The town magic tower was temporarily stuck in the seven towers.

Because the mission of Level 50 of the Seven Towers [Devil Battlefield] is really abnormal!

Players need to kill 5000 [Demonic Beast Spirits] in total to activate the final boss of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Not to mention the scavengers and Lin Qian who felt exhausted physically and mentally after brushing for a few days.

Even Zhang Yi really doesn't have this patience anymore.

Although the rewards of the seven towers are high, it takes at least four or five days to complete the 5000 beast spirits of the Demon Territory.

To spend such a long time on this task, it would be better to spend this time in the dungeon.

Although the dungeon is a normal map, the experience gain is not as good as the magic tower, but at least you can collect the dark key there and brush the dark suit.

So after Zhang Yi and Lin Qian hit the Seven Towers last night, he had already made plans.

Abandon the mission of the seven towers, and now start to attack the dungeon.

Because according to the requirements of Zhang Yi's epic hidden mission [Tower of Demons Suppression]: Zhang Yi wanted to kill the ultimate guarding boss of the seven towers, and he didn't need to complete the seven towers challenge mission.

Although the first pass of the Seven Towers mission will have additional rewards.

For Zhang Yi, who is about to receive an epic hidden mission reward, that extra reward is not uncommon.

But there are always others who will be rare.

After the map of the town magic tower was officially opened, other players came in to complete the task to activate the boss, and Zhang Yi thought of a way to take the last blow of the boss.

Although it was a bit cheap, Zhang Yi couldn't manage that much for this hidden mission that had been working hard for a week.

And these days, except during the daytime, using the identity of "Yinuo Qingcheng" to regularly spawn monsters and level up.

Every night, Zhang Yi will use another identity, the Human Beast Master, to carry out assassination operations against the players of the League of Legends and the two major teams.

Every time, he would be called the second great **** Yiqi Juechen.

Unfortunately, it is not the League of Legends or the end of the war. The players of the two major teams were killed crying and crying.

No one knows the purpose of Zhang Yi's doing this.

However, several teams from Sky and Moonlight City, and even King's Landing, tried their best to protect themselves, and the League of Legends and those who stopped fighting by war did not dare to retaliate against him.

As for Zhang Yi, the Human Beastmaster, his identity was hidden, and they couldn't find it even more. They had to wait passively for Zhang Yi to come to them.

Very late in the evening.

The dark dungeon is very lively.

Players between layers 1-5 are all close to saturation.

Because the entire dungeon has been opened, there is no limit to the drop of the Dark Key now.

Many player teams, after clearing the dungeon, are distributed between the 1-5 floors according to their own strength, and hunt down the 40-50 dark carrion corpses in the city to explode the Dark Key.

At present, the guarding boss on the fifth floor of the dungeon, which is also the ultimate boss of the dark dungeon map, has not yet been refreshed.

Because the refresh condition of the ultimate boss is to [eliminate the darkness] (5) The total number of submissions of this task reaches 1000 times!

Although countless Moonlight City’s high-level individual players, as well as major families and teams, in order to activate the ultimate boss, they are desperately pursuing missions on the fifth floor.

So far, the total number of submissions of the 5th level [Eliminate Darkness] mission has only reached 200!

At this rate, it will take at least three or four days to spawn the ultimate boss.

at this time.

Zhang Yi, scavengers, and Lin Qian flew into the air. They are also on the fifth floor of the dungeon, brushing the 48-50 dark carrion corpses, and collecting the dark key.

Through these days, the dungeon during the day, the magic tower at night, and day and night efforts, the levels of scavengers and Lin Qian have risen quickly.

Scavengers are already level 44.

And Lin Qian, in order to maintain a sense of mystery, always hides her level.

However, even level 44 scavengers can't see Lin Qian's level, so it can be seen that Lin Qian is at least level 45 or 46.

In the words of scavengers: He was only killed once by someone from the League of Legends and dropped a level, otherwise his level must be higher than Lin Qian and the others!

At this stage, according to system statistics, the average level of a million players in Moonlight City is only 42!

