After the territorial war of the three major races ceased.

The hatred and resentment between each other has not been reduced.

They are always preparing, looking for opportunities to give the hostile race another devastating blow!

Therefore, around the main human city, there will be many lurkers from demons or alien races.

Located in the eastern outskirts of Dawn City, [Shadow Demon City] is the resident of the once powerful Demon Clan and the Shadow Demon Army.

After the defeat of the Shadow Demon Army, it was sealed in the City of Shadow Demon by the Human God of War.

Under the guidance of the minibus, the five quickly arrived at the destination.

Looking around, it was a city located in a dark flat ground.

The huge city was surrounded by a burst of black air.

Exudes a powerful deterrent from the dark!

Located outside the city.

Facing the dark breath coming from the front, Yiqi Juechen took the lead, and Xingtian was behind.

The five followed the gate and entered the City of Shadow Demon.

Entering the city, I found that the whole city had already become like ruins.

at the same time.

A very low voice echoed in everyone's ears——

"Those who trespass the Demon Sacred Land, die!"

The voice just fell.

In front of the line of sight, bursts of black energy condensed into two shadow states, with red eyes glowing humanoid monsters!

The crimson ID on the top of the head greeted everyone's eyes——

Lv210 Shadow Fiend (Magic/Normal Monster)!

It seems that this is the overlord of the City of Shadow Demon.

[Devil's Breath] The requirement of this task is to kill the Demon King and take the Devil's Breath in his body.

But obviously, these roadblockers have to be killed before then.

Apart from anything else, Yiqi Juechen charged forward with his spear and shield.


The two Shadow Fiends launched an attack from a distance.

Flicking his arm, he threw two red **** of light.

Yiqi Juechen used a shield to block the attack.

In the next moment, two huge damages suddenly burst from the top of the head——

-24.5 billion!

-24.5 billion!

Yiqi Juechen's blood bar suddenly dropped by two-thirds!

The others behind him were also shocked.

"What kind of harm is this?!"

Seeing that the Shadow Demon was about to attack again.

The fat man quickly cast a spell to control the two Shadow Fiends.

Subsequently, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian targeted the Shadow Demon and launched an attack.

Use the god-level slaying dragon soul to break the armor 100%.

Zhang Yi launched the golden fireball technique, combined with the god-level fire-bath dragon soul.

Trigger multiple attacks, transform into two fire dragons, and consume those two shadow demons.


At the next moment, the two shadow demons jumped up on their heads with two incredible damages: 0!

That's right, it's 0 damage!

Zhang Yi was shocked.

After using the God-level Slaughter Dragon Soul to completely break the armor, his attack can actually hit 0 damage? why is that? !

At this time, because the Fatty's level was too far from the Shadow Fiend, his control skills were greatly reduced.

After a while, the two Shadow Fiends broke free of control.

They roared and launched frantic attacks.

Boom boom boom boom!

Many energy **** blasted out, covering almost the entire audience.

Zhang Yi applied the god-level guardian dragon soul to himself and his teammates, and he couldn't resist the damage of Shadow Demon!

The god-level guardian dragon soul acts on teammates, allowing teammates to obtain 50% damage-free effect.

However, Yiqi Juechen, who was given 50% damage free, suffered as much as 1.78 billion damage from Shadow Demon!

Even Xing Tian, ​​who possesses a god-level talent with a steel body that is 90% free from injury, suffered as much as 1 billion damage!

Moreover, everyone's attacks, even the fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu summoned by Zhang Yi, caused all damage to Shadow Fiend to be unbreakable at 0 points!

Seeing that the entire team couldn't resist the attack of these two Shadow Fiends.

Zhang Yi quickly obtained the data of the Shadow Demon by using the God-level Detecting Technique, and then with Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others, they hurriedly evacuated the Shadow Demon City!

Fortunately, those shadow demons were sealed in the city of shadow demons by the human war gods and could not be chased out.

Zhang Yi and the others ran outside the city and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why is this Shadow Fiend's damage so high? It's a bit abnormal."

As Yiqi Juechen's voice just fell, Xing Tian said: "What is more abnormal should be our injury."

"Zhang Yi's dragon soul has broken its armor. Even if 50% of our armor cannot be broken, Zhang Yi will break 100% of the defense, and it will be really injured, and it is impossible to fail."

"The key is that even if you don't break the defense, you can hit mandatory damage! And our damage is all 0!" The original girl said the point.

At this moment, Zhang Yi said: "It's not that they don't break the defense, but they are too high to avoid injury."

Everyone still didn't understand what it meant.

I saw that Zhang Yi shared the data of the Shadow Fiends that he had kept before evacuating the City of Shadow Fiends to the team channel.

Level 210 Shadow Fiend, 1 billion attack power, 70 million defense, 150 billion blood!

All aspects of the data, almost directly twice as much as the level 204 raging war wolf!

And the level difference between this Shadow Demon and the Furious Wolf Warrior is only level 6!

And the strong data is only secondary.

The most important thing is their talent: breakage!

The data panel has been described in detail:

The shadow monsters in the city of shadow monsters belong to community creatures.

All Shadow Fiends share the same talent: damage.

Therefore, this talent, which is formed by the power of thousands of shadow demons, directly reaches god-level quality!

God-level damage: Shadow Demon suppresses enemies whose level is lower than itself, and can break the enemy's damage reduction effect. This effect is calculated based on the level difference.

10% per level.

That is: a 210-level monster can ignore the 100% damage reduction effect of a 200-level player!

Yiqi Juechen is only level 195, which is 15 levels lower than the 210-level Shadow Demon. The damage of the demon wolf is on him, which can exert up to 150% of the effect!

And this damage, if it is applied to an enemy that has no damage reduction effect, it will also cause an additional damage increase effect to him!

In other words: 150% of the damage can increase the damage caused by Shadow Fiend to Yiqi Juechen by an additional 150%!

This is why the damage caused by Shadow Demon to Yiqi Juechen, and even Xing Tian, ​​who has a god-level talented steel body, is so high!

Xing Tian has 90% damage free. Under normal circumstances, Zhang Yi imposes a guardian dragon soul on him, which will not stack up to 140% damage free.

However, when dealing with Shadow Demon, the system took this damage-free effect into account.

That is: Shadow Fiend is higher than Xingtian 15th level, and the damage talent can cause 150% suppression effect.

And Xing Tian, ​​who is protected by the Guardian Dragon Soul, has a total of 140% damage-free talent, and this damage-free is directly cleared. In addition, Shadow Demon can also cause 10% damage suppression to Xing Tian!

Not only that.

Damage can also effectively protect Shadow Fiend.

It is also judged based on the level difference, and each level increases Shadow Fiend by 10% to avoid injury.

In other words: A 200-level player attacking a 210-level Shadow Demon will make the Shadow Demon obtain 100% damage-free effect!

This is why everyone, including Zhang Yi, has dealt 0 damage to Shadow Fiend!

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