Human race, alien race, demons.

The war between the three major races has always continued.

Especially on the side of the first-level main city, it is getting more and more intense.

The first-level main city is no longer separated according to spatialization like the previous second-level main city and third-level main city.

That is the time before: it is impossible for two cities of different races or the same race to appear on the same continent.

Now, each of the three major races has only two primary cities.

Moreover, there are a total of six first-level major cities, all located on the same continent!

The territory under Zhang Yi's feet is located in the middle of the six first-level major cities.

The scale of this continent is very large.

And the distance between each main city is also very far away.

According to the calculations of the system, it takes a day and a night to get from a first-level city to another first-level city, even if you have a flying mount!

All players from the second-level main city to the third-level main city will be teleported to the war relics left by the three major races.

Which major city the player wants to enter, just start from here and walk directly to it.

On the way, players need to overcome obstacles all the way to successfully reach the first-level city.

If you die in the process, you will be teleported back to the starting point and set off again.

There are no limitations to the choice of the first-level main city.

Demon players can enter the first-level capital city of alien and human races.

Players of foreign races can also enter the first-level main cities of the demons and human races.

But one thing is beyond doubt: according to race, choosing the main city of your race will definitely get more favorable development!

In the first-level main city, players will face a brand-new [Race Mission], which can only be claimed by players of the corresponding race.

Therefore, in order to take into account the overall situation.

At this starting point, tens of millions of players from Streamer City began to part ways.

Demon Clan's first-level main city: Hell City, Fuying City.

Alien first-level main cities: Shenyue City, Aurora City.

Terran first-level main cities: Dawn City, Tianyu City.

Each major city has its own characteristics and different game plots.

Players can choose one of them according to their wishes.

Zhang Yi's choice is naturally the City of Dawn of the Human Race.

Because Zhang Yi stayed in Dawn City until the moment he was dying.

I already have a comprehensive understanding of the layout of Dawn City!

And as a foreign race, Qiyue Liuhuo, and the four heavenly kings.

For future development, they have to choose one of the two major cities of their foreign races.

In the end, July Liuhuo chose the Foreign Race God Moon City!

Many players have begun to set off towards their favorite main city.

Before leaving.

July Liuhuo said to Zhang Yi: "Tian Pavilion will definitely be the first to create the main city in our Star Country area. This time, I will definitely win!"

Hearing, Zhang Yi smiled: "It depends on your performance."

After all, the Tiange and the Dragon are also separated in two different directions at the starting point.

Zhang Yi knew: Sooner or later, the July Liuhuo would come to Dawn City.

Because even if Zhang Yi is not in the city of Dawn, according to the historical progress of the previous life, after dominating the alien **** moon city, the July Flowing Fire will lead the Tiange and march into the city of Dawn!

After parting ways with the people of Tiange, Zhang Yi led the 300,000 members of the Dragon Clan and began to march into Dawn City!

Players want to enter the first-level main city, but it is not that simple.

On the way from the starting point to the first-level main city, the system arranged a large number of monsters.

If the player unfortunately dies in the hands of a monster, they will return to the starting point.

The system will re-establish the player's resurrection point only after reaching the first-level main city for the first time.

Moreover, these monsters are extremely powerful, and if you are not careful, players will become their food.

Ever since, Zhang Yi just got ready to set off.

There were several white lights scattered behind him.

Several players who had just left this war relic not long ago were obviously killed by monsters on the road and came back here to resurrect!

Those players who came back from the resurrection looked shocked.

"Damn! This monster is too fierce! Ordinary monsters are all epic talents!"

"True and false, if it is the lord monster, the BOSS, wouldn't the talent be able to reach the legendary, **** level?"

"Everyone, be careful, don't be careless, go forward in a group, and strive to reach the first-level main city before dark today!"

Here, Zhang Yi led the dragon tribe's 300,000 army and was attacked by those monsters on the way to Dawn City.

Those monsters were soldiers who died when the three major races broke out.

Their bodies slept in the ground, and now they have recovered.

According to the ID above the head, they are all level 200 [Deadpool]!

Human Deadpool, Alien Deadpool, and Demon Deadpool.

These are just the lowest level monsters in the first-level main city domain!

Since the players of Streaming City have entered the first-level main city in advance, many players who are still only level 190, crossing 10 levels to deal with these 200-level deadpools are definitely very difficult.

Zhang Yi's side.

Riding on the fifth-order dragon emperor, he also summoned three first-order dragon emperors to clear the way in front of the army.

The data of monsters in the first-level city has been greatly enhanced.

Even ordinary monsters are guaranteed by epic talent.

A 200-level Deadpool can have 50 billion HP!

Its strength is completely equivalent to a 200-level elite monster in the second-level main city!

Even Zhang Yi, with a set of four or five billion damage moves, is not enough to lose a Deadpool in a second!

Of course, with the increase in strength, the battle income of the monsters in the first-level main city is much higher than that of the second-level main city!

It is also a level 200 monster.

The monsters Zhang Yi killed in Streaming City only had 80 million experience at the highest.

The 200-level Deadpool here has a maximum experience of 200 million!

For Zhang Yi and Dragon players, a level 200 Deadpool is not a big threat.

Seeing the countless dead servants of the 200-level demons, human races, or alien races who are holding war knives in front of him.

Xing Tian, ​​a 195-level ghost swordsman at the head of the crowd, waved his sword and gave an order: "Kill!"


The 300,000 dragon army, charged into battle...

And all the monsters that appeared along the way were Deadpool, and there were no more advanced monsters.

With the help of the mount.

In the end, Zhang Yi and the people of the Dragon clan spent a day.

At six o'clock in the evening, I finally reached the city of Dawn!

Look around.

It is a super main city with a size and area of ​​at least ten times that of the second-level main city, and it is extremely glorious!

Bursts of golden stars surround the city.

A breath of majesty and power radiated!

A dozen soldiers in golden armor stood on either side of the city gate tens of meters high.

The ID above the head is directly golden—lv255 Dawn City Guard!

When they came to the foot of Dawn City, the players couldn't help but marvel.

"This is the first-level main city!"

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