Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 229: You lie down, let me take

The Secret Realm dungeon requires two beast masters to team up.

Every one hundred teams is a group.

In each group, in the end, only 10 teams can get the rewards for clearing the level.

In other words, every player who participates in the dungeon has only one tenth of the probability of successfully clearing the dungeon.

The competition is very fierce, and only a powerful Warcraft can pass the test of a copy.

This is also the reason why it became increasingly difficult to survive as a beast master in the previous life.

After eating, it was already seven forty.

There are still twenty minutes before the opening time of the Secret Realm dungeon.

Zhang Yi rushed to the participating venue of the Secret Realm dungeon, while opening the friend list and entering the ID given by the scavenger.

add friend.

After a while, a friend prompt came—

"Ding~ Player [Xue Rou] agreed to your friend's application!"

"Who is Xue Rou?" Lin Qian on the side saw the display panel in front of Zhang Yi, and said with a small eyebrow, "Huangzi found you a female teammate?"

"I don't know, but looking at this ID, it should be a female."

Lin Qian pouted, as if a little jealous.

Soon, the two of them came to the [Secret Pavilion] in the city.

This is specially used to provide the Beastmaster players to participate in the Secret Realm dungeon once every ten days.

Except for the players of the Beastmaster profession, the rest of the players are not eligible to enter the secret hall.

So at this moment, many players gathered outside the Secret Realm Pavilion.

They either simply join in the fun, or come to send relatives and friends to participate in the copy.

Gives people a feeling of parents sending exams...

Upon arriving at the Secret Pavilion, Zhang Yi sent a message to [Xue Rou]: "Are you there yet?"

"Well I'm here, where are you?"

Seeing Xue Rou's reply, Zhang Yi looked around, just to see a sister Yu Beast Master in Qingyi who was looking around not far away.

The ID on the top of the girl's head came into view——

Lv39 Second Rank Beastmaster·Xue Rou!

Good guy, it's only level 39...

Just then, with a "dingdong" sound, the scavenger suddenly sent a message.

"Brother, did you find her? I will give you a carefully selected teammate, rest assured that she is absolutely reliable! You will not be exposed!"

Zhang Yi replied, "You really found a place to lie down for me."

The scavenger smiled: "It's your perverted blood rider, no matter who I call, I don't always lie down~"

"And to be honest, her level is not low in the Beastmaster profession, and now the average level of our Moonlight City Beastmaster is 38, and only your level can remain the same as other professions!"

After a pause, the scavenger went on to say: "Brother, come on, try to pass the dungeon once, I'm going to find the boss, bye!"


Turning off the chat, Zhang Yi walked towards Xue Rou.

She also saw the ID on Zhang Yi's head. After Zhang Yi approached, Xue Rou took the initiative to say hello to Zhang Yi: "Hello, Brother Cheng!"

It seems that the scavengers taught well.


No nonsense, Zhang Yi directly created a team and pulled Xue Rou in.

At this moment, I suddenly received a prompt...

"Ding~your friend [Lin Qian] applied to join the team!"

Zhang Yi turned to look at Lin Qian with her cheeks bulging.

"What are you doing?"

"You two lone men and women, no, I want to watch you!"

Zhang Yi is also speechless: "You are not my girlfriend, let alone we are just going to make a copy of it, like what we said..."

"The Secret Realm dungeon can only team up with two people. You can rest early, I will go to bed after playing Ben in a while."

After speaking, Zhang Yi followed Xue Rou and walked towards the Secret Pavilion.

In the huge secret hall, countless men, women and children, all professional players of the beast master, are all over it.

Everyone is in two or two teams.

Zhang Yi and Xue Rou sat down in a clearing.

Zhang Yi didn't say a word, and didn't even ask Xue Rou, who was his teammate, what kind of Warcraft was from.

Because Zhang Yi teamed up, it was all because of the need for a copy.

As the epic-level monster in the Moonlight City Warcraft List, with the strength of the Dragonblood Knight, it is completely possible to single-handle the Secret Realm dungeon.

Although he didn't play the Beastmaster profession in the previous life, Zhang Yi also had a certain understanding of the rules of the Secret Realm Dungeon.

In the Secret Realm dungeon, the Beastmaster itself cannot use any attacks, and can only control the battle of Warcraft.

And the rules are very simple and rude.

Each group, one hundred teams, were randomly born in different locations on the same map.

In a pk duel with each other, the slain are eliminated directly, and the ten surviving teams within one hour can receive clearance rewards.

If there are more than 10 teams remaining after 1 hour, the ranking will be calculated based on the number of kills.

In addition, if you kill more than 10 monsters from other players, you can pass the dungeon in advance to get the star-rising rewards of monsters.

This Xue Rou is a good girl, Zhang Yi doesn't talk to her, and she doesn't say a word.

Around, the players who were waiting for the dungeon to open were discussing the upcoming Secret Realm dungeon.

"The Secret Realm dungeon rules are so cruel, 100 teams, and only 10 teams can pass in the end!"

"So at this time, it depends on whose monster is strong. Brothers, you'd better pray not to be in a group with me, unless you can beat my 82-qualified high-quality product, the fifth in Moonlight City's Warcraft List [Flame Bat ]!"

"High-quality products? 82 qualifications! Where did I get them, I am envious, I only have ordinary quality, and I only have more than 70 qualifications~"

"Cut, you still pray that you don't encounter the first one on the World of Warcraft list, but they are the epic-level beasts that triggered the announcement of the whole server!"

When the players were talking about it, eight o'clock had arrived.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding~ Attention all players: The Secret Realm Dungeon has been opened, and the system has begun to match the teams for all players and send them to the Dungeon!"


In the secret hall, the surrounding white lights lit up, and the players disappeared one after another.

With the white light falling, Zhang Yi only felt black in front of him, and the two of Xue Rou disappeared in the Secret Realm Pavilion at the same time.

Turning his eyes, he came to a dense forest.

"The Secret Realm Dungeon has officially started, please control your own monsters to defeat the enemy and win! (Note: Death in the Secret Realm of Warcraft will not be punished

As the prompt of the system fell, a white light gleamed in front of Zhang Yi.

The level 40 dragon blood knight was forcibly summoned.

At the same time, in front of Xue Rou, an elf monster with wings was also refreshed.

Xue Rou didn't hide the information of Warcraft.

Zhang Yi glanced.

Normal quality, level 36 1 star priest system [Flower Fairy].

Since Zhang Yi had hidden all the information about the Dragon Blood Knight, Xue Rou didn't know the level of the monster that her teammate had summoned.

The scavengers did not tell her what grade this "City Brother" was in.

Only seeing his beast, it was a harmless knight, Xue Rou suddenly felt that this one must be hopeless.

Because priests are equipped with knights, this is not a suitable combination for pk.

Until then, apart from the greeting when they met, Xue Rou said her first words to Zhang Yi.

"Can we... make it through?"

Zhang Yi, who hid the ID above his head, looked back at Xue Rou who was not confident.

"You lie down, I'll take it."

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