Anyway, after eating and drinking, Noah was still thinking about how much he would sacrifice himself to help the nun.


But as the sky at dusk had completely turned dark, Noah, who was strolling around, noticed a familiar and strange breath.

"It's amazing. You come to the revenge match so soon."

Knowing what that breath represents, Noah chuckled.

He just felt that walking was not enough exercise, so he went to see the other party.

By the way, just in case, Noah must take time to see Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Before taking action, the cautious Noah looked at Her Royal Highness the Princess again and found that Her Royal Highness the Princess was going to meet her incompetent childhood sweetheart to chat as usual.

So Noah temporarily put his mind at ease.

It doesn't matter, there is no accident at all, everything is within Noah's prediction.

Turning off the magic circle monitor, Noah came to the secret realm where the red dragon lives again through space teleportation.

Unlike the beautiful scene of vitality and everything competing in the daytime, the secret realm at night looks really gloomy and scary, and it feels like one or two monsters will jump out of the nearby woods at any time...


Oh, it really jumped out.

Just when Noah was sighing that this was really not a place for people to stay, a gray giant wolf with a height of nearly 2 meters rushed out from the woods on the right side of Noah, intending to disembowel Noah, a man.

Of course, women will enter the defeat play, but men are basically unattractive to most monsters in this world.

Coincidentally, Noah was not interested in this giant wolf, so Noah turned around and kicked it, sending the giant wolf back the way it came.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The giant wolf, which was kicked in pain, quickly let out a dog-like cry of pain, turned around and disappeared into the depths of the woods.

This was just a very ordinary attack, and Noah just kicked it casually, which was nothing at all.

But Noah still raised his head and looked at the dim sky and said provocatively:

"Hey, you are looking at me, right? If you don't come out, then I'm leaving. After all, a shameful guy like you is not as interesting as the little wolf cub just now!"

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