Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1347: Dragon Emperor Temple

"This is the first time I have encountered an ordinary monster with god-level talent!"

After learning about the innate characteristics of the Shadow Demon, the original girl couldn't help sighing: "So, this Shadow Demon is not invincible at this stage."

"It's invincible." Yiqi Juechen continued with the original girl's words: "But as you said, it's just invincible at this stage."

Xing Tian said: "Their damage talent is mainly determined based on the level difference. The higher the level difference, the stronger the talent effect. If it is of the same level, this talent will be abandoned."

"As long as the level is high, it can still be cracked."


Like Zhang Yi, even if he only gets one level up, he reaches level 201.

The damage effect of Shadow Fiend is in front of Zhang Yi, and the damage increase will directly invalidate!

Because Zhang Yi's god-level guardian dragon soul can bring 90% damage free, which exactly offsets the 90% damage increase of Shadow Demon.

And Zhang Yi can also deal 10% damage to Shadow Fiend.

Now Zhang Yi finally understands why the place [City of Shadow Demon] on the map is a black death area!

Entering the City of Shadow Demon in the current state of Zhang Yi, it must be a death court.

It's a pity that you can't fight with poison.

The damage talent is only effective for enemies with a lower level than you, and it is directly invalidated for enemies with a higher level.

Otherwise, Zhang Yi will directly use the copying ability of [Memory of Heart] to copy Shadow Fiend’s damage talent and fight poison with poison...

The only way to crack is to upgrade!

It is a legendary hidden mission with a difficulty of 15.2 million!

Zhang Yi became more and more interested in this task.

Fortunately, the mission time has a full 30 days.

In 30 days, let alone upgrade to level 210.

At Zhang Yi's speed, it should be no problem to reach level 205.

When you reach level 205, you can almost brush the City of Shadow Demon.

At this moment, Yiqi Juechen looked at Zhang Yi and said, "How about it, where are you going to level up next?"

Pure leveling is not Zhang Yi's pursuit.

Only by integrating the leveling, brushing equipment, and collecting the reputation of the dragon clan can you get the greatest improvement!

The upgrade is for the task.

Brushing equipment is to improve strength.

And collecting the reputation of the dragon is to improve the minibus!

As the fifth-order Fire Dragon King, Babu's current attack level is only advanced, and he can only play 40% of his output.

And his upgrade is to consume the reputation of the dragon!

There are many channels for gaining reputation in the first-level city, as long as you have enough strength.

In Zhang Yi's impression, there is exactly one place where you can level up, buy equipment, and collect dragon prestige at the same time!

As a memory of the previous life emerged in my mind.

Zhang Yi opened the map and searched for the keyword "dragon".

Soon, the surrounding area of ​​Dawn City appeared on the map, with dozens of map names about dragons!

Lv202 Black Dragon Palace.

Lv205 Dragon Emperor Temple.

Lv211 Dragon King Island...

Zhang Yi's target is locked on the 205 Dragon Emperor Temple.

It seems that this is just an ordinary 205 level dragon map.

But only Zhang Yi knew: In this Dragon Emperor Temple, a super hidden map of the Dragon Race is buried!

In the last life, after this hidden map of the dragon clan was unearthed, countless players scrambled to level up in it.

Because of the hidden map of the dragon clan, it is possible to collect very rare high-star dragon clan suits!

And also get the reputation of the dragon!

After determining the goal, Zhang Yi and the others set off to the Dragon Emperor Temple.

On the way, I opened the team channel and found that everyone from the Dragon Race was chatting in it. It was a great joy!

Everyone is showing their gains one after another.

Near the first-level main city, there are many places where players can gather medicinal materials.

As the so-called men and women match, work is not tiring.

Dragons and male players all go to the wild to kill monsters, touch corpses, and collect food from monsters.

Female players go to places like gardens and woods to gather medicinal materials.

At this moment, many people have successfully smelted low-level food and medicine.

It's like D-class roast lamb, which can instantly restore 10% of its maximum HP after use.

D-class roast leg of lamb, restore 10% of maximum energy after eating.

You know, the highest level 30 red potion currently available in the store can only restore 500 million blood, and it is still slowly recovering.

And this D-grade food returns blood by percentage. For Zhang Yi, who has a blood volume of four or five billion, or even seven or eight billion, Yiqi Juechen and the others, the recovery effect of D-grade food is far superior to that of high-level red and blue potions. !

The most important thing is: the potion in the store can be used at the same time as the food without conflicting with each other!

In addition, there are also D-level assault potions: increase attack power by 10% within one minute after use.

D-level violent potion: Increases the critical strike rate by 10% within one minute after use.

Class D defensive potion: Increase defense power by 10% within one minute after use, etc...

These are just D-level effects!

In the later stage, these high-grade foods and high-grade medicines are very valuable things.

Because they are the important supplies necessary for many family team players to open up high-level maps!

Seeing everyone working hard, Zhang Yi was also very pleased.

At present, the sub-professional level of dragon clan members is the lowest, and they cannot make high-level food and medicine.

Moreover, there are not many players in Dawn City, and people from other secondary cities have not come yet, and the flow of people in the city is low.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about opening a shop for the time being.

Zhang Yi thought: Wait a month for the end of the [Devil's Breath] mission, and take the right to sublet the restaurant from Kangte.

At that time, most of the dragon people should have reached the A-level or B-level alchemists, cooks, and blacksmiths.

The A~B grade potions and foods manufactured are definitely in demand!

At that time, other second-level main city players almost also came to the first-level main city.

Choosing to open a store at that time can definitely make huge profits!

After making a lot of money, it is to collect materials and build the main player city!

At that time, the Dragon Clan will surely become the Dawn City... No, it should be the first family in the Star Country District to create the main city! Megatron everywhere!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

The minibus has already carried them and successfully reached the destination: lv205 Dragon Emperor Temple.

Located outside the Longhuang Temple.

Looking around, this is indeed a temple.

But this temple is extraordinary.

The appearance of this temple is a huge golden dragon head with magnificence!


When fighting broke out among the three major races.

The dark dragons and ghosts took advantage of the attack, causing the three major races to be hit hard by them.

At that time, humans had not yet created the City of Dawn to defend against foreign enemies.

They suffered strong oppression from the ghost tribe, and suffered heavy casualties.

Later, the sixth-order Guangming Dragon [Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu] assisted humans and repelled the ghosts.

However, the Tianmai Dragon Emperor himself was sacrificed in that war against the ghost clan.

Later, in order to commemorate the Tianmai Dragon Emperor, after the creation of Dawn City, mankind built a temple for the Tianmai Dragon Emperor outside Dawn City for future generations to admire.

This temple is called Longhuang Temple!

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