Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1319: First battle: slaughter

The realm of the gods.

On a street, the contestants from the alien Qingguang City and the contestants from the Terran Streaming City confronted each other.

A strong smell of gunpowder exploded from the field!

At this time, the countless players in the two main cities who were watching the battle began to be inexplicably nervous and anticipating.

In Qingguang City, tens of millions of players who were watching the live broadcast encouraged them.

"Go! Teach them a lesson, dare to block our way of Qingguang City, let them see the power of our Qingguang City powerhouse!"

"Yes! Use this opportunity to suppress them, so that they will be in awe of three-pointers when they encounter our Qingguang City participating teams in the next game!"

On the streamer city, the audience of more than 40 million people felt speechless.

"Who, so arrogant, the game hasn't started again, what's the point of playing?"

"That's it, let the great **** Yinuo give them some color to see, do you really think we are a bully in Streaming City?"

Within the realm of the gods.

With the smell of gunpowder spreading on the field, the two sides are about to fight.

Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo and the others suddenly walked towards a path on the right side of the street.

Other people behind also followed, thus avoiding the battle.

Upon seeing this, the contestants of Qingguang City started taunting: "A bunch of counselors, this is scared."

"Cut, it's boring."

After all, they walked straight along the big path.

And they were bypassing them and walking among the contestants in Stream City on a small road.

Warrior Tianxing was a little outrageous and said: "They are so arrogant, why don't you fight with them and teach them a lesson?"

"It doesn't make sense." July Liuhuo said: "The game hasn't started yet, there is no need to bother with them, save energy, play the game tomorrow, the final victory is the most important."

Fortunately, apart from Zhang Yi, there is also such a sensible person as July Liuhuo.

So everyone came to a restaurant.

I was surprised to find that the restaurants in the realm of the gods are not only high-end and luxurious, but also the fine wines and delicacies are unheard of in the once second-tier capital city!

There are even **** and beautiful NPC girls in the hall dancing lightly to the singing.

At the moment when you enter the restaurant, you only feel like you are in a fairyland!

"The legend says that the realm of the gods is the place where the gods of the apocalyptic world can come." July Liuhuo exclaimed: "When I see it now, it really deserves its reputation."

After all, it is a holy land that only a few thousand people can reach with more than a billion players in the Star Country area around the world!

The sense of superiority in the realm of the gods is beyond everyone's imagination.

Here, eating also requires divine power.

However, a seat only needs to consume 1 point of supernatural power.

It is very worthwhile to spend a bit of magic to enjoy such a delicious meal.

This scene also made the tens of millions of players watching the live broadcast in Stream City envy:

"Gosh! This realm of gods is really like a fairyland!"

"I have never seen such a high-end place!"

"This good wine, food, and beauty...I rely on it! I knew that when I was in the preliminary rounds, I worked hard and made it to the finals!"

"Eh! I regret it!"

At this time, a certain girl in the crowd stomped her feet in a hurry. She hurriedly opened the list of friends and sent a message to Yiqi Juechen: "You are not allowed to show me other women! Neither is NPC!"

In the realm of the gods, Yiqi Juechen, who was having a big meal in the restaurant, couldn't help but smile when he saw the news.

Then, he replied to the original girl: "I didn't see it."

Everyone was full of food and drink, and then went to the hotel to rest.

The hotels in the realm of the gods are also very high-end.

On the roof top of the hotel, there is a huge hot spring pool.

There are countless stargazing instruments.

The cost of staying in the hotel is also 1 point of divine power for a person. If the divine power is insufficient, you can even owe it first, and then you can pay it back when you get the divine power in the game tomorrow.

As a result, a crowd of contestants spent a comfortable night in this high-end hotel.

The game has not yet started.

The competition time is five days, and the specific competition time each day is from 8 am to 5 pm.

After the daily competition, the contestants will be sent to the realm of the gods to rest.

In other words, even if you only travel to the realm of the gods for five days regardless of whether you win or lose in the final game, that is what countless players are yearning for!

At least, let people experience life in paradise on earth for a few days!

At 7:20 in the morning the next morning, a loud system announcement awakened all players who were in the realm of the gods.

"Ding~ Attention all participating players: The first game of the Battle of the Gods will start on time in 40 minutes. Please be prepared!"

Follow the system prompts to drop down.

A crowd of participating players woke up from their sleep and then ate breakfast.

At this time, the rules of the first game have also been announced.

The first game will be from 8 am to 5 pm this morning.

The content is also relatively simple, there is no confrontation between players in major cities, in order to let the major participating teams develop their own.

That is: after the start of the game, the system will be divided into the main city, and the major participating teams will be sent to different separate maps.

By hunting the monsters on the map, you can obtain supernatural powers and have a chance to burst equipment.

Once killed by a monster in the middle, the deceased will not have any loss, and will be resurrected on the spot in one minute.

But it will reduce the supernatural power value acquired by their team's overall historical accumulation by 10 points!

The rules of the first game are as simple as that.

But it is also extremely important and should not be underestimated.

Because today's game can be regarded as a day for the major teams to develop freely, and prepare for the subsequent collision.

If you don't develop well today, it will definitely be detrimental to the game tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The rule of the battle of the gods is to count the supernatural power accumulated by the major teams in the history of the five-day competition, and settle the ranking.

So today there is another task, which is to collect divine power!

With the arrival at eight o'clock in the morning.

All contestants, start to enter the stadium.

Under the call of the system, they all concentrated in a huge arena in the realm of the gods!

More than 3,000 contestants from the major second-tier cities are surrounded by a huge seven-star matrix in the huge circular arena.

Both of them are full of curiosity and expectation for the next game.

Some people even expressed disdain for the first round of the game: "It's just killing monsters, it's so simple, and there is no passion at all! Like the sea elections, let us directly pk to decide the victory or defeat, can't it better reflect our strength?"

This side of Streamer City.

Zhang Yi urged more than 90 teammates behind him: "In any match of the Battle of the Gods, you must not take it lightly and try to avoid casualties."

Talk about it.

A system prompt, falling from the sky—

"Ding ~ [War of the Gods] The first battle: [Tu Demon] has started, now it is sent to the competition venue for all participants!"


In the seven-star matrix in the center of the arena, countless streams of light burst forth, shining on the surrounding contestants.

In a blink of an eye, all the contestants disappeared in the arena!

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