The battle of the gods kicked off the second day.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the second game arrived as scheduled.

"Ding~Attention all participating players: [War of the Gods] The second game [Killing] will start in ten minutes. The specific rules of the game have been released. Please be prepared!"

As the system prompts to fall from the sky.

There are still ten minutes before eight o'clock.

Participating players in major cities, eat breakfast for breakfast, buy medicine for pharmacies, buy equipment for equipment stores, buy equipment.

Everyone is very motivated and seems to have absolute certainty that they will be able to play well in the second game!

The rules for the second game [Killing] have also been announced to all participants.

The first game [Slayer] is to allow all participants to develop freely.

Today’s second game will be a pk between players!

The system will randomly match teams from two main cities and send them to the same game map.

Participating teams from two different main cities need to look for the [Divine Power Scroll] in the same game map, find the Divine Power Scroll and use it to obtain the Divine Power.

And this supernatural power obtained will be stored by the system first, and then evenly distributed to the contestants of the same team after the second game is over.

At the start of the competition, every participant will automatically get a reel of supernatural power.

The condition for the use of the divine power scroll is that there must be a divine power scroll on the body as a retention.

That is to say: contestants must hold two or more divine power scrolls in their hands before they can use the extra one, and they must also keep one for retention.

This setting is to pave the way for [killing].

Because in the second game, you can directly blast the divine power scroll by killing the opponents in the main city!

As the rules of the game are released.

Participants from 34 second-tier cities are all enthusiastic.

In the realm of the gods, all the contestants who came to the arena in the city under the call of the system are all flaunting their might, trying to show their strength and frighten their opponents.

"I thought the battle of the gods was all just like yesterday, pure killing monsters! That's too boring, finally it's going to be the highlight!"

"Haha! I like this rule! I don't know which lucky team is going to be our opponent in Galaxy City!"

It's not just contestants.

Outside the venue, tens of millions of viewers outside the live broadcast rooms of major cities all became nervous and excited.

Because today is the first collision between contestants and contestants.

With the arrival of eight o'clock, the game began.

"Ding ~ [War of the Gods] The second battle has started, now it is sent to the competition venue for all contestants!"

As the system prompts settled.

In the seven-star matrix in the huge arena, bursts of golden light were scattered and scattered on the surrounding contestants.

Players who were shrouded in golden light disappeared in the arena one after another.

"Ding~Welcome all players to the second battlefield of the Battle of the Gods: The Maze of Killing! Today's challenge: Find the scroll of supernatural power in the Maze of Killing and use it to obtain supernatural power!"

"Die in the Killing Labyrinth, drop 100% of the scrolls when you have a scroll of divine power on your body, and the team you belong to will accumulate divine power points of -10! The dead will be resurrected at random locations in the maze!"

"[Streaming City] Participating players, your opponent in this competition is [Alien Race: Azure City]! You have one minute to match the teams freely, and the system will send you a random location on the map after the team is completed!"


92 golden lights spilled down.

Zhang Yi and 91 other contestants from Stream City appeared in a huge space.

Also appearing in this space, there is another large group of players.

And they are the players from the foreign race Qingguang City!

It was also the group of roadblockers that Zhang Yi and the others encountered on the street when they first came to the realm of the gods the night before!

At that time, because of the opponent's provocation, he almost fought with them.

Unexpectedly, in this game, I just met them!

Obviously, the opponent player also recognized the player on Streaming City.

A warrior man named [YQ1121] said in a weird manner: "Oh, it's you!"

Other players also launched various taunting and disdainful voices:

"The day before yesterday, I dared not do anything with us in the realm of the gods. As a result, I met in today's game! It seems that this is all God's will!"

"Let me see how powerful you are!"

Among the [Tiange] contestants who were once again humiliated, the warrior Tianxing drew up his long sword with a "wow": "Come on, you are looking for death?"

Against this, a knight player named [YQ2286] laughed loudly: "Oh, just say a few words, that guy is still anxious!"

Tian Xing was so angry that he wanted to rush to kill the knight, but was stopped by the July Flowing Fire.

"This is not a stadium, there is no need to speak quickly with them."

"The real strength is reflected in the arena."

Tianxing pressed the anger in his heart.

Now, there is one minute for free teaming.

According to the rules: In the second game, the system allows the participating teams to match ten teams freely, and then after the game officially starts, the system will randomly send to different locations on the participating map according to the team as a unit.

If there is no free allocation of teams, then after one minute, the system will randomly allocate ten teams.

So, in the remaining forty seconds, Zhang Yi and the others quickly began to form a team.

In order to ensure that each team's combat effectiveness is balanced.

They were led by Zhang Yi, Qiyue Liuhuo, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Tiange, and the Three War Gods of the Dragon Race, each leading a team.

Those who can come to participate in the battle of the gods, although they are all the top master players in Streaming City.

However, people like the Four Heavenly Kings and Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen are all masters in masters, and their strength completely crushes other contestants.

So spreading these cores of combat power to lead the team can ensure that each team has a sufficiently high combat effectiveness.

Soon, the free team was completed.

92 people, divided into ten teams in total.

An average of 9-10 people per team.

At the same time, as Zhang Yi and their opponents in this round, the [Alien Qingguang City] players have also completed the team.

next moment.

The golden light fell, and the players on both sides disappeared in the preparation space.

Look around.

The teams were randomly teleported into a huge maze!

"Game start!"

Follow the system prompts to drop down.

On and off the field, the emotions of the participants and the crowd watching in the live broadcast room became excited and tense.

The viewers in the live broadcast room can adjust their perspective according to the contestants they want to watch.

Most people's perspective still follows Zhang Yi's body.

And as the game began.

Each team also began to march in the maze, looking for the scroll of supernatural power.

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