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Chapter 1345: Legendary hidden mission: Breath of the Devil!

The sudden fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu caught the group of violent war wolves by surprise.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the minibus to disrupt the wolves with a dragon flame.

Zhang Yi, Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen and Fatty, and the five original girls, immediately approached from a distance.

Target the violent war wolves on the field and launch an attack!

At the same time, under the summons of Zhang Yi.

The three-headed 200-level first-order dragon king and the Warcraft Group have also joined the battlefield one after another.

Four-headed dragon plus three monsters, plus Zhang Yi and five of them.

A total of twelve powerful forces made the group of violent war wolves unable to resist.

Soon, the wolves were wiped out!

At this time, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian came to the NPC Kuo Shao, Kang Te.

Zhang Yi asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Conte, who looked a little embarrassed at this time, patted the dust on his body, but did not even say thank you. Instead, he arrogantly said to Zhang Yi and the others: "It's just a few little wolves, just now. Even without your help, we can handle it!"

"Hey! We saved you. Not only did you not have a word of gratitude, but you also said such cool words?" The original girl suddenly became a little angry.

Conte waved his hand with a look of disdain: "I didn't let you come to save me!"


This level of the main city has individual NPCs, which can almost kill the popularity.

Zhang Yi didn't talk nonsense, and straight to the point: "Are you the owner of Restaurant No. 1 in Shuguang Street, Dawn City?"

Conte glanced at Zhang Yi in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Long admired the name, when I saw it today, the aura is really extraordinary!"

Zhang Yi knows: For this kind of NPC, you have to follow him.

Sure enough, when he heard Zhang Yi's words, Kangte couldn't bear the joy and pride in his heart: "You know you!"

"Yes, I am the owner of Restaurant One!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said, "I heard that there are still many restaurants under your name, and this No.1 restaurant is just one of them."

"That's it. I want to do some business in Shuguang Street. I need a bigger storefront. Can I rent the boss's No. 1 restaurant?"

"My restaurant is very profitable. Why would you let me sublet it to you?"

When most people heard this, they probably couldn't help but want to beat Conte violently.

Zhang Yi pressed his patience and said, "You can propose any condition to me, and I can help you complete it."

"Really? In that case..." Conte seemed interested.

He thought for a while and said, "You have seen it too, I like hunting."

"It is said that there is a demon king buried in a shadow demon city on the eastern outskirts of the city of Dawn. If you can kill the demon king there and obtain the demon king's breath for me, I will promise you what you just said."

As Conte's voice just fell.

A system reminder sounded in Zhang Yi's ear.

"Ding~Congratulations on triggering the hidden mission [Devil’s Breath] (Legendary Level). Do you want to claim the mission? (Note: Please note: This mission is a racial mission and must be received by a player with a human race, and if the execution fails, the player Will be severely punished, players are requested to collect them carefully)."

That's right, it's this hidden mission!

The team from the previous life obtained the right to sublet the restaurant after completing a hidden mission on the owner of the restaurant.

And now, this task is in front of Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi naturally accepted the task without hesitation.

"Ding~Congratulations on receiving the legendary hidden mission [Devil's Breath]. You can check the details on the mission interface!"

Zhang Yi opened the task interface casually.

[Devil’s Breath] (Legendary Hidden Mission).

Difficulty factor: 1520w.

Description: In the City of Shadow Demon in the east of Dawn City, there are high-level Shadow Demon from the Demon Race. Driven by the Demon King, they often threaten some villages and small towns around Dawn City. The Devil's Breath, which possesses a powerful force in the Devil's body, is even more coveted by countless people.

Ask the player to go to the City of Shadow Demon to kill the demon king and obtain the devil's breath in his body.

Mission time: 30 days.

Note: If this mission fails, you will be severely punished.

15.2 million difficulty factor!

This difficulty is not ordinary!

You know, Zhang Yi had been in contact with the most difficult missions in Streaming City before that, and he had only seven or eight million!

The difficulty of this task has suddenly doubled!

Fortunately, this task lasted 30 days, almost a month!

After handing over this task to Zhang Yi.

Kangte gave Zhang Yi a seemingly unoptimistic look: "Young man, good luck to you!"

Obviously, in Kangte's view, he doesn't think Zhang Yi can accomplish this task.

Because before that, he had repeatedly recruited senior soldiers from the city of Dawn to go to the city of Shadow Fiend, but they were all defeated.

The Shadow Demon and Demon King inside are really amazing!

When a mortal goes there, it is simply to die!

Say goodbye to Conte.

Zhang Yi and the others left Absolute Wolf Woodland.

"This guy is really unpleasant to make people look at." At this time, even Yiqi Juechen couldn't help but vomit.

Zhang Yi said: "The personalities of the NPCs in the first-level main city are unpredictable."

"Just get the task."

A trace of certainty emerged in Zhang Yi's eyes.

As long as you complete this task, you will get the right to sublet the No.1 restaurant on Shuguang Street.

Zhang Yi has a storefront.

Zhang Yi has made plans.

After taking down this shop, he will not transform this shop into an equipment shop like the family in the previous life.

Zhang Yi's ideas are more comprehensive.

He wants to build the first floor as an auction house and the second floor as a pharmacy!

In this way, it is bound to be able to earn more than the family in the previous life.

What Zhang Yi did was to pave the way for the creation of the main city in the future.

After leaving Absolute Wolf Woodland.

Zhang Yi opened the map and searched for [Shadow City].

I finally found out: It turned out to be a place with a level of 210!

Moreover, even on Zhang Yi's map, this [Shadow Demon City] belongs to the black realm!

Black represents the realm of death!

Means: Even if Zhang Yi enters the City of Shadow Demon now, he will face the danger of death!

However, what is strange is that other maps around the City of Shadow Fiend are all red severely dangerous areas, but this City of Shadow Fiend is a black death area.

Is there any special mechanism that increases the difficulty in this city of shadow fiends?

Anyway, let's check it out first.

Zhang Yi was also a little curious about what this dead zone was like.

So, riding the minibus, the five people followed the map and rushed to lv210 Shadow Fiend City.

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