Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 235: The human beastmaster appeared!

Zhang Yi was taken aback for a moment.

Deliberately pointed at the top of his head and pretended to be stupid: "Big brother, wronged, don't you guys see that I am an alien mage?"

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

By the side of King's Landing, the 43rd-level warrior of King's Landing Bahuang thoughtfully said: "Captain, the race logo seems to be displayed forcibly and cannot be hidden."

Looked at the top of Zhang Yi's head.

King's Landing frowned: "Wipe, that guy clearly said...Is it being tricked?"

As if thinking of something, Junlin Tianxia pointed to Zhang Yi and said, "Take off your mask!"

Because King's Landing had seen that human beast master and knew what he looked like.

Not only the King’s Landing the world, but also the King’s Landing Bahuang.

Zhang Yi hesitated.

His move made them even more suspicious of King's Landing.

"He must have used some method to hide the racial identity!"

Junlin Bahuang yelled at Zhang Yi: "Hurry up and take off the mask!"

Zhang Yi sighed, "I wear a mask to hide my ugliness. I am afraid that my appearance will scare you."

"It's okay, we don't dislike you."

Junlin Bahuang seems to have been determined, this person is that Human Race Mage.

As long as he takes off the mask, the answer will be known.

At this time, the scavengers and Lin Qian were panicked.

Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue were both gloating.

Because it is the two of them who leaked secrets to King's Landing!

At this time, Zhang Yi said helplessly: "Then you are mentally prepared."

After speaking, take off the mask.

The two of Junlin Tianxia and Junlin Bahuang, who were looking forward to them, were dumbfounded.

I didn't see the face I expected.

What caught your eye was an ugly man with red birthmarks on the upper half of his face and a few catties of disfigurement!

Both Junlin Tianxia and Junlin Bahuang were taken aback.

The scavengers and Lin Qian on the side were stunned.

At the same time, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi was prepared long ago, and also disguised under the mask.

It's this kind of unexpected situation!

In the impression, the Human Beast Master was very beautiful.

The red-faced man at the moment is obviously not him.

Junlin Bahuang was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I confessed to the wrong person..."

Zhang Yi put on the mask again and said, "It's okay."

Now is not the time to reveal his identity, I have to bear with him for a few more days.

Because these days, it was all due to his current identity to be able to kill monsters and level up in Moonlight City normally.

Otherwise, with King's Landing, League of Legends, and the players who stop the war with war, Zhang Yi will not be able to live a stable life one day.

Quan Dang was a misunderstanding.

As a result, the King's Landing players blocked in front spread out from side to side, giving way to Zhang Yi and the others.

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly ran out.

Fingers reigned over the world and shouted: "You ask my brother to show his ugliness in public, is this the thing?"

When speaking, Dafei carried Zhang Yi and the others on his back, and deliberately winked at King's Landing, which meant to remind King's Landing: This guy is the Human Beastmaster!

However, Junlin Bahuang didn't understand Dafei's reminder. He thought he had facial cramps and shouted, "Could it be possible that you still want us to apologize?"

Da Fei winked desperately there.

"Otherwise? Of course I have to apologize!"

When I thought of this trash daring to send news and play tricks on himself, Junlin Bahuang was so angry that he pointed at Da Fei and shouted, "Do you want to die?"

"Then I will perfect you!"

With that said, Junlin Bahuang drew his sword in a "wow", and without a word, he rushed towards Dafei!

Da Fei was taken aback for a moment.

Obviously I didn't expect that the other party didn't understand what I meant, and I actually thought I was provoking them!

"not me……"

Da Fei just opened his mouth to explain something. In the face of the game, a dozen sharp arrows mixed with magic **** bombarded!

Boom boom boom boom!

Under the concentrated fire attack of more than a dozen advanced archers and magician players in King's Landing, only the second-ranking knight of level 42 flew, and even the shield was not able to be lifted, and he was instantly killed!


The white light lit up, and Da Fei died on the spot, leaving only one piece of armor on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi didn't feel any waves in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

The scavenger, the silly roe deer, was in anger.

The player pointing at King's Landing yelled: "You kill my brother!"

Junlin Bahuang disdainfully said: "He is looking for death, what's the matter, do you want to die too?"

The scavengers who were dazzled by hatred unexpectedly drew their swords in a "rush".

"Don't deceive people too much!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

This feature of scavengers' emphasis on loyalty was understood by Zhang Yi in his previous life.

It's just that the emphasis on righteousness returns to the emphasis on righteousness, his current behavior is like a silly roe!

Sure enough, the "provocation" of the scavengers immediately attracted the hatred of the King's Landing players.

"Seeing that you have the same siblings, let's go to death together!"

With that said, Junlin Bahuang launched a charge cut, rushing towards the scavengers!

The scavengers clenched their daggers and directly launched an assault.

call out!

Instantly flashed to the side of Junlin Bahuang, while avoiding the frontal impact of Junlin Bahuang, he walked around behind him and stabbed him several times.

With the extremely high damage of the 44 second rank assassin, most of the blood of King's Landlord was destroyed in an instant!

With the increase in level, and with Zhang Yi brushing the magic tower of the underground town with Zhang Yi every day, the mission rewarded a lot of bonuses for good equipment.

The current scavengers are quite strong, and they have been able to rank among the top 100 assassins in Moonlight City!

But no matter how powerful he is, he can't compete with King's Landing.

Whoosh whoosh——

Several sharp arrows glowing with cold light flew from the rear.

Relying on the agile positioning, the scavengers hid part of it, but was crippled by the remaining part.

Junlin Bahuang took this opportunity to slash the scavengers to the ground with a heavy sword.

Swing the sword straight at the scavengers.

"You are really looking for death, dare to do something with Lao Tzu!"

The scavenger gritted his teeth: "Only brothers and wives can't be deceived!"

"What a good one!" Junlin Bahuang laughed: "Unfortunately, with your trash, it is hard to protect yourself. Do you have any ability to protect your wife and brothers?"

Looking at the King’s Landing Eight Wilds, who trampled scavengers under their feet.

In Zhang Yi's eyes, a murderous intent emerged.

"Brother Zhang Yi, you can't do it!"

Looking at Zhang Yi who was about to move, Lin Qian next to him quickly whispered to Zhang Yi.

"As soon as you act, your identity is exposed!"

"I'll support Arako!"

With that, Lin Qian pulled out the dagger.

Her current strength is equal to that of scavengers, and she can also enter the top 100 assassins of Moonlight City.

If King's Landing had only seven or eight players, it would still be able to cope with Scavengers and Lin Qian.

But now, the other party has hundreds of people!

Lin Qian went to death, too.

At this moment, Zhang Yi grabbed Lin Qian who was about to rush to rescue the scavengers: "Don't move."

Lin Qian looked back at Zhang Yi, showing her eyebrows, "Can we just watch Huangzi being bullied by them like this?"

"Of course not." Zhang Yi said lightly.

The voice just fell.

Suddenly a scream came from the front.

Immediately afterwards, among the crowd of King's Landing players, a white light lit up.

Accompanied by an exclamation--

"The Human Beastmaster has appeared!"

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