Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 236: What kind of monster is this? !

"Here is he? Where is he!"

Stepping on the Scavenger's King's Landing, hearing the exclamation from the crowd, he quickly looked around.

The human beast master didn't find it.

But behind the King’s Landing player, I saw a knight wearing a fire-red armor, holding a dark shield and a fire spear——

Dragon Blood Knight!

Including Junlin Bahuang and Junlin Tianxia, ​​almost all Junlin players on the field recognized this monster at a glance.

"He is the beast of that Human Beastmaster!"

He looked at the dragon blood knight who suddenly appeared behind the crowd and immediately killed a gray-named King’s Landing Magician player.

Suddenly, all King's Landing players on the field were agitated.

At the same time, when Lin Qian saw the Dragon Blood Knight, she turned around and looked at Zhang Yi with incredible eyes.

Zhang Yi said: "Calm down."

Although Zhang Yi can't do it.

But it doesn't mean that the Dragon Blood Knight can't do it!

On the field, King's Landing World immediately reacted: "That waste beast master is nearby!"

"Find him for me!"

Some people are ordered to find someone, and the king is over the world, and then the remaining players are ordered: "Don't let this monster be alive, the mage shooter, just set the fire for him in one round!"

After that, the players of King's Landing are divided into two groups.

The warrior knights and assassins scattered around, leaving thirty or forty archers and magicians to deal with the dragon blood knights.

In the eyes of King's Landing, even though the strength of this dragon blood knight is very strong, it is absolutely impossible to resist the siege of so many people under him.

It only takes a round of remote fire collection by dozens of archer mages, and you can kill him in seconds without any effort!

It is Bingzhu's such an idea.

With the order of King's Landing.

In the rear, the archers and magicians of King's Landing launched their attacks one after another.

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

Countless sharp arrows and magic **** blasted towards the Dragon Blood Knight.

To stand facing all King's Landing players.

Under Zhang Yi's remote control.

The dragon blood knight's green [Taunt] covers the entire field, reducing the damage caused by all enemy players within the range by 10%.

Immediately afterwards, turn on both [Dragon Emperor's Body] and [Dragon Blood Shield] at the same time.

When all the King’s Landing players and the passersby watching the excitement in the surroundings thought that the Fire Armored Knights were dead.

The dragon blood knight raised the demon shield.

Qiang Qiang!

All the attacks were bombarded within 3 seconds, and half of them were blocked by the Dragon Blood Knight using the Demon Shield!

The next moment, a series of injuries that shocked the audience, jumped from the dragon blood knight's head——






Except for those that fell on the dragon blood knight, all those hit on the devil's shield were unbreakable mandatory damage!

After reaching 3 stars, the basic defense of the Dragon Blood Knight has already been greatly improved.

With the addition of 4 stars to strengthen the full level, the protection of the talented demon shield is full of stars.

King's Landing these 42-44 level archers and wizards, where can they beat the Dragonblood Knights.

And while using the demon shield to block these damages, the dragon blood knight's head suddenly jumped up countless 1968 points of green recovery value!

With more than 30 people in King's Landing, a round of concentrated fire attacks that could kill all in seconds, only knocked out a quarter of the dragon blood knight's blood!

The most terrifying thing is that at the same time that the archers and wizard players of King's Landing attacked the Dragon Blood Knights.

They themselves were affected by the body of dragon blood, and their heads jumped up to 5584 points of huge counter-injury damage!


Seven or eight white lights lit up on the field, and a quarter of the mages and archers in King's Landing were directly killed in seconds!

The rest is also a trace of residual blood!

After all, at this stage, the more than 40-level mages and archers, with average equipment, have the most energy and blood, only six or seven thousand.

Even those King's Landing players have no chance to be shocked.

And the dragon blood knight, it is a purple [Holy Light Self-Healing], a huge amount of recovery of more than 5200 points, almost full of the blood just lost.

"Depend on!"

The crowd exclaimed.

next moment.

The **** gun in the dragon blood knight's hand glowed with a burst of red light.

Dragon Blood Fury!


Pike station.

A strong red light wave rolled towards the surroundings, instantly swallowing all the surrounding archers and mage players who had just launched an attack on him.

The purple dragon blood fury, comes with 12% of the maximum energy and blood damage.

Even if the anti-injury bonuses of Dragon Emperor Guard and Dragon Blood Shield cannot be triggered, plus 10% of Dragon Blood's talent, the final damage factor can reach 22%!

With the dragon blood knight's 23000 blood volume, 22% of the blood volume is drawn, directly on the surrounding king's archers and wizards, bursting 6219 points of damage!


Dozens of white lights light up at the same time.

The remaining twenty-odd blood archers and magicians in King's Landing were all taken seconds.

In an instant, within a 50-meter radius around the Dragon Blood Knight, there was no grass growing.

The audience fell into a deathly silence.

Holding a bloodbath gun and a demon shield, the dragon blood knight standing in the center of countless trophies is like a demon crawling out of hell.

The soldiers and knight players of King's Landing scattered around, as well as the two of King's Landing World and King's Landing Bahuang, were stunned.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, looking at each other.

No one dared to approach the Dragon Blood Knight anymore.

Even Zhang Yi himself was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the dragon blood knight who has been upgraded to 3 stars and comprehended the fury of the dragon blood and the blood of the dragon clan will suddenly become so much stronger!

Zhang Yi couldn't beat a dragon blood knight in this state!

His strength has surpassed his master ten times more!

It seems that the 3000 gold coins smashed on the Dragon Blood Knight tonight is a bit of value.

This Dragon Blood Wrath is really easy to use, but unfortunately, the 60-second cooldown is too long.

Around, countless passers-by players heard the sound of cold breath.

"My mother! What kind of monster is this, too abnormal!"

"It's the first time I saw such a high-damage knight, and he can recover blood by hitting him, shit! It's really abnormal!"

"Even the strength of the beast is so strong, his master, that Human Race Beastmaster can't go to heaven?"

"No wonder King's Landing is going to mobilize so many people to kill that Human Race Beastmaster, his beast is comparable to a little boss!"

"Fuck, I am also a beastmaster, so the difference is so big! Every time the labor-management beasts come out, they are abused in various ways, and they have never been used! If the labor-management beasts can be so powerful, labor and management would rather be single for a hundred years!"

On the court, it took more than ten seconds for King's Landing to recover from the shock.

He also realized a key problem: "As long as the attack is not blocked by his shield, he can't trigger the blood return!"

"He didn't return blood, no matter how high he was, he would be a fart!"

With that said, King's Landing World gave an order to the remaining large group of King's Landing Warrior Assassins and knight players around him: "His anti-injury will not kill us, brothers, kill me and attack his body parts."

"Blast him!"

At this moment, there was a sudden turmoil in the surrounding area.

In a moment, countless players rushed out from the passerby players in all directions, and quickly surrounded them in King's Landing!

I saw that the ID of each group of players' heads all have a common prefix——


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