The two players were in a hurry to get back to the team.

Seeing this figure, Malen's eyes shrank immediately.

Isn't that the Chinese kid who scored a goal just now?

Thinking of the way the other party scored a goal just now.

He suddenly lost his composure.

Subconsciously, he wanted to chase after him.

But just after running two steps, he stopped dejectedly.

Because he found that the figure had already rushed across the center line.

The two central defenders of his side had been left behind by him like wooden stakes by speed.

It would be useless for him to catch up now.

Now he can only hope for his goalkeeper Cobel.

At this time, Kobel had already left the goal and rushed towards the rolling football.

At this time, the distance between the football and him and Lin Yi was basically the same.

And the football was still rolling in his direction.

According to common sense, he should be able to touch the football first.

So he dared to leave the goal and attack.

But when he just ran halfway, he suddenly found that the figure of the Chinese boy was rapidly approaching the football.

That speed was simply frightening him.

According to the current situation, it seemed that he could not catch the football before the opponent.

This made him very anxious.

But at this time he had no other way out. He could only bite the bullet and meet it.

And made a fierce posture, hoping to scare the opponent away.

But this was obviously useless.

Lin Yi just took a few big steps forward and rushed to the back of the football and controlled the football.

Then he directly stretched out his foot and poked the football, and the football rolled past Kobel's side.

At the same time, Lin Yi's body also swept past him like a gust of wind.

Kerber's interception was only halfway done when Lin Yi's figure disappeared from his side.

He turned around in panic, but could only see the other party chasing the football away.

After chasing for two steps, Kerber had to give up.

Because he found that no matter how hard he chased, he could not catch up with the other party.

After Lin Yi passed Kerber's last line of defense, what he had to do was simple.

Catch up with the football, easily push the ball, and the football went into the net.

"Yeah! Son! Awesome!"

Lin Jianghe on the sidelines was already dancing with excitement.

Daniel next to him slapped his thigh excitedly.

"Good! Beautiful! That's it! Haha! This is exactly what I need! Thank you! Miss Hannah, thank you for sending me a genius!"

Daniel said excitedly to Hannah next to him.

The impatience she had felt when she saw Lin Yi just now was completely gone.

Seeing the other person like this, Hannah was a little amused.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with this person this time?"

"Of course, I am very satisfied! My team is in need of a fast enough attacker."

Daniel waved his hand to stop the game on the field.

He waved and called Lin Yi to him, and said with a smile: "Boy, congratulations! You passed my tryout. If there is no problem with the next physical examination, then you can join my team."

Lin Yi heard this and smiled.

"Thank you, sir."

Lin Yi thanked him very politely.

"Don't thank me, it's your own strength that has reached it. Otherwise, I would never let you join my team."

Daniel's eyes were full of appreciation.

He waved and called the team doctor next to him.

"Wolf, take him for a physical examination."


"Please follow me."

Team doctor Wolf waved and called Lin Yi, and took him to the physical examination room.

At this point, there is actually no problem.

As long as Lin Yi has no hidden injuries, he can basically stay in the team.

However, things have not been finalized, and Lin Jianghe is still a little worried.

He stood outside the physical examination room and waited anxiously.

After about an hour, Lin Yi walked out.

"How is it, son!"

Lin Jianghe asked impatiently.

"No problem!"

Lin Yi made a gesture to reassure his father.

Lin Jianghe could no longer suppress his inner joy and jumped up happily.

At this time, Wolfe also took Lin Yi's physical examination report and handed it to Daniel.

"Mr. Daniel, there is no problem with the health of the Chinese boy."

Wolf reported.

"Very good! It seems that my team needs a new member to join

"I've entered."

Daniel's tone sounded very excited.

He turned to look at Lin Yi and said, "Okay, now you can follow Miss Hannah to talk to Ricken about the contract."

"Okay, sir!"

Lin Yi thanked Daniel and followed Hannah back to Ricken's office.

Ricken had received the news from Daniel at this time.

He was still a little surprised that Lin Yi could impress Daniel, the old stubborn man.

When Lin Yi walked in from outside under the leadership of Hannah.

Ricken enthusiastically invited the Lin family father and son to sit on the guest sofa.

"Daniel has told me about your situation. Congratulations! Young man, you passed the trial. Next, let's talk about the contract."

Ricken took out a printed contract and handed it to Lin Yi and said, "Since you are not well-known now and you are not a EU player yet. So we can only provide you with a D-level contract now. Take a look at the content of the contract first. "

Lin Yi took the contract and glanced at it casually.

Actually, there was nothing interesting.

This D-level contract is the lowest-level contract of the team, only slightly better than the apprentice contract.

The contract stipulates that Lin Yi's weekly salary is 650 euros, which is just over 2,000 euros a month.

The contract period is 5 years.

As for the liquidated damages, it is 500,000 euros.

This liquidated damages is obviously a bit high compared to Lin Yi's salary.

But Lin Yi didn't care too much.

As for the salary and contract period, he didn't say much.

Although this salary is really low.

But he didn't plan to take this salary for a long time.

As long as he performs well enough, The club will take the initiative to change the contract for you.

In addition, the contract also stipulates some bonuses and the like.

For example, in an official match, if you score a goal, you will get a bonus of 1,000 euros.

If you assist once, you will get a bonus of 500 euros.

If you start, you will get an appearance fee of 1,000 euros.

If you come on as a substitute, you will get an appearance fee of 500 euros.

These bonuses are what Lin Yi is more concerned about.

Perhaps these incomes will be the bulk of his income in the future.

With the help of translation software and Ricken's explanation, Lin Yi spent more than half an hour reading the entire contract.

After closing the contract, Lin Yi nodded to Ricken and said, "I have no questions, we can sign now."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Ricken immediately smiled.

"Okay, Lin, let's sign now."

As he said, Ricken asked Hannah to bring two pens.

The two signed their names on the two contracts respectively.

In this way, Lin Yi officially became a player of Dortmund U23.

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