"Ding~Welcome all [Streaming City] contestants to the first battlefield of [War of the Gods]-the magic city! Today's challenge: hunt down the beasts in the magic city map to obtain supernatural power!"

"Ding~ Please note: This competition lasts for 9 hours. By killing different levels of monsters, you can get different values ​​of supernatural powers, and you have a chance to drop equipment! Participants die in the magic capital without any loss. Resurrected on the spot in minutes, and the team's history gains a supernatural power value of -10!"

"The challenge begins, please start the challenge!"

Follow the system prompts to drop down.

Zhang Yi and the other 91 Streaming City contestants who were with him arrived in a huge city shrouded in endless darkness!

Magic capital.

It was originally a human city.

More than ten years ago, the magic city was invaded by the dark beast king [Wu Kara], and the entire city was destroyed by those dark beasts. The humans in it were slaughtered and reduced to a cemetery.

Countless beasts have invaded the magic capital and run wild in it.

The task of the first game is indeed relatively simple, that is to kill monsters!

Everyone was on the edge of the city gate.

Only heard the roar of giant beasts from the depths of Demon Capital.

A dark breath, flowing out from the city, makes people feel an unprecedented fear!

"It's not quite right."

With the crowd, the voice of a knight man just fell off.

Another archer player frowned and said, "Have you noticed it too? This place seems to be different from an ordinary wild area map. It's not like a place where ordinary monsters gather. It's like... the monsters hiding in it are all BOSS-level. Same!"

"Yes, this kind of deterrence is too strong!"

Before everyone officially entered the magic capital, they already felt fear.

At this time, Zhang Yi said: "Four people in a team, let's start the action in groups."

After all, everyone began to arrange their own teams.

In the end, 92 people formed 23 teams.

On Zhang Yi's side, he happened to be in a team with the young couple rescued last night, the warrior Yakult and the archer Ledo.

In addition, a knight numbered 2118 was added!

At this time, Yakult asked, "Do we... don't need a pastor?"

"No need." Zhang Yi said: "I can keep you on the road."

The three people on the same team expressed their doubts.

After all, Zhang Yi's profession was an imperial beast master, and people like them had never heard of it, that Yinuo Qingcheng possessed a beast similar to the treatment system.

In fact, at least half of the 23 teams have no pastors!

Because of the profession of pastor, it was not easy to get into the top 100 in Streaming City.

It is impossible to reach rain and dew.

After the teams were matched, more than 20 teams began to march into the magic capital.

At the same time, with the start of the game.

The major secondary cities have also opened live broadcasts. Through the live broadcast interface, countless players are watching the battles of the warriors in their main cities.

The map of the magic city is very grand.

After more than 20 teams entered the city, they dispersed immediately, looking for their prey.

The viewers of Streaming City can switch their perspectives according to the people they want to watch.

The results are based on system statistics.

Streamer City has 32 million online viewers.

Among them, the perspective of 20 million viewers is all on [Yinuo Qingcheng]!

Zhang Yi and the three of the same team marched along the most spacious main street.

After a while.


With a sound, a huge boulder fell off from the air in front and fell to the ground.

When I looked up, I saw a huge four-legged beast with a lion-like appearance, but with a barbed tail, standing on the top of a building!

With a hideous face and sharp red eyes, it stared directly at the four Zhang Yi.

ID display above the head-Level 1 Warcraft: Gourmet!

Next second.

Accompanied by a roar of "roar".

The gluttonous glutton jumped off the top of the building and rushed towards Zhang Yi and the others!

The middle-aged knight, number 2118, immediately stepped forward with his shield.


The protection skills are turned on, and a layer of shields are put on each of you and your teammates.

Immediately afterwards, the gluttonous pounced towards 2118.

There was a loud bang.

2118 blocked the gluttonous impact with a shield, and the huge force forced 2118 to kneel on one leg suddenly!

The shield on his body was broken, but 2118 did not take 1 point of damage.

Good guys!

After the skill level is reset, the white skills can have a powerful effect of immunity to one damage.

As expected to be a strong one who can make it into the top 100 of Streaming City!

With the gluttonous glutton into the attack range.

Archer【Lodo】Limaa bow, start shooting!

Whoosh whoosh!

A sharp arrow fell on Taotie, causing 5-10 points of damage on top of its head!

Ledo opened his eyes wide and was dumbfounded.

After the data was reset, the people who had injured tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people who had been injured suddenly suffered such a few single-digit damages, and it was inevitable that they could not accept it for a while.

At this time, the warrior Yakult also charged with the epee!

Quickly rushed to Lu Tie's side.

Swing the great sword and launch an attack.

One sword after another, they also dealt 5-10 points of damage to the gluttonous body one by one.

Moreover, the blood bar on the top of this gluttonous head was almost motionless.

Zhang Yi checked the monster's data using the God-level Detecting technique.

Level 1 beast gluttonous, attack power 20, defense 5, health value 1000!

Attack and defense are fine, what the **** is this blood volume!

At this time, Taotie launched a counterattack.




Three consecutive roars, one longer than one growl.

Three waves of light were spit out from the mouth.

In an instant, 2118 and the warrior Yakult at close range were all shaken away.

On top of their heads, they brought a few more than 20 skill damages!

Zhang Yi and Leduo in the distance were also affected, and suffered a few dozen points of damage that were slightly inferior.

Yakult was shocked: "The level 1 monster data is so strong, how can this be beaten?"

"It's not just our opponents who are so strong, others are the same."

With that said, Zhang Yi raised the staff and launched an attack.

Boom boom boom boom!

Relying on the 50% final speed bonus brought by [Dragon King Speed], and the 90% final speed bonus of Grandmaster-level [Extreme Dragon Soul].

Accumulating 140% of the attack speed bonus allows Zhang Yi to instantly release four skills: Fireball, Aurora, Freeze, and Desire!

Combined with the master-level slaughter dragon soul piercing armor, the fire dragon soul increases its damage, and the blood-devouring dragon soul **** blood.

In an instant, on that level 1 gluttonous, four damage numbers that surprised the other three on the same team were exploded—





At the same time, through 45% of the blood sucking of the Blood Devouring Dragon Soul (the effect of blood sucking on the teammates is halved), the four 15-point treatments transformed from it, instantly destroyed the injured knight 2118 in the front line, and the warrior Yakult II The human blood bar recovered.

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