Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1351: 55 Star Dragon Set: God Emperor Set!

When Yiqi Juechen shared the blue robe attribute book in his hand on the team channel.

Everyone was stunned...

[Shen Emperor Tabard] (Thunder) (One of the Thunder Attribute God Emperor Suit Series):

Quality: 55 stars.

Level: 200.

Occupation: magician, beastmaster, priest.

Health: +500 million.

Additional attributes: physical strength x100w, physical strength x100w, endurance x100w, endurance x100w.

Talent: Maximum health +50%.

Enchanting slot: 1 (not enchanted).

Set skills: Thunder (the attacker of the wearer can release lightning, causing an additional 20% lightning damage to the enemy, and paralyzing the enemy for 1 second, making the enemy unable to use basic attacks for 1 second. The same target has 10 seconds CD)

Note: The above is a single effect. The higher the collection degree of the suit, the higher the lightning damage and the longer the paralysis lasts. The seven-piece suit of the highest thunder attribute God Emperor suit can make the wearer get 200% thunder and lightning damage, and the attack causes a paralysis effect for 5 seconds.

Description: The battle robe worn by dragon kings once can empower mortals with the supreme dragons...


"God! 55 Star Dragon Set?"

The original girl was shocked.

Fatty is no exception to them.

Because of them, there are still some 45-50 star equipment.

Even Zhang Yi is only a 51-star emperor suit!

And here, an ordinary monster can drop a 55-star suit...

It's terrifying!

This was in Zhang Yi's expectation.

That's why Zhang Yi didn't waste the rising star stone on the emperor suit before in the streamer city.

Because when it comes to the first-level main city, the equipment system will usher in a huge change, or strengthening.

Regardless of whether the equipment comes with talents or the super talents that are activated after the full level is enhanced, the attributes of the wearer are improved according to the percentage.

And a new "Enchanting" function has been added.

Among the secondary professions, there is a profession called an enchanter.

Enchanters specialize in enchanting equipment.

Of course, players can also go to the city to find professional NPC enchanting masters to enchant equipment, but it will cost a lot of money.

After the equipment is enchanted, according to the enchantment level, you can get a small to huge amount of attribute bonuses.

The higher the enchantment level, the more attribute bonuses.

It is no exaggeration to say: If you are lucky enough to get a golden quality enchantment, its enchantment attribute bonus is definitely not lower than the attribute bonus after the equipment itself has been strengthened at full level!

Therefore, the enchanting function is also an important source for players to improve their strength!

Generally speaking, ordinary equipment is born with only one enchanting slot. After the equipment is fully enhanced, the second slot is opened.

This 55-star God Emperor's battle robe is still okay.

However, Zhang Yi doesn't like the thunder attribute, because although the thunder attribute **** emperor suit also increases lightning damage, it is not much. It mainly focuses on control: paralysis!

In Zhang Yi's impression, in the five-attribute God Emperor suit here in the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower, the one with the highest damage bonus to the player is the shadow attribute.

However, Zhang Yi's words are still more suitable for fire attributes.

Because after the fire dragon soul was strengthened, all Zhang Yi's attacks were accompanied by fire damage.

The fire attribute **** emperor suit is undoubtedly the most beneficial to Zhang Yi!

So, put this jersey away first.

The five Zhang Yi continued to hunt down the fallen black dragon on the first floor of the Dragon Emperor Heaven Tower.

Thanks to Zhang Yi and the others.

At this stage, as any other player, I'm afraid I don't have the ability to fight against level 206 dragon monsters!

Unless it is July to ignite them.

The 300,000 members of the Dragon Clan are all busy fighting monsters in the wild, collecting materials, and then refining medicine and cooking.

What they do is also very important.

After all, when Zhang Yi opens the store in the future, he is counting on them to make high-end medicine and food to make money!

And Zhang Yi and the others, brushing at the Dragon Emperor Heaven Tower, it was a whole day.

In the blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock in the evening!

At this moment, the five people who were still brushing the black dragon on the first floor of the Sky Tower had not much fatigue left, and all of them were exhausted.

Look at the task progress.

Every talent only reaches 30%!

The task requirement is to kill 1000 thunder-attribute fallen black dragons for each person, 30% is 300.

Five people came down to kill 1,500 black dragons in one day, which is already quite effective!

After all, it was on the side of the first-level main city.

If it were changed to the second-tier main city, Zhang Yi could kill tens of thousands of monsters in one day!

From this point of view, it would take two days for five people to complete the task simultaneously!

Seeing that it was too late, a few people evacuated the Dragon Sovereign Sky Tower.

On the way back to Dawn City, I checked the income.

By killing monsters and counting the 300 billion experience rewarded by the system from the previous discovery of the [Dragon Emperor Sky Tower], Zhang Yi's level has risen to level 201.

During the period, a total of 20 pieces of Thunder God Emperor suits were received!

All 200-level 55-star quality.

However, because many parts overlap, plus the division of occupations.

In the end, 20 pieces of equipment did not make up a complete set of Thunder God Emperor suit.

In addition, by touching the corpse after killing monsters each time, Zhang Yi and the others also harvested a lot of D-grade ingredients, forging blueprints and other materials.

Except Zhang Yi and them.

The other members of the dragon clan have gained a good result today.

In the team, there are already many people in the secondary occupation skill gathering technique, all of which have reached the C level!

Because the gathering technique is relatively simple to upgrade, you can use it when you find a plant of medicinal material.

The corpse touch technique must be used on the monster corpse.

How difficult is it to kill monsters in the first-level main city?

It is conceivable that it is definitely very difficult to upgrade the corpse touching technique.

After returning to Dawn City, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian had dinner in a restaurant, and then they went to rest.

The biggest advantage of entering the first-level city in advance is that no one will grab resources with you.

All resources around the first-level main city can be occupied first!

However, there is not much time left for Zhang Yi and the others.

After all, the battle of the gods runner-up main city, as long as the average player level of the whole city reaches 191, you can enter the first-level main city.

With the largest budget, in just one week, players from other second-level main cities will come to the first-level main city one after another.

By that time, there will be countless family teams vying for resources from each other.

But there is no big medicinal forest, just waiting for the dragon people to pick medicinal materials, such a good thing.

In the previous life, in order to compete for resources, wars broke out between the various large teams.

So, in the morning of the next day, Zhang Yi and the others got up and ate breakfast, completed the supply, and then marched into the Dragon Emperor Tian Pagoda again!

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