Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1325: Level 9 Warcraft: Magic Brake!

Kill inside the labyrinth.

Zhang Yi and the eight other contestants who were with him marched through the huge maze-like palace.

On the way, from time to time, a few monsters will come out to get in the way.

However, they are all level 5-6 monsters, for the contestants, there is no threat.

It is nothing more than to delay the contestants' time and slow down their search for the divine power scroll.

However, in the second game, killing the Warcraft will not gain supernatural power.

And even the divine power obtained by using the divine power scroll will be temporarily saved by the system.

In other words, in the second game, the contestants could not strengthen their own strength.

What kind of state of strength was at the beginning of the game, and what state was it still after the end of the game.

The importance of the first game before is also reflected.

After killing a few monsters.

Zhang Yi and the others found a golden treasure chest under a corner!

Preparing to approach the treasure chest.

A monster of level 9 [Magic Bra] appeared in front of the treasure chest!

At this moment, all the contestants who were originally overjoyed when they found the treasure chest were excited.

Even in the live broadcast room, the audience who were watching Zhang Yi's perspective couldn't help but get nervous together!

"This treasure chest actually has a guardian!"

"Level 9 Warcraft! Can they beat Yinuo Qingcheng?"

"Then your situation is small. Didn't you watch the first game yesterday? Yinuo Qingcheng kills level 8 beasts like chickens. What is the difficulty of level 9 beasts?"

"The key Yinuo Qingcheng is only 7th level, right? The beasts in the battle of the gods have a big gap at each level. I don't know if they can fight."

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room was talking about it.

On the field.

The 9th-level beast: a blood-red thorn armor, holding two scimitars in his hand, like an assassin's [Magic Bra], standing quietly in front of the treasure chest.

It seems that if you want to get the treasure chest, you have to kill this monster!

So Zhang Yi raised the staff and said decisively: "Kill!"

With an order, the eight contestants of the same team picked up the guy and rushed towards the magic brake!

In the battle of the gods, the highest level is only 10 regardless of whether the contestant or the monster.

And this 9th-level magic brake is obviously about to reach the peak level!

Its data is also very powerful.

Eight players on the same team as Zhang Yi.

One of the two warriors and a knight rushed directly to the magic brake.

After the battle, several mages and archers started shooting.


Boom boom boom!

A sharp arrow and magic ball bombarded the magic brake body, exploding one or two hundred damage above its head.

For a magic brake with 20,000 blood, this damage is simply insignificant.

At this time, the warriors and knights approached the past.

Their close-range attacks can only cause one or two hundred damage to the magic brake.

Mocha swung his scimitar to counterattack.


Silver light blooms.

The first three people shook back.

It made them lose one-fifth of the blood bars on their heads.

The only priest in the queue shot.

Use healing techniques to restore the wounded's blood volume.

Others cooperated one after another to hunt down the beasts in an orderly manner.

According to this momentum, it is not too difficult for a regular team of contestants to hunt a 9th-level beast, it is nothing more than to spend more time.

But with Zhang Yi's team, it is destined to be unconventional!

Just when eight teammates cooperated to siege the 9th-level Warcraft Devil.

Zhang Yi lifted the staff and entered the firing range.

Behind him, a silver dragon shadow that symbolizes the hidden dragon class [Dragon Soul Master] appeared.

However, just when Zhang Yi was about to do it.

It seemed to have discovered something suddenly.

The dragon shadow behind him disappeared, and Zhang Yi suddenly released his fighting posture!

This scene puzzled millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Why isn't Yinuo Qingcheng now?"

"Is it saving strength, or want to use this monster to test the strength of teammates?"

"I don't think... this shouldn't be necessary? Isn't it enough to take down the Warcraft and open the treasure chest to get the scroll?"

Accompanied by a burst of discussion in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Yi still stood motionless in the back watching the game.

Without Zhang Yi, the other eight teammates are also very good.

It took two minutes to solve the monster!

Immediately afterwards, when everyone approached the treasure chest with joy.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew around.


Zhang Yi suddenly flashed together and appeared behind a soldier teammate [RL2558] who was about to open the treasure chest.

At the same time, the staff waved.


After obtaining the 90% speed bonus of [Extreme Dragon Soul].

Golden Fireball and Golden Aurora are released at the same time.

After being strengthened by the Fire Dragon Soul, they transformed into two fire dragons, rushing towards the "air" ahead.

The surrounding teammates didn't know when Zhang Yi was attacking.

The two fire dragons seemed to hit something and made a loud noise.

At the next moment, two black-clothed assassins who were quietly approaching with the invisibility technique were attacked!



In this contestant generally can only play two or three hundred, and only eight or nine hundred HP in the arena.

The two damages Zhang Yi hit directly killed the two [6th God of War] level assassin players from the alien Qingguang City!

The surrounding teammates and even the audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

Because they didn't even realize when the enemy assassin came here!

And Zhang Yi seems to have expected it!

Seeing two white lights lit up.

The two assassins who were killed by Zhang Yi's spike turned into white light and disappeared, leaving behind two divine power scrolls on the ground.

Immediately after that, there were eight other contestants from Qingguang City in front of them, rushing toward this side aggressively!

Obviously, they were in the same team as the two assassins just now, and they just made up ten people.

At this time, the nine people on Streaming City, except Zhang Yi, the other eight had not had time to recover after the battle with the 9th-level Monster Demon Shrine, they were all residual blood!

It is to seize this opportunity.

The attackers from Qingguang City wanted to kill Zhang Yi's team, and by the way, they could **** the treasure chest from them!

Players in the live broadcast rooms on both sides are watching the battle that is about to break out.

On the Qingguang City side, it seems that they are already inevitable, because they are in full condition and occupy an absolute advantage!

And Streaming City is full of residual blood, this state of fight will undoubtedly be defeated.

At this time, Zhang Yi started.

Use the eight displacement lines, combined with the speed dragon soul, to perform eight displacements in a row.

Rush rush rush...

The body is like a bolt of lightning, fast shuttles across the field.

Every flashing drove an attack.

Rising Dragon Extinguish, Freezing Technique, Extinguishing World Jue, Chain Lightning...

A series of skills were strengthened by the Fire Dragon Soul, and all turned into fire dragons, devouring the eight contestants of Qingguang City on the field.

In a blink of an eye, all eight players were beaten and disabled!

At exactly this time, a bloodline skill that was activated with a 1% probability: Hell Dragon Flame was triggered.


Accompanied by a roar.

A scorching dragon flame fell from the sky and enveloped the audience.

All eight players were swallowed by Dragon Flame.

Next second.

Eight white lights illuminate around Zhang Yi at the same time.

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