Zhang Yi, Xing Tian, ​​and Yiqi Juechen stayed in the Destroyed City.

When I heard movement from outside the city, I immediately became vigilant!

Looking around, I found that a five-person team coming from outside the city was actually the July Flowing Fire, and the Four Heavenly Kings!

Xing Tian's expression tightened: "Are they the assassins?"

Zhang Yi said confidently: "It's not them."

Zhang Yi knew that the July Liuhuo, who was the titled War God of the Future Star Country in the previous life, could not do such a thing.

If nothing else, he came to destroy the city for only one purpose.

Zhang Yi walked out directly, but shocked the four heavenly kings.

Tian Xing was so scared that he drew the sword out: "You did it?"

Zhang Yi directly ignored Tian Xing and looked at Qiyue Liuhuo and said, "Are you coming to squat them too?"

July Liuhuo bluntly said: "Yes, let me see where the assassins are, and dare to take action against the strong players."

The two coincided.

Then, July Liuhuo and the Four Heavenly Kings also lurked in a house on the side of the street.

It turned out that they also came to squat with those assassins!

In the room.

July Liuhuo said: "According to friends I met in the city before, they also encountered assassins and assassins, who were all preparing to participate in the battle of the gods."

"Explanation: This is very likely to be an assassination operation against all secondary capital cities, and it was planned a long time ago, a huge conspiracy!"

Xing Tian also said: "It should be a force from a certain main city. They want to seize the resources of the first-level main city in advance."

After all, if you weaken the strength of the participating teams in other main cities in advance, when the battle of the gods starts, their main city will be able to crush other main cities in terms of numbers!

At this time, the soldier Tianxing snorted coldly: "It's really mean to use this method!"

"Don't let me know who this guy is, otherwise I will make him unable to eat!"

Several people were talking while waiting in the city.

Before I knew it, I waited from day to night!

Five o'clock in the evening.

Only two hours were left before the teleportation array was officially opened.

And Zhang Yi, who had been guarding the city of destruction for a day and failed to guard the assassin, gradually became a little bit unable to stop.

The priest Destiny said: "This is a big mess. It is estimated that there are assassins, and those who qualify for the competition will not be able to come out in the city."

"I'm afraid they won't come. The game will start in two hours. We have to go back and prepare."

With that, everyone was ready to get up and leave the city of destruction.

At this moment, a restless sound came from outside!

In sight, a large group of players was seen crowding two players into the city of destruction!

It just so happened that the place where the group of players stopped was right in front of the house where Zhang Yi and the others were lurking!

Through the cracks in the doors and windows, you can just see everything outside!

I saw it: four black-clothed assassins carried two players, one male and one female, with sharp daggers.

The pair of men and women had few blood bars left on their heads, and they were all at the level of a single kill.

The man’s ID is called [Yakult], and he is a rank 183 warrior.

The female is called 【Ludo】, a 183-level seven-turn archer!

The two are obviously in a relationship, and on top of their heads, there are two numbers 98 and 92 in a special golden font!

This is the digital logo of the finalists in the battle of the gods, indicating that these two people are both players who have the qualifications to participate in the battle of the gods!

And all around them were black assassins at level 182!

All of them have hidden the ID above their heads.

On Zhang Yi's side, what was revealed by the God-level exploration technique was also a variety of results. Their IDs did not have uniformity, and it seemed that they had been deliberately processed.

Moreover, they are valuable because of the large number of people!

At least there were hundreds of assassins, surrounded by those two people.

After entering the city of destruction.

The warrior [Yakult] asked: "We have no grievances and no grudges, why did you do this?"

One of the black-clothed assassins said coldly: "Because as long as you die, the strength of the streamer city will be weakened. When the battle of the gods, you will lose the streamer city!"

"You Streamer City?" the archer [Le Duo] asked: "Aren't you from Streamer City? We lost Streamer City, what good will it do for you?"

"What is it to give up the individual to become the bigger one, such a little sacrifice?"

He said, following an assassin's wave of orders.

The four assassin players who had held Yakult and Rakudo under control immediately swung their daggers and wiped the two of them around their necks.

Because of the residual blood, the two were killed directly!

The mechanism that triggers the resurrection of the city of destruction on the spot.

In the next second, the two stood up again!

Relying on the super strength of the Top 100 Streamer City.

The two stood up to resist, and instantly killed more than a dozen black assassins!

But after all, they cannot be outnumbered.

Soon, he was besieged by a large number of assassins around and fell into a desperate situation.

Just when the two were about to be killed again.


A purple enchantment suddenly appeared from the sky above their heads.

Immediately afterwards, countless black skulls flew down from the enchantment, bombarding the black assassins in a mess!

One by one, the damage amounted to more than one billion yuan, basically causing those assassins who were touched by the skulls to die at the first touch.

In an instant, more than a dozen black assassins in the area were all wiped out!

Yakult and Rakuta, who were also within the range of the skull attack, were unscathed!

At this time, in the sight of the black assassins.

I saw an alien magician man dressed in a red robe and exuding a breath of death, holding a beaming staff, walking slowly from the street!

Above his head, the ID of "lv186 Seven-turn Hell Mage: July Flowing Fire" made the black assassins embarrassed.

Obviously they weren't just here in Streaming City.

They still knew something about this person whose strength was equal to that of the No. 1 god, Yinuo Qingcheng, in the Sky Ranking of Streaming City.

No matter how bad, the golden digital logo on the head of the July Liuhuo [2] can also make people eye-catching.

However, after being frightened, the gang of assassins had a murderous intent on the July Flowing Fire!

"July Liuhuo, the second person in Streaming City, if you kill him, their odds of victory in the battle of the gods of Streaming City will drop by 50%!"

"Brothers, he is only one person, don't be afraid, let's go together and kill him!"

Following the order from one of the black assassins.

In all directions, countless black-clothed assassins rushed toward the July fire!

at this time.

A strong light flashed behind July Liuhuo.

The 184-level warrior Tianxing, the 184-level knight Tianqi, rushed to kill with a sword and shield!

at the same time.

The breath of darkness and the power of thunder enveloped the audience.

Ghost swordsman Xingtian, and the Thunder Knight Yiqi Juechen appeared among the assassins!

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