Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue were eating.

The scavenger ran to Zhang Yi and asked in a low voice.

"Brother, what do you mean by spending money to hire Yiqi Juechen every night to find ways to kill the League of Legends and the people who stop the war with war?"

Obviously the scavengers have seen it too.

The first time was to avenge him, but now, Zhang Yi seems to be bloodthirsty.

Zhang Yi just smiled, and did not answer the scavenger's question: "You will know in two days."

The scavenger frowned: "But all the money you spent these days for Yiqi Juechen was borrowed from me. I don't have to wear my almost poor underpants..."


Zhang Yi patted the scavenger on the shoulder and said, "It's okay brother, I can pay you back tomorrow."

The scavenger was dubious: "It's true, plus the money from the Fumo Ling, you already owe me more than 4,000 gold coins, how can you pay it back?"

"My money is borrowed from the brothers in the scavenger group. If you don't pay it back, the next person wanted by the whole city is my brother..."

"You just believe me." Zhang Yi wrote lightly: "Tomorrow, I will definitely pay you back."

After speaking, Zhang Yi stopped taking care of the scavengers.

Tomorrow is Saturday, the day when the Town Magic Tower officially opens.

And in Zhang Yi's bag, there are now 42 Volunteers!

Tomorrow, these Fumo Orders will be valuable.

The scavengers who had nothing to do when they were full, moved from the chat channel in the main city to the forum...

"I go!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the scavengers: "What's wrong, have you discovered the New World?"

"Is Yiqi Juechen so valuable now?"

The scavenger looked at the forum, and he just ignored the top posts, and said: "Several teams have posted to recruit Yiqi Juechen. The recruitment price of Sky and Junlin has reached 9,000 and 10,000 gold, respectively!"

"As long as Yiqi Juechen agrees to join any of their teams, Yiqi Juechen can spend 10,000 gold coins for nothing!"

Da Fei, Xiao Yueyue and the others were all stunned.

"Oh my god!"

Hearing this news, Zhang Yi was shocked.

The history of this life seems to have been tampered with by myself inadvertently!

I remember hearing from scavengers in the previous life that the top master in their main city, Yiqi Juechen, was indeed robbed by many teams before he died, but he was not worth such a high value!

Could it be that these days, Zhang Yi hired Yiqi Juechen every night to help him deal with the people who were fighting to stop the war and the League of Legends. With the power of the two, the two teams were frightened and became famous for their outstanding performance?

Therefore, the people of King's Landing and Sky discovered the value of Yiqi Juechen!

Zhang Yi frowned.

It seemed that I had to speed up the progress, and couldn't let other teams rush to take away Yiqi Juechen.

This top-level expert with a god-level talent ten times to fight injuries must be Zhang Yi's!

At the same time, Zhang Yi also knew that if he didn't change something, Yiqi Juechen would not be far from his death date.

Before that, Zhang Yi still has two people who need to be dealt with.

That is, the hero is immortal and fights the world.

These days, every night I go to the League of Legends and the players who are fighting to stop the battle, but it is not to be refreshing.

It seems that everything is developing in the direction of Zhang Yi's plan.


Lin Qian suddenly found a question: "Why haven't you seen people from King's Landing visit the dungeon?"

"Don't you say I haven't found it yet."

Lin Qian's words reminded the scavengers: "It seems that I didn't see them. Even the people of Sky are cleaning the dungeon. Don't the people of King's Landing even look down on the dark suit?"

Zhang Yi stood up and patted his butt: "Are you hungry?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone shouted: "Hungry..."

"Go, go back to the city and invite you to dinner."

"Wow! Thank you boss!"

Zhang Yi coughed lightly: "However, I don't have any money. Who of you lends me some money first, and you will pay it back tomorrow..."

"Puff...borrow money, please eat!" Lin Qian couldn't help but smile: "Brother Zhang Yi, you won't be too loud!"

"I'll pay it tomorrow, really..."

Zhang Yi was a little excited when he thought of tomorrow when he would transform from a pauper to a big boss.

Lin Qian hid her mouth and smirked: "I'll treat you!"

So, several people submitted tasks and left the dungeon.

Set off to go back to Moonlight City.

This is also the first time Zhang Yi walks home.

Recently, I am indeed poor...

Back in the city, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Moonlight City began to lively again, and tonight, it was exceptionally lively.

Because today is the opening day of [Secret Realm Dungeon] every ten days.

In the world of apocalypse, every month on the 8th, 18th, and 28th of the three days, the secret realm dungeon will be opened on time at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Today is September 18th.

This is a copy set for players of the Beastmaster profession.

After the dungeon is opened, all beast masters who have reached level 30 or above can send a monster to participate in the dungeon.

The beast that successfully clears the dungeon will be rewarded with star +1.

This is why the Dragon Blood Knight has already reached level 30 to enable the star-up function, but Zhang Yi didn't upgrade it to the star.

It's just because conditions don't allow it.

The system announced the opening of the secret realm dungeon three days ago, so the players who gathered in the city, as long as the beastmasters profession, must be directed to the dungeon.

Other players are here to join in the fun.

For Zhang Yi, this is an opportunity to greatly enhance the fighting power of the Dragon Blood Knight.

Since the two skills [Dragon Emperor Guard] and [Dragon Blood Shield] were comprehended before level 30, until now, at level 40, the dragon blood knight has not comprehended the third skill.

And every time Warcraft rises, in addition to increasing the attribute growth, it will definitely comprehend a skill.

The dragon blood knight's current strength is still very strong, but it is not extreme enough.

Zhang Yi wants to raise the dragon blood knight's strength to the extreme through tonight's Secret Realm dungeon.

So, taking advantage of the opportunity of five people gathering together for dinner.

Zhang Yi asked the scavengers: "What happened to what you asked you to prepare for me?"

"Don't worry, brother!"

While eating the hot pot, the scavenger said: "I have already helped you find a teammate in the scavenger group. She can join you in the Secret Realm instance tonight."

As soon as the voice fell, Da Fei, who was at the same table, said with a dazed expression: "Brother Cheng... isn't he a mage?"

"How can he participate in the Secret Realm Dungeon?"

The scavenger was stunned for a moment and scolded himself for leaking.

After a pause, the scavenger quickly explained: "No, no, I just said that I was in a hurry."

"Brother Cheng has a friend of the Beastmaster, who wants to participate in tonight's dungeon, and hasn't found a teammate yet, let me find a teammate for help."

Da Fei was dubious: "That's it..."

The scavenger smiled: "Eat fast, eat fast, don't affect me when I finish my meal and go out to find the boss, make money and make a fortune!"

After dinner.

The scavenger gave Zhang Yi an ID, and then went out of the city to find the boss.

Da Fei scattered with Zhang Yi and the others at the entrance of the restaurant.

Just say goodbye to Zhang Yi and the others, Dafei immediately opened the friends list, entered an ID, then searched for friends and added them.

Only wait for the other party to agree to the friend application.

Dafei immediately sent a message over.

"That Human Race Beastmaster, is it still valuable to you?"

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