Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1352: Full upgrade of deputy occupations!

Just as the players of Streamer City are visiting the six major cities of the three major races.

Most of the other players who are still in the second-level city are also eagerly upgrading, wanting to enter the first-level city.

Taking advantage of entering the first-level main city in advance, Zhang Yi ordered the Dragon Clan to seize most of the resources around Dawn City, completing a wave of development in the shortest time.

However, it is not easy to upgrade the sub-professional level.

It takes 10,000 proficiency points to upgrade the sub-professional level from D-level to C-level.

Take the profession of pharmacist alone as an example.

Each time you fail to refine the medicine, you gain 1 proficiency, and you successfully gain 10 proficiency.

The resulting power is only a poor 10%.

Every time you refine medicine, you need a medicinal material.

However, it is difficult to obtain medicinal materials.

So there are too many difficulties faced by vice-professional upgrades!

Only relying on the materials that the people of the dragon race themselves make in the wild every day is not enough.

Once the secondary professional level is raised, there will be more places to be popular behind!

I still remember that in the latter part of the last life, a magical medicine wizard was born in Dawn City.

It is said that the guy is actually a pharmacist, and he is really interested in this aspect.

After he came to Dawn City, he didn't go to fight monsters to level up at all, he spent all day thinking and refining medicine.

Later, when other players were almost level 220, he was only level 200.

However, they used the time of fighting monsters and leveling to refine medicine, and in the end, they became an SSS-level super medicine master!

As the number one and only SSS-level Alchemist in Dawn City.

That guy whose combat effectiveness could be called a fighter in the trash was surprisingly invited by countless senior teams in Dawn City~

It is said that after that guy joined a team, he refined high-level potions for the team every day, and the daily bounty amounted to hundreds of millions of gold coins!

The first-level main city is a place that can create miracles, and the way to a powerful one is not the only way to improve strength.

If you want to make money later, you must be willing to invest in the early stage!

Therefore, before taking advantage of the advanced teams in other main cities to come to Dawn City.

Zhang Yi ordered the dragons to go to the auction house to buy a large amount of food and medicinal materials every day.

In addition, a notice was issued within Quan Shuguang City: Dragon Race purchased a large amount of D-level food materials, medicinal materials, and forging drawings, each at a purchase price of 500 gold coins!

You know: At this stage, the 200-level wild monsters in the first-level main city can only drop 200-300 gold coins on average.

The purchase price of Dragon Race as high as 500 gold coins naturally made the players of Dawn City excited.

As a result, a large number of players started to gather herbs in the wild, fetching ingredients and forging blueprints and other materials, and then sell them to the dragons, even they are not willing to use them!

Because for most players, they spent 20 million gold coins when they learned the two sub-professional skills of gathering and touching corpses, and most of them only learned one.

After learning the skills, he also emptied all of the wealth that had been saved in the second-level main city.

They have to make this money back!

And here is the Dragon Race.

Zhang Yi directly mobilized 90 billion team funds to make big purchases across the city!

Distribute the acquired materials equally to each member of the Dragon Clan, let them cook, refine medicine and forge, and upgrade their sub-professional levels by gaining proficiency!

Make sure that everyone finishes their stamina every day, and buy a primary stamina potion that restores 100 stamina at a time at the store until the number of stamina potions used per day reaches the upper limit (ten times).

Crazy brush proficiency!

After the implementation of this method, the growth rate of all Dragon Clan members' vice-professionals has indeed accelerated a lot.

But the consumption is also huge.

In just three days, more than two-thirds of the Dragon Clan members have reached the C-level as their deputy professional level!

And in these three days, the dragon clan team's capital consumption has also reached an astonishing 20 billion!

On average, almost 7 billion gold coins are consumed every day!

This is definitely not something the average family can afford!

It is also thanks to Zhang Yi who knew that creating the first-level main city would consume a lot of money, so when he was in the second-level main city, he worked hard to save so many gold coins.

In this regard, the Dragon Clan, who is the vice captain of the Dragon Clan, is immortal, and they have begun to doubt.

"Boss, is it worth it for us to do this?"

"This is all about spending money to buy upgrades. It took up 20 billion in just three days...Didn't these money be used to create the main city..."

Zhang Yi replied: "What we are doing now is to pave the way for the creation of the main city."

"Believe me, in a month, the money consumed by the Dragon Race will definitely rise back ten times!"

"Ten times..." the dragon clan said unscrupulously: "200 billion gold coins!"

"The structure is smaller." Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "It's 900 billion, or more."

"Boss, do you want to invest all the 90 billion team funds?!"

"I can't bear to let my children get caught up with wolves." Zhang Yi said: "In the future, you will understand that the current investment is necessary."

When the Dragon Clan's 300,000 people are working together to upgrade their secondary professions.

Zhang Yi was not idle either.

It took three days. Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, Fatty and the original girl five people finally got through the first floor of the Dragon Emperor Heaven Pagoda!

During this period, a total of more than 60 pieces of God Emperor suits and equipment have been exploded. Among them, a complete set of Thunder attribute God Emperor suit fighter sets has finally been collected!

Naturally, this full set of God Emperor suits belonged to Xing Tian.

It's just that Xing Tian's current level is not up to the standard, and he can't wear this 200-level suit.

When he came to Dawn City, he was at level 195 in Xingtian.

Through these three days of hard work, with the rich experience benefits of the 206 dragon monsters, Xing Tian is already 196, not far from the 197.

It is estimated that after the task is handed in, he will be able to rise to level 197.

However, the distance to equip the God Emperor suit is still missing the ignition time.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the five people who successfully completed the task progress directly chose to submit the task directly on the task interface.

"Ding~Congratulations on completing the dragon map task [Dragon King's Fate] (1), and get rewards: experience value x 200 billion! Gold coins x 2 billion (Hundred times the money talent has been triggered), dragon reputation x 200! Get [God Emperor Set Random Box] (Thunder) x3! Get [Elementary Star Rising Stone] x1! [White Enchanted Gems] x1!"


Not surprisingly.

After submitting the task, several golden lights sprinkled from the tops of Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen at the same time, and they both reached level 197 at the same time.

I have to say that the rewards for this task are really generous.

Actually also rewarded a priceless star rising stone, and equipment enchanting gems!

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