Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1376: Resource Land: Monster Mountain

Zhang Yi woke up at six o'clock in the morning.

The first thing is to rush to the No. 1 restaurant on Shuguang Street.

At this time, the restaurant has closed.

Because from today, this is Zhang Yi's site!

At this time, it happened that the S-level contractor [Jin Nuo] also brought a large group of A-level architects to the restaurant.

The S-level draftsman [Lier] has already painted the restaurant construction drawings after the renovation according to Zhang Yi's needs last night.

Zhang Yi glanced at the drawing.

According to his request: the auction house on the first floor, mainly for Dawn City players to auction equipment and props.

The second floor is a medicine shop, mainly used to sell medicine and restorative food.

In the construction drawings drawn by Lier, the second floor has been divided into medicines and food.

The overall design style is also good.

Worthy of being an S-level draftsman!

So, under Zhang Yi's authorization, the engineering team entered the arena.

The consumption of one billion a day is absolutely affordable!

The contractor [Jin Nuo] has promised Zhang Yi that the work can be completed within ten days!

After all, it is a group of A-level architects. If you change to the lowest level D-level, it is estimated that it will take one or two months to complete.

Give the shop full authority to Jin Nuo and the others, and then Zhang Yi just waited for the completion day.

Standing on Shuguang Street, Zhang Yi began to look forward to seeing the busy streets even early in the morning.

After ten days, when the shop officially opens, it will be a hot spot in Dawn City!

Came to a restaurant and ate breakfast.

During the banquet, everyone from the Dragon tribe started discussing about the shop.

"Now, this store is taken down. When the decoration is completed, what should be its name?"

As the storm angel's voice just fell.

Everyone yelled a hundred responses--

"It's called No.1 Firm!"

"No, it doesn't correspond to our dragon clan, so it's better to call the dragon clan firm!"

"The captain's reputation is relatively big, called the Yinuo Qingcheng Canteen?"

"What did you think? You have made such a high-end store out of a stall, and it's also a small shop..."

At this time, Zhang Yi said: "I don't have to worry about the name of the store. The decoration will take some time."

"Take advantage of the shop decoration stage, everyone can prepare."

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked the Dragon Clan Immortal: "How many B-level alchemists and cooks are currently in the team?"

"Three hundred thousand people, pharmacists and cooks accounted for 250,000, and they are all Grade B!"

The Dragon Clan said: "According to the big data statistics of Dawn City, there are only 300,000 B-level alchemists and cooks in Dawn City, and our dragon clan accounts for more than 80%!"

Zhang Yi's answer from the immortal dragon clan surprised Zhang Yi.

It seems that the 90 billion investment some time ago was not in vain!

Next, it's time to make money back!

Therefore, Zhang Yi told the dragon clan to immortal: "Let the alchemists and cooks in the team make those high-level medicines and foods. Once they are made, they will stay and sell them directly in our own store. ."

The Dragon Clan nodded: "At the auction house, the prices of B-grade medicine and B-grade food are both very high. Then we can lower the price a little bit and put it on the shelves cheaper than the auction house, which will win some popularity! "

"No." Zhang Yi said: "Advanced medicines and foods are more valuable in the later stages. Their prices will only rise and not fall, especially now that there are few advanced pharmacists and cooks, they are even more valuable."

There happened to be an auction house next door to this restaurant.

The Dragon Clan does not believe in this evil, so he ran to the auction house next door to look at it. Sure enough, he saw that even the D-grade potions and food in it were robbed as soon as they were put on the shelves.

The value of this thing is beyond imagination!

Zhang Yi said based on the experience of people who came here: "Currently, the average player level is low, and many maps above level 200 are suitable for land reclamation. Few people can break through."

"When they have a higher level and go to high-level maps to open up wasteland, these potions and food will be more popular."

"As long as we make it, we don't have to worry about selling it."

The Dragon Race immortal surprised and said: "Okay, then I will order to go down and let the brothers in the team just make medicine!"

However, at this time, everyone greeted a major problem...

"Insufficient ingredients and medicinal materials, how do you fix it?"

This is not only the problem encountered by Zhang Yi and the others.

All pharmacists and cooks will face this problem.

The scarcity of medicinal materials and food materials will cause the alchemists and cooks to be unable to maximize their abilities.

Previously, it was mainly to upgrade the sub-professional level, so I did not hesitate to spend money to buy low-level ingredients and medicinal materials to practice.

And now, since it is to make money, I want to make advanced medicine and food.

It must be high-grade medicinal ingredients.

Buying this stuff again violates the desire to make money.

But if you collect it yourself, it is difficult to collect high-level materials.

Because only B-level corpse touching and gathering techniques can get B-level materials with 100% probability.

However, now, the dragon people are basically C-level corpse touching and gathering skills.

Where can I get a lot of advanced materials?

Just when everyone is facing this problem.

Zhang Yi suddenly looked towards the immortal dragon clan and asked, "What is the overall average level of our dragon clan now?"

"A few are at level 200, most of them are at level 198-199, and the average is level 199." The Dragon Clan said with some pride: "This average level has surpassed most families in Dawn City! Regardless of the number of people, the average In terms of strength, our Dragon Clan can definitely rank in the top five in Dawn City!"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Yi pondered: "199...that should be almost the same."

"What's the end?" asked the Dragon Clan Immortal: "Boss, why are you asking this?"

Zhang Yi got up and said, "Go, take you to a place."

Everyone was dubious, and after breakfast, they followed Zhang Yi and left the restaurant.

Zhang Yi brought only a dozen people from the Dragon Clan core group.

After leaving Dawn City, follow the map to the west of Dawn City, in a huge valley!

Standing under the valley.

The immortal dragon asked: "Where is this?"

"Monster Beast Mountain Range." Long Xing Tianxia on the side checked the description on the map and said, "A 205 level map!"

"Wealth and wealth are in danger." Zhang Yi said: "This place is a bit difficult to overcome, but the resources in it can be said to be inexhaustible."

"True and false, what resource?"

Zhang Yi pretended to be mysterious: "Go in and take a look."

With that said, Zhang Yi took the lead into the valley.

Just stepping into the Monster Beast Mountain Range, in front of the ground, in front of everyone, a red bouquet that looked like a rose bloomed!

As a B-level pharmacist, Ye Jintianming recognized the flower at a glance: "This is a high-level medicinal material!"

After all, Ye Jin Tianming walked over, and collected his waist using a collection technique.

"Ding~ Congratulations on collecting B-grade medicinal material [Blood Leaf Flower] x1!"

"C-level harvesting technique has collected B-level medicinal materials?" Ye Jintian unbelievably took off another red flower by his feet, and got an A-level [Blood Leaf Flower]!

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