Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1340: Rank Eight Dragon Soul Master

The highest level of the world of apocalypse is 255.

At this time, the guards outside the gates of Dawning City were already the most advanced, and they were still golden IDs!

The breath of the strong emanating from them makes Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen such masters involuntarily awed by three points!

In the crowd.

The undead Xiaoqiang pondered: "Level 255 gold-named NPC, these guys are very strong!"

As Xiaoqiang's voice just fell.

Just ahead, several dead servants broke through the ground.

They flared their teeth and claws, rushing towards the players here!

"I'm going! There is actually a Deadpool on the edge of the main city!"

In a panic of consternation, the players who had arrived outside the city of Dawn one after another picked up the guys and prepared to fight against those deadpools.

Not waiting for players to do it.

at this time.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless golden sharp arrows flew in and fell on the dead servants in front of them.

Swipe it!

Deadpool, who was pierced by a sharp arrow, ignited a raging fire, and then turned directly into ashes, leaving only a ball of fire on the ground!

Look around.

I saw a row of archer guards in golden armor on the arrow tower above the wall of the city of Dawn, targeting Deadpool to start shooting!

The damage of level 255 golden NPC can naturally kill level 200 monsters easily.

The scenes were shocking to the players who had just gone through all the obstacles and tried their best to fight these deadpools.

next moment.


The golden gate of dozens of meters high opened wide.

Zhang Yi and the others walked straight into the city gate.

"Ding~Welcome to the first-level human city: Dawn City!"

The city is full of high-end buildings full of modern high-tech atmosphere, showing prosperity and luxury.

It's not comparable to the second-tier main city!

The NPCs in the city are bustling and lively.

At this time, the time is fixed at half past six in the evening.

After a day of exhaustion.

The first thing many players do after entering the first-level main city is to go to the restaurant to eat, and then go to the hotel to open a room and sleep.

The consumption here is also much higher than that in the secondary main city.

However, living in it is naturally much more comfortable than the second-level main city!

For other players, the first-level main city is a whole new world.

For Zhang Yi, there is a familiar feeling of returning to his own home.

After arriving in the first-level main city, the dragon players also went to rest.

After all, today is the first day of the new year, and if you are on the road for a day, you should reward yourself and take a good rest.

If you have anything, I can talk about it tomorrow.

And Zhang Yi started to make the next plan.

Zhang Yi recorded the more important things.

One: Find and kill the seventh-order dark dragon king of the dark dragon clan: Yi Gu Nuo. Eliminate the black dragon consciousness from Han Yarou.

Two: Create the main city and create a territory that belongs to you and the dragon clan.

Three: Through Lin Ruo, to relieve the fat man's mortal crisis that is about to go through in the first-level capital city.

Four: Complete the third stage of the dragon camp assessment and join the dragon camp.

After that, after entering the dragon camp, Zhang Yi can start the trial of the gods and obtain the position of the gods!

It's just that these things are not so easy to complete.

Even if Zhang Yi knew, where he could find the Dark Dragon Emperor now.

With his current strength, to fight the 255-level seventh-order dark dragon emperor is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

This matter can only be arranged after completing the dragon camp assessment and gaining the position of the gods.

At that time, Zhang Yi's strength will usher in a leap forward.

Combined with some of the weaknesses of the Dark Dragon King that Zhang Yi knows, he will definitely be able to defeat the Dark Dragon King!

The third-stage dragon camp assessment, which can only be started in the first-level main city, is performed on a quarterly basis, that is, once every three months.

There are still two months left before the next third stage assessment.

The fat man’s crisis is the ruling of the adjudicator and cannot be artificial, so it did not come so quickly.

So now the most important thing Zhang Yi faces is to create the main city.

Create the main city, divided into several parts.

Among them, funds and territories prove that these two are indispensable.

With the territory certificate, the main city can be built on the corresponding territory.

As long as you have money, you can buy materials, and all manpower and material resources are for money!

Zhang Yi had long thought of it: The 90 billion team funds currently owned by the Dragons are definitely not enough.

So the most important task now is to make money!

Refining medicine and forging equipment.

Then open a shop in Dawn City and make money.

As early as the second-tier main city, Zhang Yi had thought of these ways to make money.

The first-level main city realizes absolute freedom.

Players can even open a shop in the city and enjoy a peaceful entrepreneurial life, without having to go out on wild adventures to fight monsters and level up.

In the last life, many players rented storefronts in the first-level main cities, and then opened hotel pharmacies or equipment stores.

Among them, Zhang Yi’s most impressive was that the people from [Underworld] made a fortune by opening a store, and by all means, they grabbed the territory to prove that all the procedures were complete and they became the first team in Dawn City to meet the requirements for creating a main city.

In the first-level main city, secondary professions such as pharmacist and blacksmith are opened.

Zhang Yi's plan tomorrow is to complete the eighth turn first, and then solve the store's affairs first.

Refining medicine and equipment are left to the dragon people to handle.

Time is pressing.

Because it won't be long before players from other second-level main cities will arrive in the first-level main city one after another.

At that time, in order to create the main city, there will certainly be many family players who will find a place to open a shop in the city.

Zhang Yi must rush to grab the best storefront in the city in front of others!

In this snowy night.

More than 40 million players from Streamer City arrived at the first-level main city first, settled in the six main cities, and lived in advance of the life expected by the players in the other 33 second-level main cities...

At seven o'clock the next morning, Zhang Yi woke up.

Go straight to the professional mentor hall in Dawn City.

The Dragon Soul Master changed his job, although he didn't need to go through the seven regular professional mentors of the Apocalypse World.

However, this process also has to be completed in the mentor's hall.

Come to the mentor hall.

A golden light shot out from the dragon soul ring in Zhang Yi's hand.

The golden light fell in the hall, and the image of the dragon soul master Viyana was gathered!

A white dress, long golden hair, Viyana, whose eyes are shining like stars, is still so beautiful and refined.

Once again, I saw Zhang Yi, who hadn't met for a long time, and Viaana, who was a grandmaster-level dragon soul master, was obviously a little shocked: "You have already been promoted to a god-level dragon soul master..."

Zhang Yi smiled: "I accidentally surpassed Nana, so sorry."

Viyana smiled: "As the saying goes, blue is better than blue. This is a good thing. I am happy for you."

"You have reached the level. Next, please accept the baptism of the Bright Dragon Race!"

The voice just fell.

Vijana flicked the scepter.


Arrays of golden light fluttered from Zhang Yi's body.

"Ding~Congratulations on your successful job change and become the Rank 8 Dragon Soul Master! Obtained the bonus effect of professional attributes: Intellectual growth +30 stars! Stamina growth +20 stars! Physical strength growth +20 stars! Agility growth +25 stars!"

"The rank of Nine needs to reach level 230, please continue to work hard!"

"Ding~ Since your main profession is Beastmaster, congratulations on opening the third position of Beastmaster!"

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