The new contract was signed in the middle of the night.

"Congratulations to the host! Complete the system task and sign a professional contract within half a month. Reward: a gold treasure chest."

Just after Lin Yi signed the contract, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

Lin Yi was delighted.

Finally completed the task.

But it was not the time to open the treasure chest yet, so he could only hold back.

On the other side, Ricken stood up and shook hands with Lin Yi after signing.

"Lin, welcome to join the Dortmund family! I hope we have a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Lin Yi shook Ricken's hand and said solemnly.


One day later, Dortmund's official website released an inconspicuous message.

"Dortmund U23 youth team, a new Chinese player, Lin Yi."

Then there is a brief introduction about Lin Yi.

However, this news did not attract anyone's attention.

At this time, Lin Yi was seeing Lin Jianghe off at the airport.

"Son, I'm going back to China now. You work hard here! Let those foreigners see how powerful we Chinese are!"

Lin Jianghe told Lin Yi reluctantly.

"Don't worry, Dad. It won't be long before you can see my game on TV."

Lin Yi said confidently.

"Okay, I'll wait! Take care of yourself! I'm leaving!"

Lin Jianghe said, pulling his suitcase, turned around and walked into the security check channel.

Lin Yi looked at his father's receding back and suddenly shouted loudly: "Dad! When I make a lot of money, I will take you here to enjoy the good life!"

Lin Jianghe heard his son's shout, and his figure paused, but he did not turn back. He just turned his back to Lin Yi, waved his hand, and continued to walk forward firmly.

But when he took his hand back, he seemed to rub the corner of his eye inadvertently.


After seeing his father off, Lin Yi left the airport alone and took a taxi back to the dormitory prepared by the club for the players.

Dortmund's training conditions are still good.

Free single dormitories are provided for those players who have no residence in the local area.

In addition to dormitories, the club will also help him handle all the procedures required to play football in Germany.

Lin Yi does not need to worry about these.

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Yi called up the system panel.

On the virtual interface, a golden treasure chest was lying there quietly.

Click to open.

The lid of the treasure chest opened.

"Congratulations to the host! Obtained the task reward, foreign language proficiency!"

"Training value is open! Obtained the training damage-free trait!"

Seeing the reward content popped up after the treasure chest was opened, Lin Yi was suddenly overjoyed.

This system is really considerate and knows what he needs at this stage.

These two items are what he urgently needs.

Lin Yi was still worried about his language problem just now.

When playing football abroad, communication is a major obstacle to the development of players.

Before, he could only rely on translation software to communicate with others, guessing and gesturing.

Although he could barely communicate, it was difficult to communicate smoothly.

In future training and learning, if he still relies on translation software, it will be very troublesome.

So Lin Yi has planned to work hard to learn the language.

But now, the system directly rewards foreign language proficiency.

This means that in the future, he will be able to communicate without obstacles in not only German, but also English, Spanish, French, Italian, etc., these mainstream languages ​​in Europe.

This is simply to help him remove a major obstacle.

In addition, there is this training injury-free function.

This is even more powerful.

Players get injured either in games or during training.

The main reasons for training injuries, apart from accidents, are fatigue and excessive training volume.

Now that I have training injury-free function, doesn’t it mean that I can train as much as I want without worrying about getting injured?

In this case, I can increase my daily training volume as much as possible.

The amount of training will directly affect the speed of improving my various abilities.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi could no longer sit still.

He got up, picked up the football and rushed out of the dormitory.

He couldn’t wait to test his abilities.

It was already past six in the afternoon, and the team’s daily training had already ended.

When Lin Yi arrived at the stadium, there were no more people on the field.

He took the football

Put it under your feet and start to practice juggling.

Juggling is a good exercise for players to get familiar with the nature of the ball and keep the ball feeling.

So no matter whether you are a big star or a rookie who has just learned football, you must take out a certain amount of time every day to practice this.

Lin Yi's juggling level can only be considered average, but after all, he has been professionally trained since he was a child, so he has a solid basic skill.

Basically, it is not a problem to juggle hundreds of balls in a row.

After practicing juggling for half an hour, Lin Yi began to practice his ball control.

Without a benchmark, Lin Yi found a few stones and placed them one by one.

Then he used these stones to simulate the training of circling the pole.

Pole training is also one of the means of basic training.

This is mainly to train players to control the football, and to better achieve the combination of people and balls during the dribbling process.

Lin Yi is also very familiar with this exercise.

So it is also handy to do it.

However, this training may seem insignificant, but it consumes a lot of physical strength.

After training for more than an hour, Lin Yi felt his legs were heavy and sweating profusely.

After finishing the pole-circling training and resting for a while, Lin Yi started shooting again.

However, he only had a football at this time, and no one picked up the ball for him.

So he couldn't shoot at the goal. In that case, he probably wouldn't shoot many times a night.

His shooting training method was very simple, that is, to find a house next to the court where equipment was stored, and use a piece of chalk he brought with him to mark four 50-centimeter square areas on the outer wall of the house, representing the four corners of the goal.

In addition, he brought a damaged dummy from the side and placed it in front of the wall as a goalkeeper.

Then he started to practice shooting at these marked positions about ten meters away from the wall.

Lin Yi's shooting level can only be said to be passing, and he also knows how to use several shooting techniques.

But as for accuracy, it is a little worse.

So during the practice, about half of the shots could not hit the areas drawn in those places.

Sometimes he would knock down the dummy in front of him directly.

This forced him to run over and pick up the dummy frequently.

Sometimes the football went off the track, and he had to run far to pick up the ball.

However, he was not discouraged at all, and he still shot, received, shot, picked up the ball tirelessly...

Repeated, repeated, and repeated again.

And his body was quietly changing in this constant repetitive practice.

But this change was very small, and it would take time to show the effect.

At some point, the sky had become dark.

Lin Yi had to stop training.

He looked at the time and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, he felt that his body was already very tired.

But strangely, although he was very tired, his muscles and joints did not feel the soreness after the previous high-intensity training.

Lin Yi understood that this might be the result of the systematic training to avoid injury.

Feeling the remaining physical strength, Lin Yi felt that he should be able to practice again.

However, the light was insufficient at this time, so it was not appropriate to practice shooting.

So he controlled the ball under his feet and began to run around the training ground, using the light from the surrounding street lamps to practice running with the ball.

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