Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 233: Selling Fumo Order at a High Price

Zhang Yi opened the chat interface of the main city, and he saw many players shouting in it.

[Fasting, like water] (Male, level 43 second-turn archer): "Have you ever brushed the running ring task on the city lord and got the reward of overwhelming demon? Purchase the demon order at a high price! (Eat melon) (Eat melon)

[Xiange, Heaven’s Mark] (Male, Level 43 second-tier magician): "100 gold to receive the demon order! Private me with the demon order, the price can still be discussed! (hook finger

[Hall of Fame, Cher] (female, level 44 second-turn archer): "Whoever has a demon order, private me, the price is not a problem!"

[Sky, Lord God] (Male, Rank 45 second-tier fighter): "Starting with 200 gold, a large number of Fumo Orders were acquired, and some private stamps with illustrated books!"

[Little Funny Bi] (Male, Level 42 Second Rank Assassin): "Fuck! I felt that I lost hundreds of millions in an instant! Labor and management had done the task of running the ring on the city lord a few days ago. It was too difficult to hold on and I gave up halfway. ! I knew that the last demon order was so precious, I brushed up the running task every day! It's a big loss! (Fear) (Fear

[Peach] (female, level 42 second rank assassin): "Oh my god, I did this running quest yesterday because someone asked me to do this quest, and he got the reward of the vows for 50 gold coins! I actually sold a 200 gold coin worth of Fumo Order, 50 gold coins! (crying

[Sky, Lord God]: "@桃子, can you still find the person who bought your Fu Mo Ling? Can you push him to me?"

Basically, those who are shouting to subdue the magic order are some high-level players of the clan.

Obviously they have all been to the Demon Suppressing Tower, and because they did not have a demon order, they were intercepted outside the tower.

At the same time, they realized a very important issue:

The gap between the hidden picture and the normal picture is too big!

Take the scavengers, he died in the hands of the hero once before, and his level dropped by 1 level.

Later, after following Zhang Yi's brushing of the Town Demon Tower in the past few days, the level now has to reach the level of the first-line players in Moonlight City!

In contrast, the temptation of the dark dungeon is not as good as the magic tower.

Therefore, if any team can enter the magic tower first and grab resources, which team can develop better than others.

The scavenger looked at Zhang Yi with regret written in his eyes.

These days, he actually sold the Fumo Ling worth 200 gold coins to Zhang Yi at the price of 100 gold coins!

Moreover, he sold for at least thirty or forty yuan!

By holding back his inner joy, Zhang Yi pretended to be calm.

"After breakfast in a while, wait for me and I'll do something."

After eating, Zhang Yi came to the crowded square in the city.

I found an open space and spent 1 gold coin to apply for a booth in the system.

Take out the 10 Yuan Fumo Order from the bag and put it on the booth, Zhang Yi yelled.

"Sell 10 Fumo Order, if you want to buy it as soon as possible!"

Zhang Yi's shout is terrible.

In an instant, countless players gathered on the square, rushing towards Zhang Yi!

In an instant, Zhang Yi was besieged by the surrounding players.

The eyes were cast on the Fumo Order, and the surrounding players gleamed one by one.

"Fuck! Where did so many Fu Mo orders come from?"

Zhang Yi didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject: "The unit price starts at 100 gold coins, and the higher the price is."

As soon as the voice fell, the players were rushing wildly.

"I pay 120 gold!"

"I offer 150 and sell it to me!"

"Brother, I bought all 10 of 1500 gold, the full price!"

"Sell it to me, I will pay 200! Collect as much as you have!"

Prices are still soaring.




Zhang Yi set up a stall in just one minute, and the unit price of Fu Mo Ling was fired to 300 gold coins!

This is more than that.

A voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"4000 gold, I want it all!"

Everyone sucked in cold air.

Looking around, I saw a middle-aged warrior man in scarlet armor walking among the crowd.

A line of white IDs that shocked the surrounding players——

Lv45 Second Rank Warrior Sky, Lord God!

The crowd fell into a lot of discussions.

"Damn! The captain of Sky is here!"

"Lord God, he seems to be the third best God in Moonlight City!"

"It's all level 45, awesome!"

At this time, Sky and the Lord God came to Zhang Yi's booth with several other Sky members around him and squatted down.

Obviously, he did not recognize Zhang Yi's identity.

Looking at the 10 Yuan Fu Mo Ling on the booth, he said to Zhang Yi, "A price of 4000 gold, do you want to sell it?"

"Sell." Zhang Yi certainly didn't hesitate.

After all, he just planned to sell it for 300, not because the main **** came in time.

So, the main **** immediately confronted his teammates, the 44-level magician sky and the king confessed something, and then said to Zhang Yi: "Wait for me, I will let the brothers collect money."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Okay."

After all, at this stage, even if it is Captain Sky, who has already grown to have 3000 people, it is impossible for him to personally take out 4000 gold coins at once.

According to system statistics, the per capita assets of Moonlight City players are no more than 200 gold coins.

Not long after, Sky and His Holiness rushed back with the money.

The main **** was very bold, and immediately entered into a deal with Zhang Yi.

"Ding~ The transaction was successful, you got 4000 gold coins!"

Zhang Yi, who heard this system news, felt like he was dreaming.

4000 gold coins, this is only to sell 10 Fumo orders!

As for Zhang Yi now, except for what he will use later, there are still 30 yuan left!

Of course, the 30 yuan Zhang Yi does not intend to sell it now.

Because he knew that this was not the time when Fumo Ling was the most valuable.

Let the players of the advanced teams in Moonlight City spend a day, and let them spend an anxious day outside the Suppressing Tower.

At night, the value of Fu Mo Ling can definitely rise again!

After closing the transaction, Zhang Yi immediately came to the auction house with a huge sum of 4,000 gold coins.

I probably have to take a look and find that the average price of a white skill book is around 1 gold coin.

A group attack and an increase in blood.

The two skills, Dragon Blood Fury and Dragon Bloodline, are far more valuable than Dragon King Bodyguard and Dragon Blood Shield.

As a result, Zhang Yi spent more than 3,000 gold coins and successively bought 3,000 white skill books!

The conversion of 1 point of experience for each white book is all used to swallow these two skills.

System prompts continued to pass down, and Zhang Yi only heard the two most important prompts:

"Ding~Congratulations on the quality of your Warcraft [Dragon Blood Knight] skill [Dragon Blood Fury] has been upgraded to purple! The next upgrade requires 2000 experience points!"

"Ding~Congratulations on the quality of your monster [Dragon Blood Knight] skill [Dragon Bloodline] upgraded to purple..."

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