Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1344: D grade ingredients: wolf meat

Just as Xing Tian was facing the violent war wolf at close range.

The 195th-level Thunder Knight Yiqi Juechen replaced Xing Tian and rushed to the violent war wolf.

The spear moved.

One by one billions of damage slammed on the violent war wolf.

Yiqi Juechen does not have the steel body of Xingtian, he only has 50% of Zhang Yi's injury free.

Therefore, the attack of the violent war wolf is even more painful when hitting Yiqi Juechen!

With a general attack of 300 million and a skill of 700-800 million damage, the blood bar on the head of Yiqi Juechen dropped more and more!

And under the action of Yiqi Juechen's god-level talent ten times anti-injury.

One after another billions of anti-injuries, also caused the violent war wolf to rub down his own blood bar!

Do not wait for others to take action.

Xing Tian joined forces with Yiqi Juechen and quickly killed this war wolf!

The two deputy captains of the dragon clan.

Only two god-level talents and hidden occupations coexist can barely kill a war wolf.

Even Xing Tian himself couldn't help but sigh: "The gap with the monsters in the second-level main city is too big."

Although difficult to deal with.

But the benefits are still very exciting.

In the first-level main city, due to the substantial increase in monster strength, players must form a team to kill some higher-level monsters.

So the system also improves the player's team revenue.

In the state of a five-person team, the profit from killing monsters can also guarantee 100%!

In addition, the effect of the extra bonus for leapfrogging remains unchanged, that is: the more mobs are spawned at level 3 or higher, each level will increase the experience gain by 10%.

The experience value of this violent war wolf is as high as 500 million!

A level 204 war wolf is worth the 10 level 200 monsters in the second level main city!

Moreover, even Zhang Yi used to kill monsters across level 4, gaining an additional 10% experience, and finally gaining 550 million experience!

Yiqi Juechen Xingtian, they cross level 9 to kill monsters, and the benefits are even higher!

The 192-level archer girl with the original flavor, the experience bar has risen directly in a visible trend, which scared her: "This experience is so high!"

The battle is over.

Xing Tian squatted down beside the corpse of the violent war wolf and picked up the full 300 gold coins it had fallen.

Then, on the corpse of the violent war wolf, cast [Necrotic Technique].

"Ding~ Congratulations on your successful fetching, and you have obtained the ingredient [Wolf Meat] x1! The proficiency of corpse touching x1!"

The D-level corpse touching technique has only a 50% chance of being able to successfully perform it.

Xing Tian's luck is still good.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Tian looked at the wolf meat in his hand.

【Wolf Meat】(D-grade ingredients).

Description: It can be cooked into delicious D-level food through the cooking ability of the cook: grilled wolf meat.

Put the wolf meat in the bag.

Several people continued to hunt and kill the violent war wolf.

This time, Zhang Yi shot.

Summon a group of monsters, and follow Yiqi Juechen Xingtian and the others to besiege a violent war wolf.

On Zhang Yi's side, he put several layers of god-level slaying dragon souls on that war wolf.

In front of Zhang Yi, the defensive power of the Berserker Wolf was directly reduced to 0.

Others can enjoy half of the armor piercing effect, which is 50%.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi used God-level Fire Bathing Dragon Soul to bless various skills, transforming into fire dragons, and madly impacting the violent war wolf.

One by one, super-high damage constantly appeared above the head of the violent war wolf—

-5.4 billion!

-5.1 billion!

-10 billion crit!

-5.3 billion...

Under Fatty's control, everyone joined hands and quickly killed this war wolf.

As a god-level dragon soul master, Zhang Yi still has no problem dealing with a 204-level war wolf.

After all, according to the system's judgment, the 200-206 level strange areas on Zhang Yi's map are all white safe areas!

The first two are just appetizers.

It would be a waste of Zhang Yi and his team's strong lineup to brush alone.

Next, Zhang Yi and the others directly turned on the group brush.

Of course, the so-called group brushing, do not dare to brush with a dozen or even dozens of monsters in the same way as in the second-level main city.

Zhang Yi and the others attracted five or six wolves at once.

Group control by the fat man cast spells.

Then Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group, as well as Xing Tianyiqi Juechen Original Girl, attacked together.

In this way, groups of war wolves were harvested.

After each round of battle, Xing Tian or Yiqi Juechen will "touch the corpse" of the wolf.

Looking at his four teammates, all of them are outstanding.

Obviously I feel like an original girl who drags oil bottles, a little distressed: "Am I dragging you down..."

After solving the current group of wolves.

Zhang Yi said, "No."

"You are at a normal level. If you go to the 200 or 201 level wild areas, you will find that they are much easier to deal with with only a few levels of difference."

At this moment, countless players are spawning monsters in the 200-201 level wild areas around Dawn City.

In the state of a five-person team, even for those 190 level players, it is not too difficult to swipe level 200 monsters.

Zhang Yi and the others hunted the wolf while practicing their secondary professional skills on the corpse of the wolf.

It's about ten o'clock in the morning.

On the side of Absolute Wolf Woodland, there was a sudden fierce fighting!

Zhang Yi immediately followed the sound of fighting.

I saw that in the snow-covered woodland ahead, several NPC soldiers were hunting violent war wolves!

One of them was sitting on horseback, wearing a long coat, looking like a broad young man.

And beside him are four archer guards.

Those guards were all 210-level elite guards, and it was nothing to say to hunt down 204-level war wolves.

Even the wide young man on horseback has level 208!

The blue ID on the top of his head shows that his name is "Kant"!

Seeing this NPC hunter, Zhang Yi was overjoyed!

If nothing else, this Kangte should be the owner of that restaurant!

I saw Contra's bow let go, several arrows went down, and the violent war wolf that had been maimed by the four elite archer guards was shot and killed.

Then he jumped off his horse and touched the corpse himself.

I don't know if it was because of Zhang Yi and the others that triggered this game plot.

Still say: Conte must have this catastrophe.

Just when Conte had just touched the corpse of the wolf.

Around, a large group of violent war wolves surrounded!

Encountered siege by wolves, this kind of scene is very rare!

This situation could not help but make Kangte and his four archers become nervous.

"Protect the boss!"

With the voice of one of the archers just fell.

The four archers aim at the violent war wolves that are approaching around and start shooting!

However, outnumbered.

Even though these four 210-level elite shooters are very strong.

But they are no match for the dozen or so war wolves who have raided from all directions!

A large group of violent war wolves flew over, and soon knocked them to the ground!

Moments of crisis.


Accompanied by a long cry.

A fire ignited in the snow.

Immediately afterwards, a group of hot flames fell from the sky, engulfing the wolves in an instant!

The 200-level fifth-order Fire Dragon Emperor Babu is flying over the wolves.

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