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Chapter 241: Are you conjoined babies

The appearance of the Human Beastmaster, Zhang Yi, made the heroes immortal and Zhan Tianxia panic.

"Fuck! You called him?"

"I am sick and call him? You found him, right? You framed labor and capital!"

Just as the heroes were fighting against Zhan Tianxia Nest, Zhang Yi said: "Don't fight, I called you to come."

Startled for a moment.

Suddenly, Zhan Tianxia and the hero are immortal, they looked at each other.

Looking at each other.

"Is it an anonymous message from you?"

Zhang Yi said helplessly: "Otherwise you always hide in the city, and I can't let you out."

I have to say that the scavengers have a lot of ghost ideas.

The person who sent an anonymous message to the League of Legends and the Battle to End Battle Team, saying that the Fallen City had spawned a 3-star boss, who was actually a scavenger.

It is precisely by using this point that everyone is finally attracted to the League of Legends and the two major teams!

Unexpectedly, at this time, the heroic immortality actually said to Zhang Yi crying without tears: "Brother, you let me go, I have the old and the young, it is not easy to live!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "You also know that living is not easy."

The hero is immortal and quickly said: "It was I who made the mistake of big brother. I really shouldn't kill your brother that time. I am sorry for you. Please stop targeting me... Brother, brother!"

Even if there are so many people under him, the hero is immortal in front of Zhang Yi.

Because he knows that with the strength of this Human Race Beastmaster, he can take his own first level from a million army, just like exploring the bag.

Fighting the world is to seize the moment.

He said to the hero without any fear: "I'm afraid of being an egg, I used to rely on the second highest ranking player to protect him!"

"Now he is alone, and Yiqi Juechen is not there. With so many of us, do we still need to be afraid of him?"

Stop talking.

I only heard Zhang Yi say, "I'm sorry, he is here this time."

After that, in the darkness behind Zhang Yi, a knight in silver armor walked slowly and stood side by side with Zhang Yi.


Zhan Tianxia was speechless: "Are you two Siamese babies? Why are you always together?"


Station with a spear.

The second person in the Moonlight City Sky Ranking, the 46th-level second-turn knight Yiqi Juechen, and the Dragonblood Knight left and right, stood calmly in front of Zhang Yi like a virgin.

The hero is immortal and fights the world, and he just wants to cry without tears.

The hero who was killed by Zhang Yi three times in a row is immortal, and now he has no chance of resurrection.

The situation in the war world is not optimistic either.

The two looked at each other.

"How to do?"

"What else can I do, run!"

With that said, the two of them couldn't even take care of their surrounding teammates. They turned around and ran away!

However, he stopped after two steps.

Staring dumbfounded at a large group of players who didn't know when they were stuck outside the Fallen City.

That group of players has a very outstanding feature, that is, they are all young and beautiful female players!

In addition, the ID on each girl's head is prefixed with "Hall of Fame".

Among them, the leader, the captain of the Hall of Fame, and the stunning 45-level archer girl Hall of Fame, Cher, took out a silver longbow and held it in his hand.

Said to a group of girls in the Hall of Fame behind him: "Sisters, keep it safe, don't let the League of Legends fight with anyone!"

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of girls in the Hall of Fame players were struggling, blocking the exit of the Fallen City.

The hero is immortal and stays with the world.

Looking back at Zhang Yi in the distance.

The hero is immortal and stunned: "What is your relationship with the Hall of Fame?"

Did not answer the question that the hero is immortal.

Zhang Yi said: "Give you a chance to choose."

"Either, you will tell me all about it tonight."

"Either be loyal to me."

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued: "As long as you are loyal to me, I can guarantee that you will not treat you badly."

"From now on, in Moonlight City, if I take a bite of meat, you will have a slice of it."

The heroes are immortal and the two team leaders of Zhan Tianxia have not spoken yet.

At this time, among the players who stop the battle, a level 43 second-tier knight player [Angel of War] shouted to Zhang Yi: "Why do you let our two teams be loyal to you?"

"Yiqi Juechen, the second highest in Moonlight City, and the Hall of Fame, isn't that enough?"

Zhang Yi said, "If it's not enough, it doesn't matter, there are them."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

In all directions, I don't know when lurking in the Fallen City, countless players rushed out of the darkness!

Thousands of players instantly encircled the League of Legends and the two battle teams, the total of less than six to seven hundred people!

When they saw the IDs on the heads of those players, the people of the two big teams were all stunned.


Among the only five teams in Moonlight City with more than 2,000 people, they are called the first team by Moonlight City players, and the number has reached 3000 sky!

The heroes are immortal and Zhan Tianxia two people can hardly believe that the dignified sky is actually a friend of a human beastmaster!

Even the captain of Sky, Sky and the Lord God, the third person on the Moonlight City Sky Ranking, came personally!

Come to Zhang Yi's side.

sky, the lord **** said to the heroes of immortality and war: "following King's Landing, there is no future."

"Since you have not officially joined King's Landing yet, it is still too late to give up the dark and turn to the Ming."

Even Sky and the Lord God said so personally, they have to believe that the hero is immortal.

This superb Human Race Beastmaster is not only a close friend of life and death with Yiqi Juechen, the second largest **** in Moonlight City.

And there is also the Hall of Fame and Sky to help out at the same time!

This guy is awesome!

While feeling scared, the heroes are immortal and fight the world, and they are all heartened.

If you can team up with Sky, Hall of Fame, Yiqi Juechen, and a top-notch human beings boss, you will be stable in Moonlight City in the future!

Just when the two of them were still hesitating.

Zhang Yi said, "Give you 10 seconds to consider."

After saying that, in all directions, Sky and Hall of Fame players are eager to point their swords at the League of Legends and those who are fighting to stop the war.

At the same time, the hero is immortal and fights the two people in the world, and at the same time receives a message from a friend.

"Ding~The player [Yinuo Qingcheng] applies to add you as a friend!"

Zhan Tianxia's legs trembled, watching the hero immortal and said, "What should I do? Do you want to betray King's Landing?"

"Betrayed a woolen yarn!"

The hero is immortal and said: "Junlin has never recognized us. They simply look down on third-rate teams like us, and just use us to help him do things."

"We are not the people of King's Landing, so how can we betray?"

"In contrast, I need a wise monarch to lead our League of Legends and create brilliance!"

Therefore, Zhang Yi received a message soon after sending a friend request.

"Ding~The player [Heroes Immortal] agreed to your friend's application!"

After a while, I received another message.

"Ding~The player [Zhan Tianxia] agreed to your friend's application!"

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