In order to commemorate the [Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu] who once helped them, the humans of Dawn City built the Dragon Emperor Temple here.

Later, a sudden snake king occupied the Longhuang Temple.

The world believes that this snake king is the reincarnation of the Tianmai Dragon Emperor, so they no longer disturb the Dragon Emperor Temple and allow this snake king to live here.

In the previous life, someone slaughtered the snake king in the Dragon Emperor Temple, and inadvertently activated the Dragon Clan hidden map buried in the Dragon Emperor Temple.

Therefore, if you want to activate the hidden map, you have to kill the snake king first.

"If there is no accident, the next thing to face is likely to be a super boss who is not inferior to Nian Beast."

Stopping a hundred meters away from the Dragon Emperor Temple, Zhang Yi said to the people around him: "The boss must be killed."

Five people picked up the guy one after another and approached the Dragon Emperor Temple.

As the five people got closer.

Inside the Longhuang Temple, there was a low growl!

Yiqi Juechen walked forward holding the shield.

Xing Tian followed closely behind them.

at this time.


Accompanied by a roar.

An extremely thick black giant snake, impressively crawled out of the Dragon Emperor Temple!

A line of blood red IDs on the top of the head is shocking——

Lv205 Tianmai Snake King (Physics Department, 55-star BOSS)!

55-star BOSS!

Although as expected by Zhang Yi, it was a bit close to the 60-year-old beast.

But the monsters on the first-level main city are completely incomparable with those on the second-level main city.

This 55-star 205-level BOSS is worthy of the 70-star BOSS in the second-level main city, which is not an exaggeration!

The powerful aura that shocked from the snake king made several people on the court feel unprecedented deterrence!

Yiqi Juechen asked: "Does it have to be killed?"

"It is not necessary, but it is best to solve it to avoid future troubles." Zhang Yi said: "The entrance to the hidden map is in the temple. You can only enter by killing it. It does not die. We will suffer from it every time we come here. intrusion."

Xing Tian mentioned Long Sword Dao: "Come on then!"

After all, a few people entered a fighting stance.

Zhang Yi immediately mobilized the power of the god-level dragon soul master, for himself, and three teammates except Xing Tian, ​​each applied 100 levels of god-level guardian dragon soul and speed dragon soul, as well as immune control Tyrannosaurus dragon soul!

The next moment, launch an attack!


Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen stepped on the snow on the ground and rushed towards the Snake King.

The fat man is casting a spell in the back, ready to control.

Zhang Yi and the original girl launched a long-range attack.

Everyone is ready to launch a full-scale attack.


Accompanied by a deafening roar.

Countless light waves were shocked from the big mouth of the snake king.

In an instant, all five Zhang Yi were swallowed by Guangbo!

The light wave with a strong repulsive effect forced Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen to retreat steadily.

Because the Tyrannosaurus Rex soul acts on teammates, there is only a 50% probability that it can play the control-free function.

With so many combos of Snake King, it is certainly not possible to trigger exemption every time.

In the process of being constantly repelled.

A series of damages of up to 200 million were madly devouring the blood bars of Xing Tian and Zhang Yi.

The damage they both received was relatively low, because both of them had a body of steel and a guardian dragon soul that was 90% immune to injury.

On the other hand, the Fatty Yiqi Juechen, who only got 50% of the injury-free, were eroded by about 1 billion damage one by one!

There is no time to start any action.

The whole team was maimed!

Then, under the call of the snake king.

Countless level 205 snakes swam over from the snow in all directions, spitting out letters!

Zhang Yi, whose blood bar was knocked out by one-third, was shocked when he looked at the snakes approaching around him.

"It's over."

Zhang Yi knew that the strength of ordinary monsters and bosses in the first-level main city had been greatly strengthened, but he did not expect that their strengthening was so great!

At that time, Zhang Yi, who could easily kill even a 60-star-year beast BOSS in the second-tier main city, actually lost to a 55-star BOSS here!

At this time, the snake king ordered the snake group to surround Zhang Yi and the others.

If it wasn't for the strength of the team, changing to any other team here would have long since destroyed the team.

But even if it is a god-level dragon soul master, a thunder knight, a ghost swordsman, and a judge, the current situation is not optimistic.

"No, it's too strong to fight, let's withdraw first!"

With Yiqi Juechen, the voice just fell.


Accompanied by a deafening dragon cry.

A fire ignited under Zhang Yi and their feet.

Immediately afterwards, Babu, the fifth-order fire dragon emperor, stood in front of Zhang Yi from the air against a blazing fire!

Zhang Yi did not summon the minibus.

It was the minibus that sensed that the owner was in danger and appeared voluntarily!

Protecting Zhang Yi and others behind him, inside the minibus, the unstoppable power of the fifth-order Fire Bathing Dragon Emperor of the Bright Dragon clan broke out.


Roar again.

Even the 55 Star Snake King in front was shocked, and he stepped back a few positions!

Around, countless little snakes did not dare to approach the minibus.

Immediately afterwards, the snake king bowed his head to the minibus, showing a posture of surrender!

Immediately afterwards, the Snake King led a group of little snakes out of the Dragon Emperor Temple and swam towards the middle of the snowy field behind them until they disappeared!

As the court regained silence.

Everyone stayed.

The original flavor girl said in disbelief, "They... are they running away?"

Zhang Yi looked up at the minibus.

Understand that this is the fifth-order dragon king deterring the snake king!

In fact, according to the description of the snake king’s data panel, you can know:

The snake king came to the Dragon Emperor Temple because he admired the Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu.

As a snake, it has always had a dream of transforming a dragon.

The Tianmai Dragon Emperor has always been its belief.

So just now I saw Babu, the fifth-order dragon king from the Guangming dragon clan. The snake king obviously mistakenly identified Babu as the Heavenly Dragon Emperor. He did not dare to be disrespectful to the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, so he chose to retreat!

It was the minibus that saved Zhang Yi and the others!

After the snake king escaped.

Yiqi Juechen couldn't help but sighed: "This snake king, we can't deal with it at this stage."

Level 205 55-star BOSS, players really can't deal with at this stage, even Zhang Yi and the others can't.

I remember the last life, in order to kill this snake king.

A 300,000 super team dispatched the entire army, and finally killed the King Snake at the cost of more than 100,000 casualties!

And at that time, all of them should have reached level 205!

With the snake king evacuated.

Zhang Yi didn't think too much, and immediately entered the Dragon Emperor Temple with Xing Tian and the others.

I saw a stone statue of a giant dragon standing in the temple.

Zhang Yi stepped forward and reached out to touch the stone statue of [Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu].

Ten seconds later.

The earth trembles violently!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Yi and the others hurried out of the temple.

next moment.

I saw that the ground below the temple began to loosen.

Gradually, a huge black pagoda topped the temple and emerged from the ground!

At the same time, a system prompt fell from the sky.

[Announcement for the whole city of Dawn City]: "Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for exploring the hidden map of the dragon [Dragon Emperor Sky Tower]! Reward: experience value x 300 billion! Gold coins x 2000w! Dragon reputation x 300!"

"Ding~The player [Yinuo Qingcheng] has the priority to explore the [Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda] for 7 days. No other players are allowed to enter the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda map without the permission of Yinuo Qingcheng within seven days!"

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