Zhang Yi became the bottom of the three, and he is only level 42 now.

Mainly because the 40-level dragon blood knight shared too much experience of Zhang Yi.

If you only promote yourself, Zhang Yi's level must be higher than Moonlight City's top ranking at this moment.

Moonlight City ranks first in the sky, still the anonymous assassin, and has reached level 47!

It is perverted.

This side of the dungeon.

There is still a great risk of spawning monsters at levels six or seven.

White light will light up from time to time in the surrounding crowd hunting 48-50 dark carrion corpses.

In order to hide his identity, Zhang Yi, who had not played the Dragonblood Knight, and the scavengers could only barely deal with the 48-level dark carrion.

After a wave of carrion corpses had just been brushed, a few people gathered in a gap to take medicine and rest.

The scavenger opened the forum and looked at it, and sighed.

"Now all the teams in the city are looking for bosses to use their team orders."

"The top posts are all high-priced bosses. King's Landing, Sky, Celestial Pavilion, Temple, Hall of Fame... are all the more famous teams in our Moonlight City. Even the killer posts of the Human Beastmaster that was popular two days ago, They have all been brushed down!"

Scavengers said while scanning the hot posts on the forum.

Indeed, Junlin hasn't focused on Zhang Yi, the human beast master in the past few days, anyway, they can't find Zhang Yi who is so mysterious, so they simply ignore Zhang Yi.

In the presence of Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue, the scavengers did not reveal Zhang Yi's identity.

"Don't do anything, just find a boss to sell its position. The selling price of a 3-star boss is already 3000 gold coins! At this time, if anyone gets a team building order, whoever gets rich!"

The scavenger slobbered: "If I don't review the picture tonight, I will go out to find the boss and make a fortune!"

Hearing, Lin Qian, who was drinking blue potion, said curiously: "Is the team building order really that important?"


Zhang Yi said: "Because the benefits that the team can bring to players are too big."

"As long as a clan is created, players of the same clan will have an extra experience bonus when teaming up to spawn monsters, and the bonus can reach up to 30%."

"In addition, there are team missions and team matches, which can bring extremely rich rewards."

"And as long as you set up a team, recruiting people will become a breeze."

Zhang Yi said: "Who can create a team first, who is the boss of Moonlight City."

Lin Qian nodded thoughtfully: "Then let's go find the boss to kill, let's make a team building order, and then we will create the first team of Moonlight City!"


The scavengers couldn't help but sprayed out the red potion they had just drunk.

"Auntie, do you know how many bosses those teams have used these days?"

"The team building order is not so explosive."

Lin Qian curled her lips: "You have no pursuit at all."

The scavenger shrugged.

After closing the forum, the scavengers changed hands and clicked on the chat interface, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother, look at the chat and laugh at me hahaha!"

Looking at the scavengers who were laughing, Zhang Yi also opened the main city chat channel, and suddenly saw a few familiar IDs.

[Heroes are immortal] (Male, Level 41 Second Rank fighter): "Fuck! It's night again!"

[The hero is immortal]: "The human beast brother, the beast grandpa, I beg you not to come to our League of Legends, you can go to fight to stop the war tonight, I beg you..."

[Zhan Tianxia] (Male, Rank 40 second-tier fighter): "Your sister, he only came to me last night and was killed twice by him. Tonight, your League of Legends should be unlucky!"

Looking at the chat messages between the heroes who have been killed several times by himself and Zhan Tianxia in the past few days, Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing.

Edited an anonymous message in the main city chat channel and sent it out.

[Anonymous player] (Human, male, Beastmaster): "You two will wash up tonight and wait for me. I will eat everything tonight."

[The hero is immortal]: "It was said that I killed your brother once and you would retaliate against me once. I only killed him once. How many times have you killed me? Can you be a human being!"

[The hero is immortal]: "Fuck! Labor and capital will not leave the city tonight!"

[Zhan Tianxia]: "I won't go out anymore, some kind of come to the safe zone to kill me!"

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