Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1314: Assassin who assassinated contestants

Today is number 4, and all the knockout rounds are over.

The day after tomorrow is the start time of the battle of the gods.

And tomorrow night at 7 o'clock, that is, on the 5th, the system will send all the participating players in the major secondary cities to the battle field of the battle of the gods: the domain of the gods!

At the same time, the cross-city teleportation function of all secondary main cities is closed, and players cannot cross the main city until the end of the battle of the gods.

At the same time, the central location of each major secondary city has opened a beam of golden light to the sky!

That is the teleportation array to the realm of the gods!

The teleportation array will not open until seven o'clock in the evening tomorrow night.

Before that, the players of the Dragon Race and the Tian Pavilion joined together and held a farewell party for Zhang Yi and Liu Huo in July.

During the banquet, all the main members of the Tian Pavilion and the Dragon Clan were present.

During the dinner, July Liuhuo said to Zhang Yi: "Unexpectedly, we will cooperate again soon."

Zhang Yi also glanced at the July Liuhuo, and said, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

All the people present at the Tian Pavilion and Dragon Clan stood up.

"This time, I'm fighting for Streamer City!"

"Brothers, come on."

"come on!"

After the dinner, everyone went back to rest.

In the day before the finals, Zhang Yi, Xing Tian and the others did not go to do anything. They were going to rest in the city for a day.

Because the battle of the gods is more than just a battle.

Players in major cities need to face multiple challenges before they can decide the final victory.

It is necessary to ensure sufficient physical strength and energy to better cope with the upcoming game!

And precisely, in the day before the start of the game, a big event happened in the Streaming City...

On the morning of the 5th.

Zhang Yi woke up from his sleep.

Through the dragon soul ring, he habitually said to Han Ya judo: "Good morning."

The dragon soul ring ray of light bursts, obviously Han Yarou has received the news.

Always fall asleep and can't fall asleep.

Zhang Yi plans to have breakfast, and then ride a dragon to take a walk outside to take a look.

At this moment, I suddenly received an urgent message from the scavenger: "Brother, something has happened!"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yi asked.

The scavenger said: "Speak to your face, it's clearer."

So, following the location sent by the scavengers, Zhang Yi went to a restaurant in the city.

It was found that the scavengers and the dragon clan were immortal, and they were all in the restaurant.

But Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen were not seen.

Zhang Yi asked again: "What's the matter?"

"The assassin is coming to Streaming City!"

The scavenger said: "According to the information I've inquired, many players in our Streaming City were assassinated in the wild last night! And the killed were all through three rounds of eliminations. Tonight, they will go to the realm of the gods to participate in the gods. Fighter!"

Hearing, Zhang Yi frowned slightly: "Permanently obliterate?"

"Yes!" The scavenger said: "The other party should have used some special method to lure people to the Destroyed City, and then killed it there."

"It seems that someone wants to block our streamer city and participate in the battle of the gods!"

and many more!

Zhang Yi seemed to have thought of something suddenly.

Suddenly his expression was fierce.

Asked the scavenger: "Where is Xingtian and Juechen?"

"They went out to investigate this assassin."

At this moment, Zhang Yi stood up.

The immortal dragon asked: "Boss, where are you going?"

"Squat assassin."

The dragons are indestructible and suspicious: "Where can they go?"

"Of course there is only one place."

With that, Zhang Yi left the restaurant.

In order to avoid causing stunners.

Zhang Yi walked to 【lv187 City of Destruction】!

This is the area near Streaming City. Apart from the [Emperor City], which is refreshed every morning, it is the only map with a dead-place resurrection mechanism.

Since the gang of assassins are going to kill the contestants permanently, if they want to continue to kill people, they can definitely get them here!

And when Zhang Yi came to the city of destruction.

Sure enough, I found out: Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen were also lurking in the city!

Obviously, the two of them also thought of this, so they came to the city of destruction deliberately to guard.

Meet the two people.

Three people lurked in a house closer to the city gate.

Xing Tian said: "Some people want to stop us from participating in the battle of the gods, and these people should not belong to our streamer city."

Yiqi Juechen said: "After the final round of the elimination round, the main city teleportation function has been closed. They should have come to Streaming City earlier and have been lurking here, waiting for the opportunity."

"It's not just Streaming City." Zhang Yi said, "If nothing else, all the contestants in the second-tier city should have been assassinated."

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen were surprised: "How do you know?"

Zhang Yi recalled the events of his previous life.

In my memory, it seems that something similar happened in the previous life!

I remember that Zhang Yi was also in Stream City in his previous life.

Before the battle of the gods began, the contestants of Streaming City were inexplicably assassinated!

It's just that Zhang Yi didn't get the qualification to participate in the battle of the gods, so he didn't care much about this matter.

All I know: It seems that the last hundred players who participated in the battle on behalf of Streaming City have lost more than a dozen of them, and in the end only more than 80 people participated in the competition!

And it wasn't until later that Zhang Yi went to the first-level main city to find out that it was not just the contestants from the Streaming City who had been assassinated.

Almost all contestants in the secondary city were assassinated at the same time!

Thinking so.

Zhang Yi sent a message to Huang Wuji who was in [Heavenly Selected City], the Sword Saint and the others.

Learned: The main city where they are located, the participants of the Battle of the Gods have also been attacked!

According to the rules of the battle of the gods.

After the teleportation array is opened at seven o'clock tonight, all participating players must enter the realm of the gods through the teleportation array within one hour.

Otherwise, it shall be deemed as a waiver.

During the accidental death of the contestant, it is also directly counted as a waiver.

"Some people want to stop other main cities in advance in this way, so that they can crush the participating teams in other main cities in the Battle of the Gods."

Because the benefits of the first-level main city are too great!

If you get the opportunity to enter the first-level main city in advance, you can develop ahead of other main city players and seize various opportunities in the first-level main city!

Yiqi Juechen thoughtfully said, "Who is it that uses such a despicable method?"

On this point, Zhang Yi didn't know either.

Because of the previous life, this matter was also left behind. No one took this matter to heart. They only felt that someone was envied and hated, and assassinated the contestants.

Did not expect that this is someone's conspiracy!

Xing Tian said: "The players who can make the top 100 are all the top players in Streaming City. Those who can assassinate such a strong person will not be too weak in their own strength."

Zhang Yi said, "Who is it? Wait and see, you'll know."

While talking.

There was a stir from outside the city!


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