The level 40 dragon blood knight, through the upgrade bonus, comes with 13 skill slots.

Rising stars will be rewarded with 4 skill slots.

In addition, Zhang Yi had previously used a skill scroll with 3 skill slots for him, and the total skill slots reached 20.

In addition to the purple holy light self-healing, the blue dragon king guard and dragon blood shield, and green taunts occupy 12 skill slots, the remaining 8 skill slots are just used to carry the purple dragon blood fury and dragon blood. .

One is not more than one is not less, just perfect!

Opening the list of skills of Dragon Blood Knight, Zhang Yi looked at the two skills that he had upgraded to Purple Pin.

[Dragon Blood Fury] (Purple): Release a shock wave to damage enemies within a radius of 50 meters by 12% of their maximum energy and blood, and reduce their attack power by 10% for 10 seconds.

[Dragon Blood] (Purple): Passively increase the maximum blood of the Dragon Knight by 12%.

The purple dragon bloodline, compared to the previous white product, has brought the dragon blood knight a 7% health bonus.

Complete the upgrade of skills.

Zhang Yi opened the status bar and took a look.

I saw that the total blood volume of the Dragon Blood Knight has been increased from 21903 to 23363!

It has risen by more than 1,400!

As a price, in a blink of an eye, there are only 1,000 left for 4,000 gold coins...

The money linked to the talents for Dragon Blood Knight promotion is gone.

At present, the strength of the Dragon Blood Knight can only be said to have reached 70%, and there is still 30% room for improvement.

That is the talent upgrade.

Epic dragon blood knight, talent can be upgraded to epic level.

The quality of the dragon blood knight's talented dragon blood body is still rare.

Talent upgrades can cost more than skill upgrades.

Rare talents are upgraded to epic talents, requiring 1500 experience points, which is 1500 ordinary-level Warcraft contract books.

In the auction house, the average price of an ordinary Warcraft contract book reached 3 gold coins!

That is, if you want to upgrade the talent of the Dragon Blood Knight to an epic level, you still need 4,500 gold coins!

Can only wait for the evening.

In addition, Zhang Yi also saw that there are many 3-star dark suit equipment in the auction house between level 40-50!

The price distribution is also extremely high, probably ranging from 200-500 gold coins.

For Zhang Yi, whose asset dynamic axis is a few thousand dollars, it may not be a big deal.

But the value of a piece of dark equipment at the lowest level can already be worth the full value of ordinary players.

Up to now, the only dark suit Zhang Yi wears are the ring, pants, and hat.

Obtained a 10% skill damage enhancement set bonus.

Zhang Yi wanted to wait until the night to come back, and after all the remaining Fumo Orders were converted into gold coins, he and the Dragon Blood Knights each had a set of dark suits in the auction house.

Zhang Yi is still visiting the auction house.

At this time, the scavenger sent a message: "Brother, I just heard someone say that there was someone on the square selling the vows for 400 gold coins."

"Have you made a fortune? (Laughter) Hurry up, you just owe me 4000 gold coins!"


Zhang Yi replied: "When it's used up, I will sell the Fumo Order to pay you back at night."

Scavenger: "???"

"Damn! What have you done, brother, you have used up the 4000 gold? Have you bought a house in Moonlight City or married a wife?"

"Returning you 5000 with capital and profit at night."

"Brother! We are waiting for you here at the South Gate. Come here!"


Leaving the auction house, rushed to the south gate of Moonlight City.

After completing the rendezvous with the scavenger Lin Qian and the others, a group of five people set off for the underground city.

Zhang Yi did not expect that the secrecy work of scavengers could be done so well.

In front of Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue, the scavengers didn't mention anything about the Devil's Tower.

On the way to the dungeon, the scavenger asked: "After so many days, the dark suit has only collected two pieces. How is your collection progress?"

Lin Qian curled her lips: "Almost, the dark suit is too difficult to explode!"

"No." The scavenger said the most important thing: "On average, 1000-1500 keys of darkness can be exchanged for a piece of dark equipment. If all the more than 7000 keys of darkness in my bag are replaced with darkness at the dungeon guard Suit, among the five of us, at least one is a complete suit!"

I heard the scavengers say, Dafei, Xiaoyueyue, Lin Qian, three people, unbelievable: "You have 7000 dark keys?!"

"But I can only look at it but I can't use it~"

Scavengers are somewhat helpless.

Look at Zhang Yi: "Brother Cheng..."

"Don't ask." Zhang Yi interrupted the scavengers: "Ask is for you to keep. Anyway, it's useful."

"How much do you want to save?"

"Just save, 7000 is not enough."

The scavenger shrugged: "Okay..."

After others have cleared the dungeon, they are desperately swiping the Dark Key to change the dark suit.

Scavengers flew to them, and no one knew what Zhang Yi did with so many dark keys.

The scavengers had to change the subject.

"According to my brothers in the scavenger group, the ultimate boss of the dungeon is about to come out!"

Lin Qian looked forward to it: "The guarding bosses of the previous four levels have reached level 45 and 3 stars."

"Five-tier ultimate guardian boss, the guarantee is also a level 50 3-star!"

"4 stars are possible." Scavengers said: "Now the various teams in Moonlight City are all eyeing the ultimate boss of the underground city."

"That guy, he can definitely make the first team building order in Moonlight City!"

"It is estimated that when the boss comes out, it will cause another **** storm!"

As he said, the scavengers couldn't help sighing: "Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the little ones like us. If we grab the boss, we must not be able to grab the family team."

Zhang Yi was silent.

Several people rushed to the dungeon while chatting.

At this moment, a group of players suddenly blocked the way.

Seeing the sudden group of players, the scavengers were shocked.

Because they are the people of King's Landing!

The scavengers were a little flustered.

Zhang Yi didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, go our way."

Never thought that the group of King's Landing players came for Zhang Yi and the others!

In a short while, together with another group of King's Landing players who came from behind, they surrounded Zhang Yi and the others.

This scene attracted the onlookers and discussions of many passersby players around.

Passerby: "What is the situation, what are the people of King's Landing doing?"

Passer-by: "Who knows, those people inside are probably enemies~"

Passer-by C: "Fuck so many people come here just to deal with these few people? There must be one or two hundred people in this posture of King's Landing!"

King's Landing is indeed well prepared.

Deliberately brought over a hundred advanced players of King's Landing over!

Upon seeing this, the scavengers felt bad: Did they discover the identity of Brother Cheng?

Unexpectedly, the scavengers really got it right!

I saw it jammed among the front gang of King's Landing players.

The leader, the captain of [Junlin], the 44-level second-turn archer [Junlin Tianxia] pointed Zhang Yi, and said, "You are that human beast master, right?"

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