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Chapter 1375: A-level architect with a salary of tens of millions!

Eat in the restaurant, Canter look for it?

The words of the NPC waiter at the moment made Zhang Yi a little strange.

So, he followed the NPC to the No. 1 restaurant.

At this time, I was seeing the resurgence of the wind and the wind dominating them, just coming out of the restaurant!

However, there was no hint of joy on their faces, but rather distressed.

Vaguely from their mouths, I heard a few complaints:

"That's right, bastard, isn't it clear that we are playing tricks?"

"Yeah! I said it was good at the beginning, but now I change my mind! Damn!"

Passing by with Zhang Yi and the others, Feng Yun Xiong dominated them and didn't have a good face.

Naturally, they didn't think too much, just as Zhang Yi and the others were here to eat.

Entering the restaurant, Zhang Yi saw Kang Te in a private room on the second floor!

Moreover, several waiters are serving dishes.

Kangte got up, pointed to the empty seat beside the table, and said to Zhang Yi and his fellow Yiqi Juechen Xingtian, "Come on! Sit down!"

"This is...?" Zhang Yi was puzzled.

Conte smiled and said, "Thank you for your life-saving grace in the Wolfwood Grove today!"

"At that time, I just came to life, so I just tried to escape, and there was no time to thank a few benefactors!"

This point made Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, even the NPC knows to be grateful for the first-level main city!

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "It's okay, it's easy. There is no need to eat. We have other things. Let's go ahead."

After all, I am preparing to leave.

Conte suddenly said: "Don't be a benefactor!"

"If you don't eat this meal, my conscience will not make it through!"

At this time, Xing Tian said casually: "If you have a real conscience and want to repay you, it is better to take the restaurant back and rent it to us."

Xing Tian just said casually.

Unexpectedly, Conte immediately responded: "That's what I meant!"

Kangte looked at Zhang Yi and said, "I said when I was in the woodland, whoever can save me, I will give the right to sublet the restaurant to someone!"

Conte seemed to have said this when he was held hostage by Pluto.

But no one took it seriously.

Yiqi Juechen asked, "But... haven't you already rented out the restaurant to someone else?"

"No!" Conte said, "The restaurant is still in my hands and I haven't rented it out."

"I stay here just to rent it to you." In the last sentence, Kang said while looking at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was taken aback.

"Didn't you say that if anyone can help you find the Devil's Breath, you will rent the restaurant to whom?"

"At the time I only said that I would consider it, and did not say that I must rent it to someone who helps me find the Devil's Breath." Conte said, "But in the woodland, I said very clearly that whoever saves me, I will rent the restaurant to it. Who!"

This is a surprise!

Just when Zhang Yi and the others hadn't recovered.

Kangte then said to Zhang Yi: "Someone has just handed the Devil's Breath to me, and I have given him the corresponding reward, but I didn't rent the restaurant to him."

"I know you want to rent here, then I will rent Restaurant No. 1 to you! But Restaurant No. 1 is in a great location and the rent is not cheap. You can't reduce the deposit and rent just because you are my lifesaver! "

Zhang Yi was overjoyed immediately.

Immediately said: "Don't worry, I won't lose a cent for the money I should pay!"

Kang nodded his head: "Then we'll sign the contract when we finish eating."

So everyone sat around the table and started to eat.

For Zhang Yi, this is indeed a surprise!

No wonder they all had a depressed expression when they saw the Fengyun family leave the restaurant just now.

It turned out that it was because Conte did not rent the restaurant to them!

Although the task reward was obtained by the resurgence of the storm.

However, compared with the Legendary Hidden Mission and Restaurant One, the latter will be a hundred times more valuable than the former!

Because the former is a one-time, and the latter is a permanent profit!

Ended this sumptuous dinner.

Conte has also sent someone to draw up a subletting contract.

Because the location of No.1 Restaurant is indeed excellent, and the upstairs and downstairs add up, the venue is not small.

Therefore, its rent has a deposit, which is really not cheap.

The deposit directly reaches 10 billion gold coins!

In addition, the rent is paid once every ten days, and the daily rent is as high as 1 billion!

This amount.

I'm afraid that even if someone from the Fengyun family gets the restaurant, they won't be able to make so much money for a while!

And Zhang Yi had already begun preparations for this before the Demon King was reborn.

Let King Glory and Storm Angel be responsible, and store them in the warehouse. All the low-level medicines and foods made by the dragon members during the practice of alchemy and cooking were sold out, and they sold more than 20 billion gold coins!

Adding some of the remaining team funds, a total of 30 billion gold coins.

20 billion was handed over to Kangte, and the remaining 10 billion can be used to decorate the shop!

As a result, the contract was signed and Zhang Yi officially became the owner of No.1 Restaurant!

Until this time, the Dragon Clan is immortal and they still maintain a suspicious attitude.

Especially after seeing that the rent is so expensive, I became even more suspicious.

"Boss, is it really worth the investment in this store?"

"Whether he is worth it, he has already voted anyway, and there is no other choice." Zhang Yi looked on the surface as if he was not sure about it, but he was already confident in his heart.

He knows: Once the store opens, all the current expenses are not worth mentioning!

So next, I was ready to start decorating things.

After dinner, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yi came to the construction site of Dawn City, where players can spend money to hire senior [architects], build the main city, or decorate shops.

Although this job can be done by players who have mastered the sub-professional [architect], at this stage, the player's architect level is too low, and they are generally the lowest level D-level architects.

The efficiency of the D-level architect is too slow, and the decoration style is also poor. Zhang Yi would rather spend a little more money to hire a senior NPC architect, and he is unwilling to save this money. In the end, he messed up the store that was finally sold.

In the construction site of Dawn City, players can hire architects between D and A levels by spending money.

The higher the level, the faster the efficiency and the higher the construction quality.

D-level architect: 1 million gold coins a day.

C-level architect: 3 million gold coins a day.

B-level architect: 6 million gold coins a day.

A-level architect: 10 million gold coins a day.

The rent of No.1 Restaurant is as high as 1 billion gold coins a day. The sooner it is decorated and opened, the smaller the loss.

Therefore, Zhang Yi spent 1 billion gold coins in one go and hired 100 A-level architects!

This construction site is also generous. Seeing such a big hired worker like Zhang Yi, he directly gave Zhang Yi an S-level contractor and an S-level draftsman~

It's getting late today, and the effective date of No.1 Restaurant's contract will also start tomorrow.

Next, just wait for tomorrow to start! !

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